ABC News contributor Kate Shaw analyzes the Supreme Court justices’ revealing statements in the Mississippi abortion case that could overturn Roe v. Wade.

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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “‘It does sound like Roe v. Wade will be overturned:’ Legal expert”
  1. Like it or not Roe v. Wade is a very old law that has been abused for far to long….it gives women the right to go out and sleep with as many men as they want and Abortion is always there to save them. How fucking hard is it for a woman to use Protection or to think first ….must be really hard if they can't do it sleeping with a ton of guys and getting Pregnant should make a woman have to learn to be a mother because if your that stupid you should have to face your consequences ….not be a coward and blame them on your unborn child by killing it. It does not matter what anyone says Abortion is plain and simple when a woman takes her mistakes out on her unborn child and sees killing it as a way to get out ….because she is a coward

  2. America, where the Republicans force you to have babies just so they can have the pleasure of denying them healthcare, education, housing, fair wages, safe communities, upward mobility, a comfortable retirement, the American Dream, etc…

  3. Decades late. This isn't a question anymore. Let Roe v Wade burn. Nothing in this country will ever get better until this abomination is destroyed. Your are a murderer if you committed an abortion. Let the lies be removed.

  4. So the rights and beliefs of religious nutters beat the rights of an individual deciding their own future, health and direction. Looks like the US has done it again, we’ll done you pack of religious hypocrites.

  5. Roe vs wade guarantees full term babies will be ripped apart. Might as well just have the baby next day and run over it with a lawn mower (cheaper for tax payers). Wake up libtards!

  6. New life begins, but it takes 9 months of gestation to complete a human being, just as it does at the end of term of elephants, dogs, and other mammals. At any point before, the removal of the fetus renders it unable to live without heroic efforts. It is only with the advent of modern medicine that this situation has arisen. In the Middle Ages Thomas Aquinas kinda figured out (this subject has been revisited many times), that at about 4 months the premature could possibly survive outside the womb. Consequently it was sort of decided that life began when living outside the womb was possible. Your demand that life, and there for citizenship and full rights of the born be granted is not at all practical from any reasonable socio/legal standpoint. As late as the mid 17th century this was still the case and so, a child was one that has been born and is in the world not tethered to the umbilical cord and so an independent being. Under your scheme, every woman woman who gets pregnant in the US will need to get a social security card for the fetus, because, as you claim, it is human and the developmental stages do not count in that humanity and so should have all the rights and privileges of a citizen.

    We must make a cut off to avoid absolute mayhem in this world and draw the line somewhere. If it comes into conflict with your views, that really is too bad, because it cannot be managed in any way, shape or form considering the many pitfalls of pregnancy. It may be a nice idea, but we live in a real world, and if suddenly all this medical technology were taken away and we were left with only basic survival resources, only those who made it to term and were born and had their umbilical cord cut would be considered newly born babies. Only technology has made your argument seem viable. But if a fetus in not viable outside the womb, it is simply not viable and hence not able to survive in the world. Yes it is an ethical question, but not practical in society, primitive, preindustrial, or highly advanced or not, to have this argument. (unless we begin to grow children in vats as pictured in the Matrix where there are no outside influences to interrupt the process).

    Then human to human conception would not longer be necessary ,and your ethical dilemma, sex and all its love and insanity, mating, and all that messy stuff we live with in relationships would be rendered moot. And that is possible. We just haven't gotten to that point yet. Is that what you want? If so, you are a bit ahead of the curve of manufacturing babies in test tubes (not counting in vitro fertilization) which we are already able to do. The other would make women redundant in this sphere of human a relationships. Here is the scenario: "Surrender your eggs to the authorities, have your tubes tied, and have a nice asexual life….. we will take care of gestation for you" (Science fiction now. Science fact in the future). Here is your future, then:

  7. If it's overturned, it doesn't mean abortion is banned, it means it's up to states whether they want to completely ban it or not. Right now, states cannot ban abortion completely, but they can if it's overturned. Liberals states will most likely keep abortion legal. So, all in all, it won't really change that much.

  8. I'm pro life and pro choice, just not pro death, abortion is a procedure that should only be used to protect the mother in some rare scenarios. It should not be used to killed the child in the mother's womb for the choices the mother and father made, or not understanding the consequences of their action. Ending a life is not a quick fix, it's evil and murder should be illegal in a society. These men/women can instead go and have an operation which will make them infertile and have all the sex that they want. I won't stop them. Though I would suggest otherwise cause it's unwise. But it's okay, you can always adopt and its just clump of cells! What? You don't want an irreversible procedure on your body ? I don't want an irreversible procedure that ends babies life's!

