Mamie Mitchell, who called 911 after the fatal “Rust” set shooting, is the latest crew member to sue Alec Baldwin and others involved in the production of the Western film.

#ABCNews #Rust #MarnieMitchell #AlecBaldwin


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “‘Rust’ script supervisor sues Alec Baldwin, producers l GMA”
  1. How disgusting look at them all blaming each other trying to make money rather then em all apologising and all taking their equal share of the blame becuase more then one person is responsible

  2. An angry narcissist, dangerous conditions on set, no script requiring the gun to be fired, a live bullet in the gun, Alec Baldwin claims the gun malfunctioned, Alec Baldwin, producer & actor & David Halls the director of the film 'Rust' both had many previous years of experience on film set gun safety, knowing that the armorer and/or master props person must always be present on the film set at all times.

  3. This lady should be ashamed of herself, money grab . Witnesses said the director told him to point the gun at the camara & simulate him firing gun .. just sad that everyone , nowadays want a payday smh

  4. Wow, these people that were there are talking and that is where the truth is. Sounds like there was negligence and abuse on the set, not to mention misogyny, possibly. It was probably an accident but how weird that that wasn't in the script to fire the gun and that happened.

  5. Very sad, but very simple; Baldwin is totally responsible for killing the crew member and hurting another. His negligence, attitude and ego are a matter of record and now his attitude, iunprofessional behavior and lack of responsibility has cost a life and hurt another.. His "acting" and recent public performance via interview is a disgrace to everyone who is a responsible gun user, an insult to everyone with one grain of common sense and a reflection of a lousy human being to try and excuse his deadly behavior as "not being responsible". Long time coming Alec, but your Karma is waiting at the door in the form of several civil suits and a public opinion that will not forget or ever go away.

  6. Did Alec, perhaps, sexually assault, Rape, threaten 🤔 the cinematographer, and this was his "way out" of the situation?
    Why not?? Prove to us it could never happen. ×_____________________________.

    The D.A. on set may have also been threatened by this goon if he didn't go along with Alec's "goof proof" idea!

  7. Of course Gloria Allred would be part of this. Everyone thinks she is all for women’s rights. She is ALL for her cut in the lawsuit. Please remember her daughter was the one who defended Harvey Weinstein and she told him she was able to defend him Best because she can use the experience that she has some defending women to hurting women.

  8. Get that money 💰 💰💰💰💰

  9. Everyone knows the golden rule, "never point a gun towards anyone; it is always the unloaded gun that kills"…it is not Baldwin's untrue statement, "never point a LOADED gun…" He also said that he never pulled the trigger, but he took direction from Halyna to point the gun at her and pull back the hammer and then to let go of the hammer…which causes the hammer to fly back and hit the bullet…just the same as pulling the trigger after the hammer was set. Baldwin's interview is to blame others and never him…pathetic is an understatement. I hope the world public does not accept this intentional distortion which George is now also a part of this inhuman effort to blame Halyna for her own killing….sure blame a dead person. Sick Sick Sick

  10. Oh please, Mamie!!! Hiring Gloria Alred and claiming emotional distress is a sure fire indication that you are a world class scum bag. Seeking monetary gain from a horrible tragedy like this is repugnant. I hope no one hires her ever again. Moron.

  11. Interview the weird lighting director devil guy! He looks like he'd give a great interview. I'm not much for lawyers but gloria has some cool, thick Elvis hair. I handle at least one firearm several times a day living way back in the woods. It doesn't matter make or model, they don't fire without someone doing a few things to get it to the place of one shot being fatal, especially to someone several feet away

  12. I greatly dislike Alec Baldwin. He's a narcissistic fool. But, he was on set and given a cold gun. He had absolutely no reason to believe it was dangerous. Now tell me that none of you have ever taken a toy gun and pointed it at someone pretending to fire. This is what he did. He had what he thought was a toy. He never expected it to fire a real bullet.

  13. I remember my history class at school being shown an old crossbow from some old Scottish war. It didn’t work of course – but we were told to absolutely not point it at anybody or touch the trigger out of good practice and also basic respect.

    Baldwin should probably get sued for his carelessness.

  14. Throw the book at him. Throw a few gun safety courses in there as well. Nice shot, Alec, you pos. Do a few Trump impressions in prison, maybe you can earn some cigarettes from your little prison buddies

  15. Gloria Allred
    clearly doesn't understand the value of spontaneity during rehearsal

    it can take multiple takes for one scene.
    actors make up all sorts of stuff.
    stuff that helps get them into the vibe of the scene.

    the lawsuit is like a cult following.
    the argument is a bit off.
    she still needs the assurance of justice.

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