Woman helped rescue family with baby from Hurricane Florence – Car Mod Pros Portal

Jameesha Harris spoke to “GMA” about the family she rescued from a flooded home near New Bern, North Carolina.


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47 thoughts on “Woman helped rescue family with baby from Hurricane Florence”
  1. Thank you Jameesha! I'm glad you were able to help the man & his kids! Thank you also for mentioning that folk need to stop being critical of those who didn't/couldn't leave. This is my hometown area & it breaks my heart to see all of this.

  2. Thank you Jameesha! I'm glad you were able to help the man & his kids! Thank you also for mentioning that folk need to stop being critical of those who didn't/couldn't leave. This is my hometown area & it breaks my heart to see all of this.

  3. Everyone has a reason for what they do. I can honestly say that I DON'T ASSUME TO KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO UNLESS I WAS IN THEIR SITUATION !!! I'm sure the first responders would rather people get out but I don't think I've EVER heard one say that people are stupid for staying. This is what they train and prepare for. Over the years I have watched these Hurricaines develop only to slow down once they reach landfall. I'm in California and there was a fire in the hills above my neighborhood. We were told to evacuate but I was alone. I cried as I tried to decide what to take. At first I wasn't going to leave but once I saw the flames, I decided to leave. I live at the bottom of the hill, so when I tried to get out, the traffic above me was so horrible and NO ONE wanted to stop and let me out!! I had to finally force someone to let me go. I used to look at people and not understand why they don't leave year after year while California burns then has flash floods that wash away debris. Now, I say if someone passes away trying to protect their home, it won't affect you and judging by a lot of these responses, you wouldn't care!! Lives can be lost, assuredly, but many lives will be saved by neighbors who stayed and assist them. I'm glad that someone like Jameesha and her family didn't pass judgement, they did what GOOD people do, CARE!!! I'LL BE LOOKING FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CALLED PEOPLE NAMES BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T LEAVE, AS YOU INTERVIEW THEM AND ASK THEM WHY???? Be proactive not sudden reaction.

  4. Some people don't have the means, some refuse to believe it will be really bad, some are drunk, some don't speak English, some are illegals and are afraid to come forward, some are retarded, some are ill, some are defiant – don't oversimplify and make it all about money.

  5. I thought the state offered travel to a safe spot for free? Because once the storm comes and the water is too high you need to be rescued anyway. Now you're putting rescuers lives in jeopardy.

  6. Thank you for helping those people during hurricane FLORENCE ☔💧💘💕

  7. Stop blaming, start feeling gratitude for lives saved, you shouldn't judge until you have been in their shoes. If you want to fight, fight against the spread of hate in this country. We are all humans. You never know when you may need help. The good things about this country start with each of us. Be good to each other.

  8. U r a hero honey..and valid that u trust to work with officials.. u r an angel..May God keep his hand of protection on you and all helping like u.

  9. Should have their baby taken away for not leaving when told to do so. When they get rescued they're still in the same situation. Only now they risked other peoples lives.

  10. God bless you for helping. Your right 100% don't Judge. Some people for reasons they couldn't leave. Again stay safe Praying for Everyone safety and Health. Sending you Strength along with prayers. From Cape Coral Florida. I was in Irma. But you all have it MUCH Worse. 🙏🙏❤

  11. god love u girl so true last year for irma i was in florida n everyone is like get out get out well we didnt have money to get out n finally a family member wired me money which was our godsend but we had no money to leave so i so feeeeel for all struggling thru this monster. what a great person you are. hugs to you

  12. I feel sorry for handicap's and elder's but they were p[lace to go for others they add few days warning to go to a shelter was it any help days before storm?????????????

  13. Please pray for the victims I am now type if this before it hitting me in the middle of N.C. but please pray and mostly for the people out there that will have a bad time during the hurricane.

  14. God bless this woman for staying behind to help people who are staying behind, we need more people like this lady, my God Bless her…

  15. Thank you Jameesha, we need more people like you in this world. This is so terrifying to watch, we all fear for the people who do not have the means to get out.

  16. During Irma last year we debated leaving or staying, I knew if we left we would have to do it early but we had jobs and pets, pretty quickly the gas and supplies were gone and we had to stay even though we prepared as much as we could, , it's hard to imagine when we are so used to it being plentiful but things can run out in your region when everyone gets scared, sometimes have no choice but to stay and make do…we got lucky that time, many who left were stranded on the road or were followed by the storm, hope every one stays safe and so grateful people are helping one another.

  17. I don’t care how poor you are. I have no money but I can buy peanuts and grab my sleeping bag and GTFO of town.

  18. I feel those people staying I stayed in my house in San Diego in 2007 right till the fire was burning my barn in my yard it was horrible losing our entire town almost so I understand what these people are going through.

  19. God has blessed you with a heart for others. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  20. Amazing woman with a caring heart! Need more like you.
    Don’t judge them was my favorite part

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