The “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” host opened up about his upcoming shows in Brooklyn what guests fan could expect to see.


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Jimmy Kimmel on his career and why he’s taking on politics in the Trump era”
  1. Same dude who once had GWB on and said nothing about lying us into the Iraq war and various other war criminal D and R politicians who pals around with. Fucking hypocrite…kimmell is a sold out bitch

  2. The hottest ticket 😅🤣😂🤣 What a fucking joke.
    His career is over. He has no fan base. His ratings are in the single digits. The only reason his show is still on the air is because its paid for in cash by liberal elites and Goarge Soros. His show has zero sponsors! The liberal elites pay out of pocket for his no ratings sorry ass show is because its a liberal view outlet and a propaganda machine. No one with any sense of tasteful entertainment watches his no talent dribble. I could go on and on….. Just wanted to clear up why this sad little man and his pathetic spec of a spot remains on the air at all. To finish it off he is the lowest paid late night talk show moron in Hollywood to date. Once this sad career ends its back to flipping burgers. Not even the Liberals will hire him after the JK show propaganda machine comes to a dying end. There's really no other use fir him. ….

  3. I used to really enjoy him, then he went political and lost half his audience. It's not stand up or even comedy any more, it's an extension of tired fake news with a prompted audience. He wasn't dancing this dance when Mr. Obama was President because he supported him. We used to tune in, now we skim past and YAWN.

  4. Ahh..did Little Jimmy become a liberal snowflake..big change from having women stick their hands down his pants on "The Man Show"..funny how he pretends to be the voice of reason now..what a jerk.

  5. My main issue is he supports things without knowing factual statistics about those things. For example, if someone supports universal healthcare and doesn't take the time to know that countries with universal healthcare have the longest wait times ( people often wait years for simple procedures, the ER wait times can be days and often you get referred to a doctor you have to pay greatly for OUT OF POCKET), then you are choosing to be ignorant.

    Also, they have the higher death rates for people with medical conditions compared to the US because they don't have enough healthcare for everyone. Not enough doctors, not enough equipment, and not enough mon3y from taxes to pay for the staff/equipment they need to help everyone. Canada is a great example of this.

    Also, he supports "common sense" gun laws when only 11-15 thousand people are killed each year by guns and up to 3 MILLION people are saved each year by the defensive use of guns. Also, most gun crime is committed by already ILLEGAL guns. What would more gun laws do to stop those crimes that are already carried out by illegal weapons, and what would it to those 3 million people using guns legally to save their lives? There are tons of other government stats that prove that the cities in the US with the most gun laws have the highest gun crime rate, that the cities in the US with the most legal gun owners have the LOWEST gun and general crime rates, and that the majority of gun crimes are committed by illegal guns which would not be affected by furthering gun laws.

    Talk about common sense, Jimmy. Take away the guns from legal owners using them for self defense and put them ONLY in the hands of people already willing to break laws. Sounds logical.

  6. Jimmy Kimmel used to be funny when he did the Man Show. Do you all remember when he was a masogionist? He is now a corporate shell for socialist propaganda. His facts are wrong and isnt he supposed to be an entertainer? He should reflect on his background and what got him where he is and how he is a total hypocrite.

  7. I would respect him more if he can make fun of people on both sides. Don’t blame the healthcare system without making fun of people who are milking the system. Don’t blame the wall without calling out people who openly break the law by crossing illegally.

  8. I'm running for the 2020, anyone wants to know what I'm about, Google Harold McBroom In Reverence to Thee click on obvious link, when page loads, click on Candidate Harold J. McBroom

  9. jimmy kimmel isn’t even a late night show anymore, it’s another media outlet. if you don’t watch the news, you’re gonna watch them in jimmy kimmel

  10. Another pawn, stick too comedy and stay out of politics. You’re annoying with that crap.

  11. This guy didn't grab a woman by the P****, he went around getting them to grab his crouch. He is a sexist pig. I hope the best for his son, just hope he grows up nothing like his POS father.

