Covid Vaccine Division Altering Interpersonal Dynamics – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Covid vaccine battle is changing dynamics between families, friends, and coworkers. People across the country are changing plans as lines are being drawn between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. » Subscribe to NBC News:
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#Vaccines #Covid #Pandemic

Covid Vaccine Division Altering Interpersonal Dynamics


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Covid Vaccine Division Altering Interpersonal Dynamics”
  1. Now it’s not about COVID deaths anymore. But now it’s all about family and friendship division conflicts the next big thing. All because of vaccine mandates.

  2. "Interpersonal dynamics" is not the only thing the Covid vax is altering. Try the human genetic code. These are but two of many reasons the injected product is ill-considered, and inadvisable to take.

  3. Preparing Mark of the Beast System The Lord’s coming Rev 13:15-18

    Can’t Buy or Sell unless you have his mark.

  4. I hope it turns out like the restaurant owner who said "no biden voters" but have them sell out because they dont want super spreading vaccinated sheep

  5. This was their plan all along. Type Event 201 into the YT search bar and this will all make sense.

    The elites, "those who really run this country" want total domination and seek to divide and conquer to get it. Pay attention and do not submit.

  6. I don't care if people want to get vaccinated or not, it's the restrictions and lockdowns that need to stop. It's genuinely time to drop this. Let people decide for themselves.

  7. Well if you don't speak to me because I didn't get the vaccine. That's one less person I gotta worry about trying to borrow something!! Win-Win

  8. A lot of people around me, I would say the vast majority, especially among those under 60, take the vaccine because they want to go to restaurants, travel, even work, because I live in Quebec, where the government has imposed a covid dictatorship: no law or decree is debated in parliament since a year. We live in a perpetual state of emergency for 1-2 covid death a week (curfew, lockdowns, vax pass, etc.). The media here are all 98% for the measures and even ask for new extraordinary and horrible measures (some journalists want to forbid non-vaccinated to go to the hospital!!!). Our Medias constantly attack and insult the non-vaccinated, even if Quebec is the most vaccinated place in the world, 87% of double-vax for a population of 8.5 million (at least its the official numbers!) It's a nightmare, and the hate is growing, as more vaccinated people think that the pandemic is the fault of the non-vaccinated (13% of the population!!!). It is like a new, ultra-intolerant religion. I invite you to avoid traveling to Quebec, because even if you are vaccinated, your QR code does not even work here (a lot of French tourists are complaining about that). It is a real gulag. I'm just getting exhausted. I understand, sadly, that the world of yesterday will never come back….but Im also afraid that the world of tomorrow will be worst.

  9. Only the "Trumpers" are forcing people to go back to the office when they can work from home! Any company requiring someone to go back to the office, is not for freedom but death! They are forcing this virus on people when people can work from home….. Let's start a new movement "#Stopthespreadworkfromhome# or #WorkfromhomeagainstCovid# or #Stoptrumpersworkfromhome# any company forcing people to work in an office is tainting this country with the spread when they can work from home! Period!

  10. funny they post this story. This video makes the vaccine seem mysterious, but you guys ( NBC ) know very well the clinical trials were done in Afghanistan and 2005 results clearly indicate its a vaccine alright, only its not for the flu, or anything related to the flu. Its a hidden exercise under the pandemic umbrella and its clearly related to the United Nations Securiy Council, Banking / One World Currency and Islam / OIC. Off topic but no idea also why people think China will take over anything. The voice of Islam is the worlds's next Super Power. And the Caliph won't rule from Iran or Saudi Arabia, but Turkey. The collapse of the Afghanistan government is also by design.

  11. Leave Politics at the Door? It's at the Door, you don't get in without it…like a 2-tiered society where the 2nd tier wear's a yellow star and the 1st tier is more equal…

  12. Just over half fully vaxxed…let that sink in….i guess the other half are just crazy conspiracy theorists….that look at reports from india of how pfizer is blackmailing world governments and grabbing assets to pay for debt, as well as making governments liable in place of themselves in cases where people are harmed from the vaccine.
    Why would anyone want a vaccine from a company like this?

