Exclusive new images of the Camp fire just north of Sacramento show the deadly fire still burning and just 35 percent contained.


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By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “New concerns camp fire death toll will keep climbing”
  1. No, they aren't 'wildfires' at all. Look up Deborah Tavares' videos containing impeccable documentation and careful research showing what these fires really are and who is behind this evil against the innocent victims. Knowledge must precede action. God speed.

  2. 0:23 wtf? The house behind the tree is burnt to the ground and yet the TREE RIGHT NEXT TO THE HOUSE still has its green leaves attached to it and is remained untouched?? What kinda of fucked up anomaly is this? This doesn't make any sense, even the green ivy on the wall is not burnt.

  3. The truth where just leaving in the end.. open your Bible Mark 13:8 it been prophesied this well soon happen.. this is just the beginning the worse is still to come.. Jesus said unless we eat his flesh and blood we well be save from any disaster (PASSOVER)..

  4. Ask yourselves this question. How do the guardrails on these roads all burn down but trees and even twigs next to them are not burned away? Gaurdrails are metal. These fires move rapidly off of the twigs and needles on the ground which burn quickly as fuel much like the so called jet fuel at the twin towers. Problem is there were no planes. Still jet fuel burns very quickly so there is no way that it can generate the amount of heat necessary to disintegrate steel. Do you get the point. Inside jobs. Government is behind all of this.

  5. Camp fires? Don't you mean deliberately set government fires? How did 6 fires at night start at the same time? We should all be winning more at the lottery if 6 fires in different locations all happened at the same time during the same night. Wake up America.

  6. also donal trump is the cause off this examine everyding and notice since he started been a president all the bad dings are hapening .. my respect but not to a person thats mean and that dinks about himself and thinking that hes doing good when he isnt been what he has to be doing to All UNITED STATES has to be responding and giving us hope Nd nolege and good impresion to our state and our Liberty and to the republic of which stands one nation under god and the visible for liberty and just for all . .

  7. i have fam all around there god bless everyone and rest in peace the people that passed away .. come on my pple lets pray to whome ur god is no matter wat religio u are but just pray for all does firez to be out already and stop deaths and speasialy taking away ppls homes .. let put eford on TURNIG OFF all the GAS lines And have flashlights at night and turn of electrisities around the neighborhood thats around the fire . and try to everyday water ur lawn nomater how high ur bill is but just to prevent the fire to get biger . . im not an expert but looking i the internet and finding how to help spread out the word to everyone out tthere to atleast help save the places specialy ur fam use masks

  8. Half of these people who think this is a conspiracy theory or questions how some trees burned and others didn’t, same with house, don’t understand or have seen a wildfire. Wildfires don’t jsut burn everything in their paths. The embers fly and if they can catch onto something like the roof of a house or a branch on a tree then it ignites. If the ember doesn’t stay lit enough then it won’t begin to burn a new structure. Just like the videos of the people fleeing from the city, their cars didn’t just catch on fire an ember has to stay long enough and ignite into a bigger flame. Educate yourself please.

  9. The government is creating these fires. Entire towns don't spontaneously incinerate over night. This is not natural. The abnormal weather we have been experiencing in northern california year-round is not natural, but is very likely man-made (as in geo-engineered droughts to fuel these "wildfires"). Any discussion about abnormal weather patterns or wildfires is incomplete without addressing the elephant in the room of geoengineering. It is obvious to myself and many others living in northern California that we are living within an electromagnetic chemtrail soup and it is very likely influencing weather patterns and creating the drought that fuels these intense fires. Look up!! Sacramento is continually bombarded with heavy chemtrail activity. You can hear and feel an electric hum in the sky at night at certain times during the winter months. It keeps people awake at night, myself included. They increase chemtrial/geoengineering activity during the winter months in California to PREVENT THE RAIN AND MAINTAIN THE DROUGHT TO FUEL THE FIRES!!

  10. For the love of God, please take Stephanopoulos “subscribe over here or over here” off. Everyone knows you can subscribe and watch more videos after the video you watch!!!!! Hello!!

  11. No coincidence nature's wrath setting CA afire. For celeb loons trying to control environment nature's job; liberal leftist perverted trash celebrities. Burn destroy their homed like they destroyed CA, America.

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