Trump digs in on threat to declare national emergency for border wall

Trump digs in on threat to declare national emergency for border wall

The White House delivered a letter to Congress asking for $5.7 billion to build a “steel barrier” as the government shutdown enters its third week with no compromise in sight.

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30 thoughts on “Trump digs in on threat to declare national emergency for border wall

  1. I always knew that if you gave a "Foolish Man" enough Rope that is "Long enough & Strong enough" that he would eventually hang himself , Sad but True , with his "Gov't Shut Down" & No "End Game" Donald Trump & is such a man !

  2. Put all the Dems in sleeping bags on the border. See how long it takes before they ask for a barrier from Mexico so they can get some sleep without worrying about the gangs, being raped or robbed by illegals with convictions.

    No worries on the rape thing. The Dems have it covered wigh a GENOCIDE bill they just passed guaranteeing your tax dollars are used for first degree murder anywhere on Earth. You must be so proud.

  3. National emergency 😂😂😂 GO AHEAD ASSHOLE a judge will over rule that easy

  4. Politics or no politics..
    Safety first. 😒🙄

  5. Someone needs to tell Sassy Baby Hands that HE’s the ‘National Emergency’. 🙄

  6. I haven’t ever heard of the President ever saying that there was going to be a concrete wall. He did listen to the border patrol agents requesting a steel barrier.
    The border patrol wants this passive barrier so they can do their job to protect the American people effectively. That is all.

  7. Trump is kissing the ass of his ignorant racist uneducated base. Trump is such a weak little boy. And if he gets what he wants by having a govt shutdown once, he will shutdown the govt again and again, everytime he wants something.

  8. I'm pro Trump on this border wall issue. I'm 100% in favor of legal immigration as Trump is too and want much more legal immigration than we do now if needed. However, we unfortunately need the wall to protect our southern border! We absolutely need to know who and why people are entering the U.S. Walls really work in this regard. I get that there are other ways to illegally enter too that we need to address as well. But look at Israel and what implementation of their border wall did there before you ignorantly or lazily just comment that walls don't work. They dramatically help the overall security of a nation. Ignorant fools, or lying hypocrites would lock their homes, and cars, and then claim walls don't work and want open borders to anyone, which will destroy any country. Since we know most people likely aren't either of the former, this issue then once past that obvious deception from the Democratic party leadership, is really all about political power for the Democratic party, the money, the control they hope to obtain demographically by illegals for generations to come. Democrats know the idea of allowing open borders would eventually decimate our nation on every level likely within a couple decades. Let them open up their homes to whoever wants in, whenever they want, pay all their medical bills, give them their money and food, and tell us how that works out first. The Dems don't care because they want all the power, control, and are willing to sacrifice our national sovereignty to gain control of what would eventually become the world's largest socialist banana republic here in the US, just like a massive failed Venezuela. The leaders in control in Venezuela are not suffering. It's all the deceived voters who voted in socialism 20 years ago with the promises of taking from the rich and giving to the poor through socialism, which are now desperately suffering starvation in a rich land with more oil reserves than any country in the world. Democrats won't do for our nations security that they all do for themselves when at home, which is lock the door. They also hire body guards with guns, to keep out unwanted intruders, or worse outright criminals, thieves, rapists, etc. Think about it and don't be fooled. God bless America!

  9. Democrats says the wall is IMMORAL..

  10. Just Do It🇺🇸

  11. If he does build the wall he’ll at least be remembered for something

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