“The Front Runner” movie focuses on a 1988 affair that consumed the country and Donna Rice, the real-life woman at the center of it, responds to being back in the spotlight.
10 thoughts on “‘A very human story’: Hugh Jackman on playing disgraced candidate Gary Hart”
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Hart was set up
Wow. 30 years later and Donna Hart is still a knockout.
Hugh Jackman was fantastic in this film.
Bill Clinton made him look like Elton John. He ran for years later and won
Acabo de verla…..me pareció tierna y triste
I just saw this movie and I could swear that the axe-throwing photo op was in '84, NOT '88. But I could be wrong about that. I just remember the axe thing as being my earliest visual memory of becoming aware of who Gary Hart was, therefore I'm thinking it would have been in 84.
Not all "humans" are adulterers.
The American people had no problem with Bill Clinton though