ABC News’ Eva Pilgrim spoke with GM employees, some of whom blame the president for the planned layoffs.


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By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “General Motors workers seek answers amid shutdown plans”
  1. When was the last time you saw a Cruz commercial ? If I was in charge of Chevrolet I would give every high school in America a Chevrolet Cruz for Drivers Education . Big schools get two or even three ! Advertise this as giving back to America . Sell the Cruz as the perfect car for young drivers ! Safe and economical ! SELL THE PRODUCT CHEVROLET ! SELL YOUR GIVE BACK IMAGE ! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SALESMEN WORKING FOR YOU ?

  2. they blame on Trump….  the problem is Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, Fiat, BMW, Mercedes Benz…… they make much much better cars…..   people buy QUALITY products….  get the idea about your problems…..  Trump does not run GM…..  morons..

  3. $30 per hour for unskilled assembly work and they thought it would go on forever and ever and ever………..

  4. It's sad for the workers but no job is promised to anyone. That industry has been declining for decades. U should know better. U can't depend on one job for a life time. No one owes u anything.

  5. The answer is that GM did not pay the freelance designer! So GM and Ford have been blacklisted.

    Other car companies will advance while they will stagnate. Look at Mazda…same freelance designer I'm talking about here, designed the Skyactiv X engine and body Ect.

  6. Ford has done pretty much the same wonder why they are not reporting on them bringing silverado production back to the us instead of Mexico

  7. Agh, Just less than a minute into this video who do they blame. TRUMP. O.K. I, me, myself blame President Trump for blue skies and butterflies. And if workers at GM would buy stock in GM maybe you would find some security. No matter what people are not looking at the bigger picture. President Trump doesn't run General Motors or any car factory. General Motors broke its promise to the taxpayers something that Obama easily shelled out. You know kind of like the Iran thing when he gave up billions to them and said that they were owed that money.

  8. Not the GM I used to know… it's getting hard to stick with Chevy but I will be hanging in for now. 😢

  9. One of the problems is the unions that going in and holding these companies hostage and people thinking it's great they're getting paid 30 $35 an hour for job that should be 20 and $25 an hour and these companies are tired of it, that's the reason why they're moving to Texas, they're tired of these fucking unions
    GM WILL call Thim back, BUT they're going to have to take a pay cut and a pay cut job is better than no job GM knows what they're doing
    In the meantime five-time bankrupt president dumbass puts tariffs on aluminum and steel and tells GM suck it up GM said fuck you!!!!!!

  10. My grandma worked at and retired from GM Lordstown, so did my aunt, uncle, and my other uncle was one of the head union guys for GM Lordstown. But this isn’t trumps fault. He doesn’t and shouldn’t have the power to make business decisions of companies. GM has many plants across the US but only decided to close the ones that were in political swing states to make the people there hate trump. And unfortunately it looks like their scare tactics are working on people. And let’s get something straight, the Democrat party wouldn’t have prevented this. With their tax anything and everything, centralize as much money and power to the state as possible policies. The democrat party would have taken more money from GM allowing GM to have less money to pay their employees

  11. GM been making junk cars a cruise The impalas votes that nobody wants your junk Poor Quality the workers know that but they going to speak out only about your Jobs how many the auto workers bought those cars not very many

  12. Don’t worry tesla will buy the plants and you’ll keep your jobs because people want ELECTRIC CARS

  13. Trump should offer a 20% steel subsidy and a 40% subsidy on aluminum. Only for manufacturing in the USA. Revive the 1960 autopac with Canada which used to require at least half of all cars sold in the USA or Canada to be made in the USA or Canada. When Trump scrapped the autopac it allowed the auto manufacturers to move to Mexico; pay 2 or 3 $ an hour for labor. When he makes manufacturing in the USA or Canada less viable with steel and aluminum tariffs; then bitches when jobs move offshore. He is not very intelligent, he is by far the stupidest president the USA has ever had. He IQ must be in the low nineties or high eighties at best. Dumb as a bag of hammers.

  14. Put the blame squarely on Globalization and New World Order!!!!!!!! Trump is only trying to fix the wrongs that have already been done like NAFTA unfair trade practices that caused jobs and manufacturing to leave in the first place, by previous presidential administrations.

  15. In my opinion , is it just a coincidence that GM is owned by UMI Israel ( Universal Motors Israel Ltd ) , and CEO Mary Barra is Jewish and was Hillary Clintons Front Runner for candidate of Vice President in the election against Donald Trump !
    The United Auto Workers support the Democratic Party from the union dues collected from the employees , Mary Barra was who just killed American workers jobs ,but the people will blame Trump !
    The American taxpayers bailed out the big three automakers who are closing American Car factories and building their cars in other countries .
    Donald Trump just the day before told Business Leaders he would cut regulations by 75% and massively cut corporate taxes when meeting with the executives of General Motors, Ford Motor and Toyota Companys, and Fiat Chrysler and he criticised separately Ford and GM and Toyota for plans to build cars in Mexico and sell them in the United States.
    Donald Trump's catchphrase is "America first"and Trump has stated that he is Israel's greatest friend they even call him POTUS after the first non Jewish person who helped Israel and made possible the rebuilding of the second temple. I guess it's true that there are no friends when it comes to politics or business !
    With friends like that who needs enemies ?

  16. Ask their president. He promised them so he should take care of them.
    However why would they, it’s the liberals fault anyway right? Or it’s Mexico and Russia

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