Pope speaks of abuse, ignores call to resign – Car Mod Pros Portal

Pope Francis described his meeting with survivors of abuse in Ireland but did not mention an allegation that he ignored a U.S. Cardinal’s sexual misconduct.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Pope speaks of abuse, ignores call to resign”
  1. You are blsphmemy I dont take it back and its been known I swore it and everything so no I'm not for youre pleasure and you're not the creater I don't take it back and you are blasphemy.

  2. I don't know everything except for what my father told me and my mother and a few others but I have told you and michealzedic you say is who and I say yes I have known him and so I also say it will be up to him but I'm an single me an I and there is not any collective thuogh yes there is but my bill is in the interest of individual's or single persons and not in dictatorship but actual faith in micheal not the subjectively of the want of abomniation and these who say they have a right with me are not intitled to live in my life and further more will not as I have sworn to all and all know I not a lier and will die and no you don't have rights with thuogh yes Michael dose the rest do not and it is blasphemy to say otherwise.

  3. We cannot condone Sexual Assault by anyone!  We now have to protect our children. Public Documents of Pope covicted of seexually abusing kids "2014 Pope Docket".  Do you research. We cannot condone Sexual Assault by anyone!  We now have to protect our children from our Religious leaders. 
    P-O-P-E Protector Of Pedophiles Everywhere. This should matter to the church. They can do better to fix this and hold these men accountable.  They arent Gods, but man! Save the Children!

  4. There is only one Christian faith which semi-civilized Europe, the Roman Catholic faith. The Vatican was high jacked in 1958 by a faction of French Freemason Cardinals. This faction put two Freemasons back to back in charge and the upshot was a council that declared the Muslim’s god is synonymous with the Christian God. This of course is heresy and heresy is a sin against the Holy Spirit and will not be forgiven. 99% of those claiming to be Catholic are heretics. Francis is not a Catholic, not a priest, bishop or pope.
    The Holy Spirit is restrained by the near complete apostasy from the faith. The world is covered in darkness and this will get worse until Rome returns to the faith. Prophesy states that Rome will not return and will be completely destroyed.

  5. I am not god but l know that this is going to continue if we let there laws control us. If anyone in the general population committed these perverse crimes , and to this degree. These people would be arrested now. This pope is not god. We are all in this house and we are not controlled by crimminals who moleste innocent people. Light a candle where ever you live for those who have suffered and still suffer without justice. I have lite a candle for all of us even if we are hurt and angry. God's light hold it high for the dark to see. 😇👍

  6. If this pope continues we all will be giving power to child molesters. Let's keep building strength and courage in the true God. And light candles everywhere to let the dark we are here and we will fight for the truth . Forward soldiers of the real god.

  7. Where are your ROOTS
    Luke 6:43-45
    43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
    45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

  8. Pope Francis was the Jesuit General ruling Argentina from the back halls of that government during “the disappearances” of over 30,000 people. They were kidnapped, whisked off in unmarked cars never to be seen again. They were then taken up in aircraft and pushed out to fall to their deaths. They were dropped over land and over the Atlantic.

    Listen to the videos of courageous men like Eric Jon Phelps for more of this hidden information. And for the Jesuit pope to come to America, be fawned over by a prostrate adoring press was astounding g to see. Then for him to address Congress precisely on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the Day of Reconciliation, the High holy day was an outrage. This was over the top in its usurpation and its trampling upon the Holy things reserved for Christ the Messiah.

  9. All of the things asked for you pope to do were for your saving grace! To save you and show you want no part of this scam! But you dare destroy your good works through actions, you know actions speak louder then words! And you dare mock God at the sence. And his sence of evil coming this cult? Look I'm not God. Just closer to him then you could ever be! Not in power but by my real birth in the heaven before this life. And I dare declare war i spirit against a Lucifer. Who thinks his my lord my God and my ruler. AND who dares mock the request to stop shaming the attention of jesus christ on alters. You have shown your pride. And for that everyone will hate the catholic church and everyone close to it in industries. And Hollywood will betray you. And Disney will blast you as an enemy!

  10. You pope challenge all of us. Believers also. And the church of God will rebel against you. You are no lord over us! No stupid spiritual being ever should be over anyone as a covering. And then this pope said that without his church everyone is going to hel!? His antichrist and he has no forgiveness of he stays in the church.

  11. No real prophet of God is stupid to the attacks of satan. Or why does he seek forgiveness? This is a chain of people who call themself the best of the best as close to God as the holiest of angels. So why are they stupid? And to be the only supreme govt over yourself and not accept advice from your people is to think you own them. You pope have rebelled against the secret ones living on earth who are truly of a tree life force. And you curse them and mock them saying who is like me?! Well I tell your body to fall and never rise again and all who are with you. Is my wish to your pride and forever! In your pridefullness that is now locked and sealed to your future. Pathetic acts!

  12. Everyone has perverts and anyone is a pervert. But when you know a house full of children is burning on fire and let's it happen. The why say your of God. What prophet ever of God on the holy bible let the children to burn in hell and suffer forever?

  13. The only higher authority is God and he refuses to quit? As you wish! You are forgiven but truly your acts will determine where you go. Heaven or hell. And what happens next. So it is in your hands and I seal your fate at your request to remain. But know this is your trap and your wish. Never say you didn't get a chance. Bye . May Gods power devour you

  14. I hope all you children wake up and see religion for what it is and start believing in yourself and humanity instead of ancient systems of hierarchy and control

  15. St. Malachy 104- Religio Despopulata- Religion destroyed. He is not responsible for what happened, but they will point on him in order to save themselves.

  16. Satan lives with these so called priests. Who are they really working For? It sure is not God that's for sure. Saving there virginity for children and claiming to praise God is disgusting on all levels. From the top all the way down.

  17. One does not have to attend church to live their lives proper. Standing in a church makes you no more of a good person, with good character and good morale compass than standing in my garage makes me a car. I urge everyone to just worship in their own time in their own homes amongst their own families as supporting these tricksters is not getting you any closer to your God. Modern day snake oil salesmen at best.

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