  13. I don't let my kids see their vaccinated grandparents. If you're idiotic enough to rush out and get a vaccine despite its record breaking novelty and abysmal safety record, I have to assume you make other unsafe choices, and won't subject my family to that

  14. Vaxx is showing in studies…some real issues! Dr following studies says it is sticking to ovaries and spline….now a study is showing girls slow periods…come on!!!! Stop pushing it til they know more 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  15. "Agree to disagree"… and our next story, "How the Unvax'd liars are killing your friends and family", followed up by "Grandma turned away because of UNVAX'D in hospitals" and the song goes on.

  16. You have to respect friends that are willing to be transparent with you about their health choices. god Bless those unvaccinated friends.

  17. The more logical approach to any kind of mandate (if it were to achieve an objective outcome) might be proof of a positive antibody test, not a proof of vaccine. Test negative for antibodies? Recommend the vaccine/booster. Test positive for antibodies? You're free to go, come back in a month. Think of all the data we would be able to collect and actually begin to fill the gaps in science. Let's figure out how many of the unvaccinated test positive for antibodies through past infection/natural immunity and how many vaccinated people test negative for antibodies before we start getting uppity but hey that's just me. Because I know a few people at this point who have had symptomatic illness despite being vaccinated. But what do I know? I'm just a nerdy guy who studied those dumb number books in college and able to recognize the irony of this cherry-picked world of science parroted by people who said "wHeN arE wE eVeR gOinG to UsE thIs In ReAL liFe" in middle school math class. Make sure you're wearing shoes there's a lot of bullchit out there stay safe y'all, closed toe–not crocs.

  18. My doctor says I shouldn’t go near vaccinated people because I might offend them LOL 😂

  19. youtube is a libtard crap machine and still look at the thumbs down 👎🏻 NBC is just a bad as cnn

  20. How about letting people make their own choice. If maskers and vaccers don't want to be around unmasked, and unvaccers then that's ok cause we don't want to be around people that believe everything msm tells them. BUT that don't mean we all can't be nice about it. Of course this is changing this crazy world to be crazier , but that's how they want it. I am not scared of unvacced people. So why can't we all just get along….. smdh

  21. Anyone else catching on to the grift here? Cause a problem, then when people start catching on and get mad tell them "have some self accountability". Government and corporations do this exact same thing. "We didn't poison you, we didn't bring the drinking water to your mouth, you did!"

  22. that wedge was literally socially engineered and driven by the same people, you people
    forgive anyone of anything but do not vouch for those who destroyed people's families, when we are risen

  23. Remember the comedy sketch where a seasoned detective explains to his student how a certain substance glows white in black light? When overhead lights are dimmed, parts of the student's face and hands glow white as a sugar donut.

    I have nothing against masks, but I suggest they're not the most important thing in Covid 19 hygiene. HAND WASHING is, and I'm afraid all the hoopla about masks is stealing attention from good ol' soap and water. Masks may prevent flying loogies, but do you think a mask will stop a 5-year-old from mining a crunchy booger?

    Humans are face touchers and the face has many openings for infection. One study showed subjects touched their faces on average 16 times per hour. Coronavirus can stay viable on a hard surface for hours and the likelihood of your touching a door handle — then absent mindedly rubbing your eye, grabbing a coffee cup by the rim or scratching your nose are pretty high.

    Wear your mask if it makes you feel safer, but wash your hands FREQUENTLY to actually BE safer. And don't take my word for it – Google it.

  24. Everyone keeps pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. What about people who are unvaccinated but have already had and recovered from Covid-19? Where do they fit in? Where is their passport? That's why the vaccine passports make no sense. Where is the study of natural immunity? All they say is shut up and take this vaccine. Where is the study and the proof that people who've recovered from Covid are becoming seriously ill a second time at high rates?

  25. This popped up on my feed in place of the video I actually watched about how it is assault and battery to inject a patient against thier will…

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