Mixed reaction to Colin Kaepernick’s Nike campaign – Car Mod Pros Portal

Some angry customers are burning their sneakers in reaction to the former NFL quarterback’s “Just Do It” ad while others are praising the campaign and its star.

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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Mixed reaction to Colin Kaepernick’s Nike campaign”
  1. Rosa Parks sat down on a bus toward the back, she’d been working all day, her feet hurt. And then the bus driver asked her to move so that a white man could have the seat, well for some reason she’d had enough of that sort of treatment and refused, they had her arrested and it made the news. At the moment she made that decision she didn’t know that it was going to be one of the starting points for fighting racial injustice, she didn’t even know anybody word know her name, but because she made that decision to not be treated that way that day, her name will always be tied in with the fight for equality, and racial injustice.. Colin Kaepernick not knowing, honors her memory and the memories of so many others who just had enough, not for the fame but just because it was the right thing to do. How many politicians wanted there pictures taken with Dr. King and Ms. Parks.(Nike)

  2. Colin's skills diminished almost over night without their being a major injury. His muscle mass and confidence diminished equally as fast. I didn't do my post-grad work at Oxford, but I know a needle shooter when I see one. Heavy steroid, testosterone, and human growth hormone use can work wonders. It can also be brutally obvious when the athlete ceases to use those drugs. I don't respect the attempt at being a marter. Michael Vick received three more chances after he was released from prison. He retired as a Steeler and took the Eagles to the playoffs. His life choices were absolutely atrocious compared to anyone other then Rae Carruth and Anthony Smith and they're both murderers. Colin is not in the NFL because he stopped using drugs and became a sub-par player, not because of the refusal to stand for the National anthem.

  3. 😒 And another thing, he never said or did anything wrong by kneeling. He explained EXACTLY why he was kneeling and exercising his first amendment right. And you STILL made up your OWN reasom for him kneeling. Even though his reason for kneeling for what is a fact to everyone in this country and every other country. And that's that black men in THIS country ARE indeed killed by authority beyond and alarming rate. And that this country by THAT fact and the condition of our vetrans alone is NOT living up to the very words of the song. 😒 he showed that you CAN get your point across without violence, looting or 😒 🔥 burning things and 😖 THAT'S not good enough. You're BIG MAD and completely pathetic. You should be ashamed but you're not. Ill tell u one thing, 😂😂😂😂 nike will be here and nothing will compare to it after we're all dead and gone.

  4. And if THIS doesn't prove JUST how racist white America is, idk WHAT will…. 😂😂😂😂Classic case of "what you eat doesn't make me shit". Who burns their own things to prove a point? Nike will not fall without your 💰. But they will because of ours. THAT'S why they risked having him represent their brand at such a crucial moment in his career and what he CLEARLY stands for. You wanna stand up for something meaningful for a change? Try actually taking the money you blow on bullshit, getting dirty and helping the very veteran you say you have sooooo much respect for, yet walk past everyday. The one that you're too good or too busy to ✋ for and do something for someone without it having to benefit YOU!!! 😒 until then, sit back and deny the fact that every time you light 🔥 to a pc of that brand you further prove what we've been saying all along.
    😕 you're racists. (Not all but most)

  5. I won’t say I’m a supporter of kaepernick and kneeling during the anthem but that commercial was pretty cool.

  6. If you won't salute the flag it just shows you don't like America. If that's the case there's tons of other places you can live. As an N.F.L. player you have certain requirements, all jobs do. So if you don't like to work there are plenty of other options like camping in your car. I'll never buy Nike again unless it's at a garage sale.

  7. Today's generation is so ignorant of American and world history that they just don't realize that the only reason we aren't speaking German is the American flag and the people who fought for it and the Russian people who fought WWII on the eastern front. Kaepernick is basically a uneducated fool who knows nothing of American history.

  8. I don't respect any one who disrespect the flag really tom Brady a cheat William,s a sore loser kap a joke if you don't like this country get the hell out I'm sure another country. We'll treat you better kap Nike is a joke pay kids a dollar a day to make them and charge you fools 100 to 200 to bye them who is the fool

  9. So he did what he did, Nothing at all changed and the rest of the NFL players are not standing by him or else they would do something to keep it going. Or is it that nobody else thinks the issue is as big as the media made it out to be? I guess we will have to wait for another incident for the media to twist and get everyone riled up to find out if anyone gives a shit or needs attention drawn to themselves. Can anyone name any of the firefighters that died trying to save people from burning buildings or on 9/11? Just wondering how important that is to people. Don’t people protest all the time? What’s their names?

  10. How many of you that stand with Kapernick will go to your employers tomorrow and kneel regularly during a period of time every single day at your jobs in solidarity with him in front of your clients & your boss regardless of what your employer asks/requires? None of you would do it against company rules or your boss' request because you will be fired. Everyone claims that it's his legal & constitutional right. But no one ever questions where do all of our rights end. It's famously been said that your rights end at the tip of my nose, meaning you can't exercise your rights if it takes my rights away. Kapernick works for an employer and he was imposing his personal opinion on his employer's dime rather than on his own. If these actions are hurting the NFL, no one has the right to impose anything on their employers and customers. If you owned a business and your employees all chose to do something on company time that you objected to, you'd have the right to fire them if they refused to stop. The hypocrisy is self-evident. No one has the right to force anyone have to put up with their personal wishes against the rights of those that pay them. The Yankees impose a dress code and grooming code where they don't allow for long hair or beards and no one has the right to force them to change it. If the players don't like it, they can do a Kapernick and leave.

  11. Kapernick has never been black listed. There are numerous players who are black but play really well that haven't lost their jobs. Kapernick had One single good year then played so badly in his 2nd year that he was benched. Regardless of what you want to believe, look up teams that have offered Kapernick a job and you'll read that at least 2 teams offered him jobs, he refused them. Either it was one of these 2 teams or there was a 3rd team that offered him a job but they said the team rules are that you stand for the flag, he refused the offer. Black listing can't be done in the NFL simply based on his race or his protest; Per the Washington Post, the NFL would run out of players since approximatly 70% of the players are black.

  12. I honestly don’t think America is under oppression. Yes discrimination and racism exists…not just in America. Want to know where real oppression is, North Korea, Syria, many Middle East countries etc…if y’all think US is under oppression, y’all out of your mind.

  13. The backlash and people burning there nike stuff just goes to show how much and how widespread racism still is in america not to mention it shows that we as a people are still divided by hatred

  14. Hahahaha fuck Colin. Over paid Nancy boy raised by white people in a country that allows that opportunity. He isn't a hero. Overpaid human throwing a ball. Police brutality will continue and is alive and prevalent in this country. Throw the ball and shut the fuck up, Its that simple…hahahaha I hope the NFL goes down in flames😈😈😈

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