Growing Pressure In Race To Evacuate Afghanistan As Withdrawal Deadline Nears – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. and NATO allies have just one week to pull out all their citizens and vulnerable Afghans after the Taliban insisted they’d accept no extensions beyond the August 31 deadline.
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#News #Afghanistan #Taliban


By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Growing Pressure In Race To Evacuate Afghanistan As Withdrawal Deadline Nears”
  1. The US bears full responsibility for the takeover of Afghanistan by the brutal Taliban/ISIS fanatics. The Soviet union went in 1979 to take care of these characters. Russian Spetznas and MI24 helicopters had completely decimated the forerunners of the Taliban. That is until the neocons in Washington decided to stick it to Russia and arm the " brave freedom fighters" with stinger missles. Even when the Russians decided to withdraw, they did so in good formation and not in chaos as has beset the Americans. They left intact a well trained and capable Afghan military that held on to the major population centers of the country and only succumbed with the fall of the Soviet Union when military resupplies stopped. The only purpose for the US presence in Afghanistan was to provide a beach head to gain control of central Asia to surround Russia. The result has been those once "brave freedom fighters" that neocons once helped against "brutal Soviet aggression" are now running them out of town in full retreat.

  2. I'm barely have a words all I knew is when sn anger called and there's a war in my thoughts in some way of turning point of the situation in hope of the leaders in holy vision if faith can move a mountain and how hard of peace could be for their own children growing up in a harmony kingdom

  3. Id order dozens of pizzas on the Talibans tab

    Nelson laugh flying out 😅🤣

  4. South Korea government succeeded the evacuation of 380 Afghans who worked with Koreans and they arrived this morning in South Korea… the only country who succeeded the mission 100% to save people…

  5. Here's a possibility I would like EVERYONE to contemplate as we look at the events that have transpired in the US and Afghanistan since Biden's inauguration in January 2021. As you think about these next words understand my position which is as follows: Usually the simplest explanation is the most logical explanation.

    So therefore isn't it possible that almost every decision Biden has made (with the influence of his party, cabinet, donors, Wall St. and other financial powers, the DNC, and all the federal agency "deep state" authorities, etc. … have been made on behalf of what CHINA wants the administration to do?

    What, you say? Well … if there are multiple hard drives of HUNTER Biden's "business" dealings (i.e. "Biden Family Crime Ring") and other thumb drives in the possession of the CCP, too, then all the chaos has a simple explanation. Assume you are President Xi or any other high China official and you contact the White House and tell them you want certain things done or certain actions taken in their behalf (i.e. specific "carve outs" or spending in coming Democrat bills/legislation) … and you tell "Joe & Company" that if their "request" (ahem) is not followed there will be data, conversations, pictures, financial information and names of other DC political or agency officials released to select outlets (in short, a THREAT or extortion of the President), well …. you KNOW Joe will capitulate because he has no choice, SO … in the case of all that has happened in 7 months doesn't this make sense?? The simplest explanation is the most logical explanation.

    Now, a comment on these semi-daily briefings held by our U.S. "Military Officials" — If I hear another comment inr "bureau speak" or speech that is meant to sound intelligent and informed (but isn't), I am going to cyber-blast my way to those in Washington who need a good citizen whooping.

    When they talk about American citizen people movement in Kabul and say things like: "we have people moving through weigh stations" and the "throughput" is improving, it makes our people sound like cattle. And then they talk about the "inter-agency" and the "whole of government approach" (stolen from the Trump Administration years) and doing work "over the horizon" makes using platitudes written by the elites offer sense of everything by using comfort words completely nonsensical and despicable.

    Today Gen. Hank Taylor and Pentagon spokesman Jon Kirby (a dumber lookalike version of Jim Comey) talked about "equipment retrograded" as part of the pullout/surrender strategy destined for the end of August. Today is Tue. 8/24 @3:00 pm. That the Biden Admin. has shuffled their scheduled 1:00 pm press conference to 4:30 pm. That tells you all you need to know about incoherence … and also about NOT wanting to tank the stock market today. Don't mess with American citizens, their brethren, their food, religion, freedoms (including speech) and all the other liberties we currently enjoy. But our current leadership has destabilized the WORLD … with no answers as to how restoration of that can happen. No hope, "NO JOKE" as Biden says.

