President Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh during Supreme Court swearing-in ceremony

President Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh during Supreme Court swearing-in ceremony

Trump apologized to incoming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Monday evening “for the terrible pain and suffering” that he and his family endured during his confirmation process.


33 thoughts on “President Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh during Supreme Court swearing-in ceremony

  1. Suck it, demonrats! 🖕

  2. I find it interesting that Republicans got all triggered when Obama apologized on behalf of the United States for U.S behavior (implied) under George W. Bush because apologizing for U.S action was un-acceptable but when Trump apologizes on behalf of the United States, that's ok.

    High standards applied to Democrats none whatsoever to Republicans.

  3. The Democrats should be the ones apologizing.
    As for Dr. Ford … If you are going to name your good friend as a witness, make sure you get her consent first. It would make your testimony more credible, right?

  4. Kavanaugh will double jeopardy this entire thing now. He never assaulted anyone but dayum… he must be like…. '' all these charges and hearings/…..i think i deserve to rape someone now''..

  5. I 'm Dr Ford and i do not like the republicans and i do not wish them to be 5-4 republican majority in supreme court, So i am going to say Kavanaugh touched me when i was 16 yrs old. I have zero evidence but i am sure it was him can you please remove him from office?

  6. So is Trump going to apologize to Obama for the unsubstantiated birther allegations? Is Trump going to apologize to Soros for the unsubstantiated paid demonstrator allegations? Is Kavanaugh going apologize to the Clintons for his whining allegations made between bouts of crying? Don't hold your breath. Remember too that Trump said Dr. Ford was a fine, credible woman.

  7. Once again this nation must endure the Orwellian, Alternative Facts and Double-Speak of this Eegotistical; Megalomaniac; Authoritarian man-child. Only an Egotistical Megalomaniac like Trump would think that he speaks for the entire nation when he apologized on behalf of the nation to Kavanaugh. America we are Four weeks away from the Mid-Term elections. Let us all get out and vote to make changes to both houses of congress. Let us remember those who voted for Kavanaugh. To remember those Republicans; those Democrats who refused to take Stand against Kavanaugh, who refused to stand up to, stand against Infidelitous Trump. We now sit in a point in time and space where this nation must choose in a Nation Of, By and For The People or “In Trump We Trust” and in his Trumpwellian administration of Alternative Facts, Double-Speak and News Speak, where “one is Innocent even if one is shown or even proven guilty”, if you have the right connections. i.e. Trumps Pardons August 25, 2017 Joe Arpail for Criminal contempt of court, March 9, 2018 Kristian Saucier Unauthorized possession and retention of national defense information, April 13, 2018 Lewis Libby Perjury and obstruction of justice and many others. I am reminded of the words of the philosopher Santayana wrote. "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it". Sadly, I believe IF this Nation fails to learn from history CORRECTLY, We Are Simply Doomed.
    November's Mid-Terms will tell the tail of this nation’s future.

  8. It's a hoax this is just an act it's not a real swearing-in. He's not really a Supreme Court judge it's fake news. The thousands of documents from the Bush Administration and the report on the sexual misconduct from the FBI disqualified him. since Donald Trump isn't really president anymore because of the Russian investigation it's also concluded they went ahead and made him a hoax Justice because they could get away with it by not allowing the public to know what's in the FBI reports. That's why there was so much secrecy around the one copy of a 28 page document that Senators had to go and read in a little secret room two by two. the new investigative information on Kavanaugh and Trump was so bad many senators didn't even bother to go read they just voted him in as a hoax Justice. That's why they only interviewed nine people over a couple of days it was so bad . All this fakery had to be done because it's so close to the midterm election. They couldn't let out this information now. Big Hush hush and all of Washington is in on The Supreme Court hoax

  9. Ford couldn't say where or when. Every witness she said was there all denied her story. She lied about having a fear of flying and struggled to come to hearing due to PTSD, she flies constantly on vacations to resorts and tropical islands, she lied about having to have an extra door installed in her house due to PTSD, it was installed for renting purposes and now a marriage council office. Her friend was given advice By Ford in the past on how to pass a polygraph test. Ford failed to mention this when asked about knowledge of polygraph test. Yet democrats continue to sling false chargs at an innocent man because you dont like his politics. You're disgusting.

  10. “You get nothing!! You lose!! Good day, Sir!!” -Willy Wonka speaking to Dem-wits.

  11. I think that Brett Kavanaugh was nearly one more victim of that the US Democratic Party´s furious political campaign, with "witch hunt" mentality and with furious help of the US liberal mainstream media houses, against the 100% legally and democratic way elected 45th US President Donald J. Trump. They fabricated serious allegations against Brett Kavanaugh without evidences and failed. Even all the FBI background investigations have been clean. I agree 100% with President Trump. Greetings from Northern Europe, Finland.

  12. What the democrats did was shameful and disgusting.Sitting on the story for 7 weeks till the time was right to drop it,using her name when she asked not to be public, the whole charade exposed to the world to what slime balls democrats are.

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