  12. ❤❤❤ jimmy 👍🏿

  13. The Mi-6 never-Trump spygate affair was revealed to Trump on 1 Nov 2016 by U.S. intelligence. Three spies had infiltrated the Trump campaign with help the RNC and Obama's administration. The spies included Stefan A. Halper. To extract intelligence on the campaign C. S. was inserted in the Trump IT department. The communications with Government Communications Headquarters is what tipped off U.S intelligence. What a coincidence that the spy that worked for Nixon during the Watergate break-in, ran the debate-gate spying operation on the Carter presidential campaign, was an active spy in the never-Trump spy-gate operation. Halper prefers to be called an FBI-informant rather than an MI-6 spy, but brags about his spying. Since he is an American, the latter characterization would seem to make him a traitor.

    “The Faking of Russiagate: The Papadopoulos Case, an Investigative Analysis,” by Stephan Roh and Thierry Pastor includes a recent interview with Mifsud. In this book, MI6 says they having their operative disappear and are trying to distance themselves from their never-Trump spygate affair. “Roh and Pastor say that they last spoke to Mifsud by phone on January 13, 2018 …. Mifsud had gone into hiding, he told them, after ‘the head of the Italian secret services contacted the President of LINK Campus, Vincenzo Scotti,’ and recommended that Mifsud ‘disappear.’ Since then, Mifsud ‘has been requested to hide, not to communicate, and not to speak to the press,’ Roh and Pastor write. ‘He has been “put away” and threatened to stay quiet.’” “Mifsud is not an employee of a specific agency. He is not a member of the MI6. He was working for them. But working for them does not mean he was a member of the team,” Roh said.

    The UK and Australia are concerned that declassifying the FISA applications will make them look bad because of the MI-6 and Alexander Downer's involvement in trying to subvert our election process. A Chinese spy was Feinstein's office manager, driver and who knows what for over twenty years. He is still plying his trade. As is the Muslim spy, John Brennan, who is guilty of spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Pakistani spies that managed IT for HRC and the many Democrats in the U.S. Congress. They obviously know they are perpetuating a hoax on the Ford statement, since they are covering up the facts in the case.

    The fictionalized,"true" story, "Wasted", was published in 1997. It is the apparent source of the Ford story about the party. The facts left out of book, such as, the house were the party was hosted, maybe, the home of Timothy in Judge Bret Kavanauge's calendar, the fourth boy at the party, etc., were also left out of Ford's original statement. This change in Ford's testimony from three to four men at the party was apparently to make it agree with Judge Bret Kavanauge's calendar.

    Conversely, facts published in the book are the only supported facts she remembers. In the book, it is stated that Mark Judge was a bag-boy at a grocery store in August, 1982 to earn money for football camp that began August 22nd. Ford claimed that she did not recall the year of the incident, but it could be determined from when Mark Judge worked at the supermarket and subtracting “six-to-eight weeks”. The problem with this date as Ford herself pointed out, she did not have a driver’s license and could not have driven the estimated eight miles from the party which is 11 miles from the country club assuming it was the home of Timothy.
    Thus, the only verifiable facts from her story are those publicly available. Whoever wrote and continued to edit the Ford story could have and most likely obtained all the information from public sources. Ford could or would not give the actual names of the other men at the party. The story of recovered memories a couple’s therapy is likely just to give her an out in case perjury charges are forthcoming. Ford was evasive about her employment; not revealing her consulting work for an Australian company until specifically asked. Judge Bret Kavanauge revealed the full names of the men at the party. Finally, the FBI obtained statements from Mark Judge and the others only to conclude there is nothing to the Ford allegations. The Democrats had the report classified and made false statements about its scope and contents

    Feinstein is linked to paying for the anti-Kavanagh campaign through Paige Herwig who worked for Feinstein January 2017-February 2018. In March, 2018 she went to work for the Soros organization, "Demand Justice", formed to fund the campaign against Trump's Supreme Court nominee. Feinstein admitted suggesting the lawyer for Ford when she first contacted her.

  14. I said this in his CNN Vid, but Comedy and Politics don't mix well. If we want politics, go to CNN or Fox, Comedy go to late night or Comedy Central but now theyre mixed in together. Not everyone will agree with that type of "comedy".

  15. So glad to hear his boy is doing well! Even though I don't watch him on a nightly basis I got choked up when he was talking about his child. 18months old & looking healthy, that's awesome!

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