SCOTUS won’t stop Texas abortion ban l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Supreme Court left in place Texas’ restrictive ban on abortions but will allow abortion providers to sue the state over the law.

#ABCNews #SCOTUS #Abortion #Texas #SB8


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “SCOTUS won’t stop Texas abortion ban l ABC News”
  1. Abortion is the most barbaric thing I've ever heard of. This is 2021 people. The world should be better than this !! They accused Pres. Trump us snatching Babies from Mothers arms, Like that was terrible, but it's ok to brutally Kill these babies and snatch from their mothers womb. BARBARIC. What are we turning into to allow this to continue. There are plenty of ways to keep from getting pregnant.

  2. Texas isn’t technically a state – it’s a republic not a commonwealth. Abortions isn’t contraception

    Save the babies 👶

  3. If you don't want to get pregnant, use a contraceptive. Would this be easier than killing your baby ? Why are there so many pro-abortion fans that weren't aborted in the first place ?? Maybe they should ask their moms.

  4. There are woman out there who have had abortions and regret what they have done and except Jesus into their lives and ask for forgiveness, then there is these cry baby devils who have murdered not their child but Gods Child! Remember that you devils Gods children not yours! A man and a woman don't bring life into this world God does. I feel so bad for those woman who have made a wrong decision and regret it afterwards. The woman who find Jesus I am praying with you. You devils I am not.

  5. The issue is, why do women want to be able to murder their child in the first place. It’s not up for debate. Wether or not it’s murder. It is, Regardless what the Law is. So why do woman have this vile urge? And why do we as a people allow it? It’s abhorrent and history will show us as evil generations.

  6. Republicans oppose gun control laws that may save lives by preventing an unstable individual from obtaining firearms because it infringes on the rights of individuals.

    Republicans oppose mandatory vaccinations, lockdown orders and mask mandates that may save lives, especially the weak, sick or elderly; because it infringes on the rights of individuals.

    Also Republicans; in favor of laws that infringes on the individual rights and personal autonomy of women by forcing them to carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

    Rules for thee not for me.

  7. Why are Republicans against maternity leave and against a monthly stipend for children, but are for abortions?
    They are just using stupid people for votes. They don’t care a lot of these Republican states have high birth mortality rates, and they don’t help enough if you have a baby with a mental/medical problem.
    They only do what they need to get 40% of the votes as they don’t need 50% to win with gerrymandering etc.. Then Republicans just look after the rich. They have 2.3 Trillion in tax cuts for the rich, but not 150 billion a year for normal people.

  8. Can't find anywhere in the Constitution or any of the amendments that allows the execution of an unborn child.
    No magic wand is waived that suddenly turns it in to a living being.
    Liberal have you been justifying murders for years. All because you believe you are more important than the child.

  9. Sex before marriage is a sin no pill needed if you obey God's laws. But what He said doesnt matter until the judgement. What ever happened to that part.


    Once the Republicans take full power, they will require all unmarried women over 14 to wear a chastity belt to preserve their virginity and prevent pregnancy for those who are not virgins.

  11. "It's about state's rights".

    You know that leads to states creating discriminatory laws and regulations.

    It's funny that THE STATE is who people here are trusting when THE STATE does not follow the rules unless they get into trouble and need to answer to federal law.

    States will make all the laws in the world to meet the interests of their constituents. NOT the stupid citizens who still believe if the state does something they like…it's working for them.

    Someone said "liberals" only like the federal government when they do things they agree with.

    Same thing applies to both "sides".

    P.s. Texas is one of the most expensive states to live in. It has infrastructure issues that have been ignored for 35 years….

    I would look into who will benefit from this, because it won't be zygotes.

    Critical thinking caps, people. You think this is about your opinion but now that it's been ruled, how many of you will be donating to institutions that take care of the people affected by abortion bans.

    MEN: men also believe in abortion. Men also choose abortion. Men are the main income earners statistically and already they cannot support large families without assistance

    WOMEN: it goes without saying that pregnancy is one of the most dangerous experiences many will go through. Pregnancy is not easy. Pregnancy can cause FATAL symptoms.

    Women do not know they are pregnant within 6 weeks. Hell, WE DON'T GET APPOINTMENTS FOR CARE until 3-4 weeks! A normal call from someone who has taken a home test is
    "Hi, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive."
    "Ok let's get you scheduled for an appointment……my next availability is going to be 1-2 weeks out"
    "And you let us know if you have any questions or need to be seen earlier, mkaaaay *click*"

    CHILDREN: Ever met a foster child? Ever met a child in the STATES care system? It's awful and full of abuse, rape, neglect and trauma. Adopted people? They often go their whole lives working with abandonment, imposter syndrome and the dichotomy of wanting to know who they are vs knowing who someone made you to be.

    Ever been the child of a rape victim. The amount of resentment that seeps through even in a loving family.

    Think about children born of children. What's that influence on the families. Does grandma need to quit her job to help raise their 15 hear olds child? How does a person who cannot WORK support an infant?

    Well….to fix a lot of these issues they will tax you more. Then you will be mad at people for not "using protection" if they cant financially or emotionally support a child. WHICH IS THE MAIN POINT OF ABORTION.

    You cant force people to use protection or be sterilized because you think abortion is bad.

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