Judge: ‘Intentional discrimination’ in Arbery trial jury selection – Car Mod Pros Portal

Host of the Law and Crime Network, Brian Buckmire, discusses Judge Timothy Walmsley’s acknowledgement of the “intentional discrimination” of an nearly all-white jury.


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Judge: ‘Intentional discrimination’ in Arbery trial jury selection”
  1. You know you suck when you stack the jury with White jurors and your a$$ gets convicted anyway.🤣🤣🤣

  2. Why is this news? Lawyers do this for every single case. They choose black jurors as much as possible when a black guy is the defendant. This shouldn’t be a shock.

  3. I am glad they were convicted….. But what will be their sentencing? Yes and all white jury in a case like this is definitely a problem. 1 or even 2 Black people doesn't count. It would only be fair if one third of the jury is Black where a Black person is involved in a case. Although the desired result happened that does not mean White folks are racially neutral. This rang bells of the Old South where you had a all white jury and nothing went right for the Black person.

  4. How would stacking the jury with a bunch of racist black people make it a fair trial? A trial of their "peers" would in fact be 12 white men.

  5. So he does have power. He could reseat them if they have ‘discriminatory’ reasons. They gave him a seemingly non discriminatory reasons which he sees right through as in fact discriminatory and is deciding to do nothing. That’s fucked up. He’s lucky that didn’t create jury bias or we would be asking him to resign.

  6. Stacking juries is really, really bad in Canada. In Saskatchewan, when a young Native Canadian man was killed at point blank range by a White man (who owned a bunch of guns without licenses), the defence lawyers wouldn't let a single Native Canadian onto the jury–and I think they could get away with this without even having to provide a REASON/EXCUSE for getting rid of the people they didn't want!

  7. That the defense had the audacity after excluding black jurors to claim the system was biased against them because there were not enough white men over 40 without college degrees named Bubba and Joe SIx-pack to choose from is incredible.

  8. And that my friends is what systematic racism is… excluding Black people from being picked but then not blaming it on their race as the reason.

  9. I just now saw this video and ofcourse knowing now what the outcome was in this trial I can honestly say this Judge was fair and made sure the court followed everything the law states. This Judge didn't let anything or anyone interfere with a fair trial. No matter what the Jury color was anyone could've seen this was a cold blooded murder these three individuals got exactly what they deserved!!

  10. They thought they was going home for thanksgiving😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅one mystery meat sandwich coming up😅😂😅😂😅😂😅all tree. Ugh yall!

  11. And yet no is complaining about the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial , Hennepin County MN where the trial took place is 75% white 11.2% black but the jury was comprised of 6 white 4 black and 2 mixed race , looks like black jurors were grossly over represented . Were is the out cry . He should file for a new trial on the grounds that he was not judged by his peers

  12. You don't think black jurors would be unbias in a case involving the death of a black man come on you baiters you are just setting up outrage regardless of verdict

  13. I don't know why this isn't being tried as a hate crime. If they'd allow'd the comments of Travis in after he killed Arbery and the confederate flag on the truck they were driving. I wouldn't stop for them in a million years.

  14. The defense must aggressively advocate for their client. Anything less would be malpractice and grounds for reversal. If the defense reasonably suspects bias in a juror they must strike a prospective member from the jury.

  15. Not trying to argue or anything cuz these boys belong in prison, but wether the weapon is semi or pump has no bearing. I can pump a shotgun faster than most people can pull a trigger. In self defense u shoot until your life is no longer threatened. Depending on the shot used, they may have missed if it were slugs, bird shot isnt disabling anyone, buck shot will do the job. Often time people gave to use more than 1 shot. Shooting spur of the moment with adrenaline pumping and ur hands shaking is a bit different than taking ur time, getting ur breathing right, lining up a shot, and calmly squeezing the trigger on at a gun range. In high stress situations its common to miss.
    Now ive seen the video and that was plain murder. They had zero reason to stop and murder him. There was no self defense when they could have just kept driving. They hunted that man. They belong in prison.

    Edit: They deserve the death penalty. Anyone willing to hunt someone like an animal deserves to be treated as an animal.

  16. What happened 2excellence in journalism? Doesn't he know that there is no such thing as as African American? Stop talking Brian Buckmore, finish school man. I abhor those who simply accept what is given, embrace the lie, the misdeed, the mis-statement &lower the gates 4the enemy. Our language security is abysmal.

  17. So Black jurors will vote to acquit black defendants and white jurors will vote to acquit white defendants?
    I’m so sick of black whining that everything is racist.

  18. 11 of the 24 strikes were black, therefore 13 of them were not. And with the recent rise in anti-white racism we're seeing in this country is it any wonder these white defendants don't want black jurors judging them. Black defendants don't like white jurors & so I guess it's the same the other way round.

  19. Intentional discriminating when choosing jurors should also works when a black man on trial for deleting a none black person 💁🏽‍♀️anything u allow once expect it twice🤬

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