Roger Stone: ‘No evidence to support’ that I was link between WikiLeaks and Trump

Roger Stone: ‘No evidence to support’ that I was link between WikiLeaks and Trump

Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone sits down with George Stephanopoulos for an exclusive interview on “This Week” about his alleged communications with WikiLeaks during the 2016 election.


20 thoughts on “Roger Stone: ‘No evidence to support’ that I was link between WikiLeaks and Trump

  1. What a weird fucker! You were caught red handed. Bullshit. 😆

  2. Well, he was charged and convicted on seven felony charges regarding perjury, witness tampering and obstruction of justice on the very things he denied here.

    So, there was Plenty of evidence to support his guilt. A liar lies to the very end. Lies are all Roger Stone has now, and ever had. A pretty empty life.

    Notice the giant picture of Nixon's face in the background! lol! Does Roger Stone have a Nixon fetish of some kind? I guess he admired Nixon because Nixon was the ultimate slimy character in breaking the Constitutional laws and lying to cover it up. For some reason, Stone seemed to miss the conclusion of that, which was Nixon resigning from office before he was impeached. So Roger Stone has learned no lessons from life. I would say that I'm sad for him, but he has caused far too much damage to our country, and overtly betrayed our country to Russia, to feel sorry for.

  3. Follow the yellow brick road, if you are going in the wrong direction, you are lost. Remember a man who is dying has nothing to lose. News Papers are forced to publish Fake News, and no body is buying it any more they are losing Money hand over fist. They can print them and nobody buys them. People are sick and tired of lies, FAKE NEWS don't sell anymore.

  4. Stone had information from Assange, the files where Assange got it from no one really knows. Clintons E.Mails no one knows who has them, but some one has them, and they will becoming out soon. I do not believe the Russians has them, its the Chinese or a Country in Europe to use to Black Mail Hillary if she got into Office in 2016. Thats was why she never got in, she never got in because it would be a major imbarrassment, to America. Hillary was her own worse enemy. Even if they put Stone in Prison, the people who has those E.Mails will leak them to get Stone out of Jail. Some one has them and its not the Russians, the Russians have become the new Bin Laden. Who ever has it these E.Mails will leak Dirt on the Clintons and they will not know where its coming from. Rest assured its not the Russians, Putin has better things to do with his time than waste it.

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