    It is REALLY clear to me who is running the White House. Call "Obama 3.0" … It is 80% Obama decision-makers with it being Susan Rice and the Obama leftovers calling the shots, along with Ben "Echo Chamber" Rhodes leading all spin campaigning. Recall that he was the one leading the lying and spinning coming out of the Benghazi Embassy attack. Now this current Afghanistan disaster … new real and perceived actual/PR disaster, same orchestra leader of spin and spin control.
    We are 11 days into this Afghanistan mess since it began on 8/13. There are 7 days left in the month. The President, staff of the White House, Pentagon, military leaders need to work around the clock … PERIOD! Americans and people of our allies will otherwise NEEDLESSLY die.

    5:20 pm — Biden says the G7 have agreed to stand firm and support his position. The key question: What did THEY get out of this agreement? The chance to send all their temporary "REFUGEES" to the US? NOTE: Biden did use the word "refugees" one time toward the end of his staff-written comments. It sounded passive and softer in tone (almost as if he wanted to slide it by listeners ears.

    The word "refugee" means ANYONE who comes into this country is ENTITLED to free health care, education, regular/consistent monetary aid, free housing (you read that right!), food assistance and more. Who will pay for that? You KNOW the answer!
    I am sure that there are other entitled benefits which new arrivals will receive. But you know who pays in the end.

    The WOKE will CHOKE … and then make YOU BROKE! Under the broad theme of "WE GET WHAT WE ACCEPT," Americans must rise and say (to our politicians): "How dare you try and raise people's taxes in the coming spending bills? How dare you? We've funded $2.2 trillion dollars to the Taliban in the form of nation-building spending, left-behind $85 billion in military equipment and gear by Biden's actions, we've handed all the American military bases and buildings to them, too … paid by taxpayers … in withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

    The current administration has counted 1.3 million people as having crossed our US southern border, another estimated 550,000 "got-aways" (in seven months), paying for transportation (airfare, buses) of the "refugees" ("climate change," economic) paying for hotel rooms across the country (averaged cost of $135/night), and paying for other "necessities." Do the math on that total.

    We hear if hundreds of millions of spending each year in "wasteful spending" … and Biden wants to expand his IRS agents by over 800 people in his $3.5+ trillion spending package. There is so much more in federal spending going on that is UNNECESSARY, there is absolutely NO reason American taxpayers should be told that they will have to pay more. That is INSANE!

    There has been NO society in the history of the world that has been able to "TAX and SPEND" it's way into prosperity. We are not an exception. Currently at least 28+ TRILLION in debt, Biden and Democrats desire to add another 6 Trillion in crushing debt onto the American people. Anyone else remember back to the Reagan presidency when 1 Trillion in debt was considered crippling and the end of the world?? ___________________________

  6. Texas, Missouri, and Colorado Special Ops and Battalions deployed yesterday to go to Afghanistan to help get our Americans and Allies out, and help our U.S. Soldiers safely evacuate. THANK YOU, U.S. MILITARY SPECIAL.OPS!!! Not sure why this isn't being nationally reported, but it was in our local headline news, and according to the article they didn't ask, they requested and demanded to go, and loaded up, and went via their State Officials approving their request/demand to go. Biden had no part of the approval process.

  7. I am so glad this is NOTHING like Saigon in 1975………

  8. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2 Timothy 3:1. Repent and be saved before it is to late, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved .


    Where was the sympathy when the US were bombing Afghanistan for 20 years?

    The US LOST and Losers cannot dictate convenient evacuation terms to the winners.

  10. ISLAM means PEACE.

    The Taliban are on the extreme side of the Muslim faith but they are Muslim.


    Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen.

  11. We are not even being protected here at home…Our governance spent months & millions investigating in front of the whole world a sole woman's accusation about inappropriate behavior that was not even substantiated by her very best friend & ally (Bret Kavanaugh & Christine Blasey Ford investigation). They scoured this man's past & high school yearbook looking for A CLUE to see if he ever did what see claimed in hopes to discover anything at all. But when the American public truly needs our leadership to investigate the origins & truths about a virus that's literally entering our families lives & homes, sickening & killing them, all we get is bickering & in-fighting in hopes that one party ends up on the right side of history so they can use the tragedy of the American people as leverage to win votes so we can empower them. SO TWISTED & BEYOND IMMORAL.

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