According to the WHO, the overall global risk of the Omicron variant is “very high.” | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

According to the World Health Organization, the overall global risk of the Omicron variant is “very high.”

Plus, Ghislaine Maxwell is set to appear in a New York courtroom to face sex trafficking charges.


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “According to the WHO, the overall global risk of the Omicron variant is “very high.” | ABC News”
  1. Fear. All you guys have to go on is fear. You show the hospital beds but everything I’ve heard, it spreads easily and is mostly like a cold. Stop the fear!!!!!!

  2. The omicron variant is another ploy that the left will use for the mid term elections. More fear mongering to have an excuse for mail in ballots.

  3. Why don’t you keep your theories to yourselves and until you know the true data on the Omicron variant, then speak out to the public. It’s never ending !!!!!!

  4. According to me : I live and local Texas cities and counties (government) unconstitutionally taxes my basic survival. People spread the latest omicron virus to each other. I decide to social distance until evil God shuts up killing. Then i live afterwards. 😀

  5. Good news. The virus does not want to kill us. It is sending us variants that will give us antibodies without symptoms. Also, Moderna chief predicts existing vaccines will struggle with Omicron

  6. Delta lie goes – Omicron lie comes – show even more fear an panik — 😂🤣

  7. 👎The corporate press is the enemy of the people. YouTube is hiding Dislikes.👎

  8. OMICRON was made by UK 🇬🇧 cabal in South Africa 🇿🇦.

  9. WHO cares!!!! Lmao 🤣 it’s definitely all a facade
    At this point!

  10. This is America's chance to STOP being the world's pandemic joke with 800K deaths by the end of today.

    Back to square one. Wash your hands, social distance and wear a mask. The WHO simple 3 point plan. Then vaccinate.

    Last year Americans were too simple to follow that message and the teasing and laughing from the rest of the world began.

    There are no microchips in the vaccine. Let's be honest American tech is not smart enough for that yet.

  11. It's just for 15 short days to flatten the epidemiological curve …

    It's just social distancing …

    It's just six feet apart …

    It's just a temporary leave …

    It's just working from home …

    It's just a few layoffs …

    It's just the non-essentials …

    It's just to temporarily shut down your small business …

    It's just to close your church …

    It's just cashless payments …

    It's just to protect you …

    It's just to protect others …

    It s just an online course for one semester …

    It's just an online course for two semesters …

    It is just compulsory so that the children can return to school …

    It's just virtual graduation …

    It's just Christmas alone …

    It's just not being allowed to attend funerals…

    It's just solitary birthdays …

    It's just not to be able to visit grandma in hospital care anymore …

    It's just the temporary cancellation of a flight …

    It's just having to miss a wedding …

    It's just a tissue …

    It's just a face shield …

    It's just something that only healthcare workers have to wear….

    It's just one thing to cover your face …

    It's just two things to cover your face …

    It is just mandatory so that you can take the plane …

    It's just something you have to wear all the time …

    It's just a support check …

    It's just two support checks …

    It's just three support checks …

    It's just a moratorium on evictions …

    It's just another trillion of our taxes …

    It's just unemployment benefits …

    It's just so you can stay home …

    It's just an injection …

    It's just two injections …

    It's just three injections ….

    It's just four injections … 

    It's just completely safe …

    It's just a few side effects …

    It's just a few little reminders …

    It's just so that you don't use affordable horse dewormer…

    It's just an update …

    It's just advice …

    It's just time to deal with the new variant …

    It's just a little card …

    It's just a facial scan …

    It's just a curfew …

    It's just for safety …

    It's just a microchip …

    It's just removing children from their parents to protect the children

    It's just time to deal with the new variant …

    It's just so that everyone can prove that they have got it …

    It's just that the viral load of the unvaccinated is the same as the vaccinated …

    It's just door to door to make sure …

    It's just to separate those who don't want it …

    It's just to take them out of society is all …

    It's just to fight fake news …

    It's just to silence any "misinformation" …

    It's just giving up some of your freedoms so that you can have a bank account …

    It s just to give up your freedoms for more security …

    It's just time to deal with the new variant …

    It's just so you can have a job …

    It's just so you can walk into a store …

    It's just so that we don't take your children away from you …

    It's just so that we can contact you …

    It's just so that we can follow your movements …

    It's just a gold star…

    It's just a train ride…

    It's just a camp….

    It's just a shower….

    Never forget that The State loves you and will protect you from yourself.   

    I did not write this. I saw it on some obscure yt comment and added stuff to it I thought about.  calm down.  I have no idea who started the list but it struck me as powerful and everyone should share it and add to it.  if somebody has a link to the original i'd love to see it

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