14-year-old faces murder charge after alleged egging prank

14-year-old faces murder charge after alleged egging prank

The teen is accused of fleeing through a red light and crashing into a pickup driven by Silvia Zavala, 45, who died instantly, according to police.

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35 thoughts on “14-year-old faces murder charge after alleged egging prank

  1. “She couldn’t say bye” 🙁

  2. The 1997-2004 Ford F-150 that the mother was driving failed safety standards and should have been recalled off the road. Ford is to blame as well for allowing these death traps on the road.

  3. Dam the mom looks hotter than the daughter, an wtf the guy chasing him isn’t in trouble?!?

  4. I'm not saying don't punish the kids, because OBVIOUSLY punish the kids, but why aren't we holding the armed attacker who started the car chase responsible for their role?

  5. I’m 14 Oof 😭😭😭

  6. I’m confused.. the kid was throwing eggs then another car chased him and flashed a gun.. maybe I’m not understanding.. the kid was wrong of course but what about the chaser ..

  7. America needs to make examples of the youth now a days. Quit pitting the criminals. Sacrifices one for the greater good. Lock him up and let him learn. Then show others "You see kids, here is exactly what NOT to do".

  8. Dumb kid send him to prison, but charge him for what he did. Throwing objects at vehicles. He took a vehicle with out consent. Reckless driving. He killed someone due to his stupidity not malice intent (manslaughter).

  9. Ok he shouldn't have been in the car in the first place, that should be a manslaughter Charge not murder for two. And lastly why does the kid get a murder charge and yet the guy who chased him gets away free, hell the kid was probably distracted by that guy in the first place. But overall, I send my condolences to Her and her family

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