Former police officer Ricky Minshew testifies in Ahmaud Arbery murder trial

Former police officer Ricky Minshew testifies in Ahmaud Arbery murder trial

The former officer recalls his encounter with William “Roddie” Bryan Jr. following the shooting.


43 thoughts on “Former police officer Ricky Minshew testifies in Ahmaud Arbery murder trial

  1. Roddy had a gun also the click you heard on the video WAS the sound of a gun… not the sound of his seatbelt…… think about it IF you do not click that seatbelt you will hear the annoying ding to remind you…. I DID NOT EVER HEAR THAT DINGING during that video

  2. He was posted at the very path he needed to get out… he was in on it also …. He needs to be charged as well

  3. Wow the fact that Bryan said “stop! What did you steal? What did you do?” and didn’t mention to police any crime that Ahmaud may have committed just shows that they had no proof of anything and witnessed nothing. That does not warrant a citizen’s arrest (as they claim.. the citizen’s arrest thing was probably just an idea they conjured up with their lawyers after the fact to explain their actions). Even the police need probable cause.

  4. My question is. What did the police tell Ahmad's family after they removed his body and reported him dead.? Did they tell his family that he is dead. And they are doing an investigation? When they already had the perps? Did they lie and tell Ahmad's family that they don't know who killed him? I mean. It was 2 months before they were arrested. And what about the police officer who said to the daddy. "Why would we arrest him?" she needs to be questioned.

  5. Doubt very much he said damn joker, but they had to clean up the words for court, officer face lit up when he read it out, as if he knew he said something else and it’s been changed, and those side glances oh boy dead give away, he’s lying too hmm 🤨😔

  6. This boy was the one calling those murderers brother? And go get you a glass of sweet tea? And he was editing the original recording of roddies! Why isn't he being prosecuted!!!???

  7. But wait y'all know there is moooooore right 😂😂😂

    I'm confused why these folks really believe they have POWER over my life when in fact they are the WORSE of the WORST 🤦 Y'all should be embarrassed at this point slapping fake charges on people for funds, locking people up for funds and most importantly ROBBING people for funds…If y'all Think for 1 ounce of a second that framing me was cool then please think again bc I KNOW EVERYTHING

    Stay safe and remember what goes around comes back around, sucks to be YOU right now 💋

  8. I just sent the McMichaels and Bryan a bottle of lube for Christmas ☃️🎄😁.
    #DblockLove 😎

  9. Is this the same officer who was on scene and failed to provide any first aid as the young man was taking his last breath? Also, was more concerned about the murderers having their weapons put up than detaining them….

  10. " The black guy".
    How about the victim?
    This woman is annoying 😡

  11. Is he one of the “good ole boys” that was treating the killers like children and not paying attention to Arbery laying dead on the street?! Fire him

  12. Embarrassment to their families, foreal…

  13. Iemand schrijft dat ahmaud alle mogelijkheden moest zoeken om niet dood geschoten te worden
    maar wat de schrijver, schrijvers niet begrijpen is dat, ahmaud nergens heen kon !!!
    niet bij de omwonenden
    niet in de goot, niet in het bos.
    hij was op die zondag ter dood opgeschreven door 3 jagers !!
    ze hadden al in hun brein
    om hem eerst te laten rennen tot hij niet meer kon rennen
    en toen dat het moment was
    schoten ze hem dood neer !!
    ik ben wel trots op ahmaud dat hij vechtend zijn dood tegemoet ging
    en niet als een doodsbange jongen.
    Rust zacht ahmaud
    zoek ze elke nacht op in hun cel tot hun Laaste adem.

  14. What did someone say again……it’s a good thing black people are not looking for revenge……

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