  9. Factual evidence of the cost of abortion restrictions in women's lives: If other countries are a guide, abortion restrictions won’t reduce the number of abortions that take place: According to the Guttmacher Institute, abortion rates in countries where abortion is legal are similar to those in countries where it’s illegal. In parts of the world where abortion is illegal, botched abortions still cause about 8 to 11 percent of all maternal deaths, or about 30,000 each year."

  10. Imagine if women had control over male fertility. Imagine if they made decisions over male fertility. What a different world we would be living in.

  11. Justice Sotomayor is stupid to say overturning Roe v Wade would stain the SCOTUS. A law is overturned because it is unjust; because it offends justice, right, morality, common sense… there is no proviso or requirement to expand rights when you overturn a law.

  12. Slavery would have been overturned (overruled) by the Supreme Court if not for the constitutional amendment outlawing slavery. So the SCOTUS can and should overturn a law which does not make sense and has no basis (per incuriam).

    On abortion, women could be harmed by being forced to carry a foetus to full term. Why have a baby just to give it up?

  13. Hello breeders. Did you ever stop to consider that giving life is also giving an eventual death sentence to that child in the future? How many abortions have saved so many souls from being murdered? How many future murderers have been aborted? How many future drug addicts were aborted and did not need to suffer such a fate?
    I would like that to sink in nice and DEEP!

  14. Best thing to happen in years. Can’t wait to see it overturned!!! There is no constitutional right to murder..

  15. The ruling doesn't ban anything. it merely allows the people of each state to vote on the legality of abortion. The libs fear what they know….that the people don't want abortion to be legal.

  16. Isn't she the same lady who said that Kyle Rittenhouse was going to be charged with something I hope she's wrong on this too I really do because I mean the separation of church and state was what the founding fathers built the constitution on and to you know change these laws back to some archaic press it in which we don't even view women as property anymore but taking away their rights and ability to choose is how is this even being discussed let alone a possibility how frightening to be an American at this time

  17. If you ask me to define myself as either "pro-life" or "pro-abortion", I would have to answer I am "pro all three lives".

    I am pro life, with reservation for extreme and rare exceptions handled appropriately, such as malformation, or the shared reluctance of both parents in accordance and in accountability before the law. We cannot and should not obligate women to bear children, but we can make a society and a culture that results in very rarely occurring undesired cases warranting abortion, and when we do it it should be not involving dismembering, but through much more compassionate passive methods.

    The key in my understanding of this subject matter, is equalizing the male's participation in every instance and at ever level according to his gender role before the question of a possible abortion. If the male does not want an abortion then the baby should be born, just as today we honor the women's wish regardless of the male's disposition. If a male forced himself or attempts to disappear, the law should bring him to accountability at the time of that abortion, and not treat the two matters separately. What this means is that if a woman presents herself independently before a doctor to have an abortion, it should be illegal to hide it from the father, and it should be the woman's and the state's responsibility to present that father before the medical institution and the law before the abortion in those cases where he is not present or cannot be immediately located in order to obtain his recognition and acknowledgment of the situation, as well as his wishes. Extremely dishonoring circumstances such as rape would at this point offer the women the option of aborting, but only after the transgression was made evident.

    The point of this different way of reasoning abortion is that by installing these new or rather revised principals and values through the law, our future generations will have a different much more responsible and mature attitude as part of their cultural personality towards sex, honing our future youth to know how to burden properly the responsibility of sex rather than already start early on thinking of delegating it to the medical institution or the area of civil rights law, which today are thought of as being there to clean up our mistakes and neglects.

    Pregnancy and the unfortunate event of an abortion should be about how human we are, and what caliber character of a society we build for our country. It should not be a matter of pseudo-logical ideologies focused on directing people's behaviour or their thinking. It should be a matter of shoring up the natural social form evolution gave us including its natural psychology by being sensitive and responsive to its unchangeable design. Needless to say we should also make an effort at the cultural level and stop teaching our youth and children that sex is just a passtime or adventure, or a question of category choices and social groupings. We need to become a more responsible and mature society about our true physiological form and about ourselves by being more observant and mindful of our naturally evolved form, rather than think we can instruct our social form through conceptual structurally artificial ideas based on creative life philosophies.This is how we will come to have tomorrow a tiny fraction of the number of abortions we have today. We will achieve it by addressing the rights and responsibilities of all three lives, not just two lives, not just only the will of one of the three beings who are concerned in the matter, finally solving the problem through a natural conscientious balance that should work itself out with our proper support in the right places. A problem we ourselves created the day medicine made available this lamentable self deprecating procedure.

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