Kenosha, Wisconsin, on edge

Kenosha, Wisconsin, on edge

The city is preparing for closing arguments in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.



#WorldNewsTonight #Kenosha #KyleRittenhouse #Trials


38 thoughts on “Kenosha, Wisconsin, on edge


  2. Hey, ABC News, you claimed in a report during the trial that the protest was about a black man who was killed by police and actually NAMED Jacob Blake. You are LIARS AND PROPAGANDISTS and your license should be revoked.

  3. F ABC and their Anti-Truth, Anti-Justice, Anti-America And Anti-Journalism dishonest coverage. MSM is the enemy of any person who love America and our rights and freedoms.
    🖕🖕🖕🖕 The MSM

  4. Lesser charges? Literally, go ful a goat 🐐 your telling me, a clowncunt can run into a crowd gun down skateboarders and a federal judge 👨‍⚖️ can say: hey, let’s not charge him with anything serious here. So yeah, go fuk off u Nazis

  5. Seen where there's pallets of bricks in kenosha!Dems=😈

  6. The message is very clear: Riots are permitted. Destruction of our heard-earned civilization is permitted. Self-defense or ANY resistance to those things is a felony. Rioters go free.

  7. You know what. Just let the protestors burn the city down. Then the lame ass mayor will be out of a job. No revenue coming in to the city. No one to pay taxes. So let em burn their own city down. The other alternative is to fight the protestors on the street. Which at that point you are a domestic terrorist unless of course your a BLM kiss ass. Then your a hero. Just ask Joe Biden. He had this all figured out back in august. Why because Biden hates conservatives.

  8. Racial justice protest? No that’s called a riot with BLM terrorists.

  9. 😆 let them riot. That way we get Kyle 2.0 to clean up the streets👌🏼

  10. The kid had every right to defend himself, no question about it, however, what I do have a problem with is that he had no business being down in there in the first place. The danger wasn’t coming to him or his home, he was coming to it.. needed an excuse to play vigilantly “hero”.

  11. Are we protecting the city from "peaceful protesters"? 🤔

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