FBI investigating bomb found in liberal philanthropist’s mailbox – Car Mod Pros Portal

Investigators are looking at surveillance video to identify the person who dropped off the package for George Soros.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “FBI investigating bomb found in liberal philanthropist’s mailbox”
  1. Extremists, regardless what they represent, are a danger to society and the world's population for that matter. There is nothing good about political, racial, religious, etcetera… extremism.

  2. It was oviously a False flag because although the bombs were real bombs there was no method of detonation and in order to convince everyone that it came from a trump supporter they misspelled the names on the envelopes

  3. Hillary probably ordered a staffer to make these fake bombs as a "false flag" October surprise. (Real right-winger bombs actually explode). This is so obviously fake it's going to backfire on democrats…

  4. The difference between us (the right) and you, is that if we find out who did it, we’ll make sure that person goes to jail. I’d personally like to see whoever did this, no matter if he’s leftwing or rightwing, regardless of his reasoning, trialed and hanged for terrorism.

    I think this was a setup, however whether it is or not, I like virtually all people on the right want this person brought down to justice.

    You guys on the other hand not only condone violence with your mobs and political spokespeople, you perpetuate it.

  5. This is clearly a Deep State false flag operation that has George Soros written all over it. This means the "blue wave" lie is collapsing. It's just like that fake "caravan". Are we supposed to be so gullible to believe that thousands of "unsophisticated Honduran workers" all decided to organize themselves and march to the US border RIGHT BEFORE THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS ?????? It's laughable and Americans are waking up to these Deep State gambits.

  6. where is alex jones? 😂 he neeeds to comment on this 😂

  7. All enemies foreign and domestic.
    Thats all i have to say.
    The people targeted are all enemey combatants and sold out this country to our foreign govt enemies

    So i say its jistified.
    Seems law enforcement cant do there job and bring charges on these people so the citizen or citizens are

  8. No one was going to get hurt. This is Kabuki theater and the Tony award goes to Soros, Clinton, Obama and Shultz! If This was a "alt right" guy those things would have gone off on thier targets. But they were meant for media consumption. The left always has to have the moral equivalency argument" see . . . you have nuts on your side too!!!" . . . its bullshit

  9. Hey did the FBI ever solve any of the 69 AIM members MURDERED on PINE RIDGE after Wounded knee as opposed to the Goons armed by the FBI????????????jus curious….How did thet BOMB planting Experience turn out with EARTH FIRST?????????????????????????????

  10. There will be a Reckoning there RACIST PRICKS….n all the WEAPONS n prayers in the World aint gonna save ye from the WRATH of GOD….n how does this RACIST BEHAVIOR by the FBI these past 90 years MAGA?………………n YEAH we r F$CKING ANGRY….n HAVE EVERY RIGHT ta be…..RACIST GOP M%THERF$CKIN TERRORIST FILTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Complete political setup. Liberals have to find a way to justify their violence as well as the antagonistic rhetoric of people like Clinton, Holder, Waters and Pelosi so they can shift blame. How? You're looking at it. Do something to make liberals look like victims and pin it on conservatives. You only need a brain bigger than a potato to see it was a setup.

  12. That’s what happens when you awaken radical elements in this country, Who didn’t know this wouldn’t happen, One should govern their rhetoric with this in mind.

  13. I bet they’ll be no security video and they’ll supposedly find more bombs showing us no proof of threats.

  14. Soros made his money stealing money and things of value from Jews that were murdered by Nazis. He said it was a wonderful child hood for him…He is a fuckin snake…

  15. Why is this reporter/anchor constantly looking at the camera while his head is slightly slanted to one side? Lol, serious question, does he have a condition?

  16. “Liberal philanthropist” LOOOOL they don’t want to use his name

  17. "liberal thilanthropist" you mean the guy who can quite possibly be connected directly to every terroristic action in the past 20 years?

  18. You forgot to mention Nazi Collaborator in the intro…. Oh his “philanthropy” includes: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Women’s March, Planned Parenthood and other groups that perpetuate his agenda.. Why not talk about how he bankrupts nations and literally said “I’m here to make money, regardless of social implications”… Go watch him on 60 minutes and tell me he isn’t a satanist/ Rothschild shill…. Oh wait you won’t because he funds the MEDIA too… At least the mainstream media…

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