Lewinsky shuts down interview after Clinton question – Car Mod Pros Portal

Monica Lewinsky said a journalist’s question about her relationship with former President Bill Clinton crossed the line and walked off the stage at a Jerusalem conference.


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Lewinsky shuts down interview after Clinton question”
  1. Just a thought as Monica walked off and some clapped (presumably in her favor): As viewers, we give these media outlets the power they have. And in times like this interview, when we know the person being interviewed is not being given their full dignity and humanity, I think it's important to speak out against the interviewer and the network that employs them. Don't just clap for Monica standing up for herself. Boo the interviewer for crossing her boundaries. We keep letting people in media and other positions of power dictate other people's narratives and it's time to give the microphones back to the underdogs. Period.

  2. People want to say she was an adult, yea ok I get 21-22 is an adult by number. But was she mature? No! Was she naive like most young people are at that age? Yes, very! Was she manipulated, used and abused for other folks political agenda? YES! Was Linda Tripp betrayal have a motive behind it? You bet their was! Even more so she was probably jealous of Monica’s youth that she knew no man would ever look at her that way. Trust me, I know lowlife women like her. They disgust me. Oh and when she died you didn’t see a tear drop from me or anyone else I know. She was nothing but a Fckn Judas!

  3. Lewinsky told Barbara Walters saying her and Bill Clinton was fooling around sexually but no penetration only playing each other also she said it is their own affair nobody’s business their relationship doesn’t hurt Clinton’s judgement as president of United States.so basically she felt no guilt.she was the one who showed her thong to Bill Clinton.

  4. Yes she done the truth in a good way for herself , anytime you spend your life trying even as American deal with socealpaths in that kind of inviornment its one more day you give to them rather then being happy with your life and putting your exspetaions in a woman that has no heart , she needs to believe in the heart she has not the polical sceams of what they got going of trying to be a country they are not

  5. Really she opened a can of women and only developed women having an affair is morally wrong you made your bed and you are not letting it go repent my dear and accept Jesus as your personal saviour I pray you will to save yourself and if you don’t you will always be tormented 😩

  6. ummmm she got famous because she got with the president like wtf ..is she expecting not to hear the bill clinton name again?get the fuck out of here u fuck a married man…that was not ecen a bad question….monica u aint got no talent people knowin u for fuckin bill..calm down

  7. That was not "storming" off the stage. She just walked off the stage. I applaud her for leaving, there was a deal that that question was off-limits and the interviewer broke it.

  8. I think its incredibly disgusting that some of you here are bringing up her past actions with Bill Clinton. We all know what she did and its not necessary that you reinform us, thank you. We've all done things we're not proud of and the only difference between us and Monica is that she had a camera pointed at her. Dont get on here like your all angels or holier than thou because your a human and no better of a person than her. It's God's place to judge and He says that the same measure of judgment you use on others will be used unto you. Now have a good day.

  9. The whole perspective about women standing up for themselves… uhh if Hillary would’ve divorced Clinton after the affair that would’ve shown women to not deal with that shit and stand up for yourselves, not to just act like nothing happened and just blame and point fingers at the mistress, a man will be a man and cheat right? So let’s just not bother him… fuck that women need to have a little more dignity and not be afraid of being alone and dinging someone else and start fresh

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