Ahmaud Arbery homicide trial enters day 9 – Car Mod Pros Portal

The prosecution rested its case yesterday with testimony from the medical examiner and several GBI agents detailing how Arbery was chased down and killed.

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By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Ahmaud Arbery homicide trial enters day 9”
  1. ABC NEWS please change your reporting titles to McMichael, Bryant murder trial, not Ahmad Arbury murder trial. I'm posting this on every News outlet that has the incorrect title or headline

  2. If you kill a suspect on a citizen arrest or any arrest. You better have solid proof. If you say he was stealing, where is the objects he allegedly stole. When you don't have that, then you're are just racist chasing down a man of color like its 1921.

  3. UN and it's agencies are compromised in Ethiopia. UN staff is on tplf payroll.
    Just to give you the highlight
    Tplf has been on the throne for 30 years with all out dictatorship. Tplf stole the whole nation to the bone, they are corrupt government officials. After their down fall their only way of avoiding justice is to retreat to Tigray, held the region hostage and negotiate. While playing these games
    – they manipulate and diverted the whole genuine oromo movement to their advantage.
    – they murdered innocent tigray Ethiopians wearing Ethiopian troops uniform
    – they portray it as the government is all out war with it's own citizens of tigray origin. But the only fact is the war is only with tplf a terrorist group
    – they put UN officials on their payroll, UN and it's agencies did the whole campaign of mis information, misleading, hiding and smuggling weapons/soldiers for them
    -if you go back in tplf history of fighting derg regime they did the same thing, they murder soldiers and hide among innocent civilians. At the time the merciless derg regime murder those tplf gorilla soldiers and the innocent civilians in retaliation. Tplf is doing the same thing now. They murder Ethiopia soldiers and hide among innocent tigray civilians, unlike Derg regime the current military force retreat away from those locations.
    – they manufacture genocide and to top it off, their privileged to go abroad cadres all over the world find news channels make the world sad with fake story.
    – currently they are spreading their cadres in towns and cities with light weapons across Ethiopia.
    – All tplfs are tigrayan Ethiopians but not all tigrayans are tplf. Tplf is a terrorist group, who ever associate with them needed to questioned and investigated. Their arest in different cities can not be compared with taking them to concentration camps.
    – tplf fighters "TDF" fights wearing civilian clothes. The narrative is extremely manipulated
    – Tplf "activists" including diaspora knows which button can easily triger white people and they keep on playing it.

  4. The father/son attempted to make a citizen's arrest after spotting Arbery fleeing (after he was spotted/startled by a neighbor) from the direction of the house that had recently/repeatedly been trespassed upon and from which – in particular, from a boat being store on its property – an item had recently been taken.

    They did this because Arbery fit the description recalled by the son, Travis, of someone he’d seen at the house several days prior, and who he thought may have had a gun (about which he placed a call to the police), as well as of the suspect seen on video at least four times prior. Furthermore, they did this because, according to court testimony, Travis saw the neighbor “’…conveying a clear message’ to the McMichaels, that Arbery was ‘the same guy’ who stopped by the property before… Matt Albenze, who was walking up the street, went like that [motioning a waving hand signal] to Travis and Greg… Greg walks into the yard, actually, and sees Matt Albenze motioning down the street, in the same direction Arbery was running.”

    The above facts constitute a justifiable reason to conduct a citizen's arrest, based upon 1) Probable Cause: Arbery’s repeated, at one time observably surreptitious presence at the house (two weeks prior, when, as noted above, Arbery was hiding from the son, who thought he may have had a gun on him), which would indicate to any rational person that his intent was likely to steal – i.e., that he was committing at least attempted burglary, a felony; and 2) Immediate Knowledge: The McMichaels seeing their neighbor, Matt Albenze – in effect, the epistemic nexus for the McMichaels, tying together Arbery, Arbery’s flight, the house, and thus his putative intentions therein that day – motion with his hands toward the fleeing Arbery while he was calling the police on him, thus, in the McMichaels’ mind, logically connecting Arbery in that moment with the above, rationally inferrable offense of having committed actual or attempted burglary within the house.

    As to self-defense, the son drew his [legal] weapon on a fast-approaching Arbery because 1) as a precaution, due to his aforementioned eye-witness recollection of seeing Arbery at the house several days prior with what, in his mind, may have been a gun; and 2) seeing Arbery presently holding a foreign object (which he subsequently tossed during his flight, after “Roddy” yelled, “Drop it! Drop it!”), which the son may well have inferred was a gun – that is to say, two justifiable reasons for him to have drawn his shotgun on Arbery. Arbery, then, suddenly and violently attacked the son, who, in turn, defended himself with said firearm, resulting in Arbery's untimely, albeit self-precipitated death… Case closed.

  5. When people start spuing TOXIC CRT message toon it out as fast as possible!
    CRT is 🐂💩 in a shiny new package!

  6. I wonder if the defendants will be able to sue ABC News further boldfaced lies. Ahmaud Arbery Was nnot chased down by the defendants, it was he who did the chasing, Charging at the defendant holding the shotgun in an attack to disarm him. Self-defense

  7. Whenever I see the pictures of those three bubbas I really hope they get found guilty. But then I remember they deleted a useless lump of meat and I think maybe it would cause more hissy fits if they were found not guilty. I’m so torn. I don’t know who to loathe more. Hategasm.

  8. Why the hell does Jesse Jackson think he needs to be at this hearing. Wow l don't understand this whole thing… everything is always racist anymore

  9. For decades, Leftists have been teaching people of a certain color that they're neither required nor expected to behave like civilized human beings.
    This is the result.

    "If you don't riot and loot and burn and attack police and churches and destroy private and public property, you ain't black."
    illegitimate President Joe "you ain't Brownshirt" Biden

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