Truth and Lies: Monica and Bill – Part 2

Truth and Lies: Monica and Bill – Part 2

Truth and Lies: Monica and Bill

Part 2: Journalists look into the other side of Bill Clinton

Kenneth Starr became the special prosecutor tasked with investigating the Clintons’ involvement in the Whitewater land deal in Arkansas.


30 thoughts on “Truth and Lies: Monica and Bill – Part 2

  1. i love how all the clinton shills are in this prentending "oh there was this percpetion that the clintons were corrupt and ruined peoples lives" with no reflection on the fact that the clintons were actually corrupt and actually ruined peoples lives

  2. " He asked me to kiss it " 👄 lmao

  3. I hope that was one hell of a hummer, Bill… because it would have been a shame to cause all that drama over a lackluster one. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  4. 4:35 that’s creepy asf

  5. ياليت ترجع ذالك الاايام الله المسيح بلكلنتون كنا في عصر التكنلوجيا الحديثه المره كانت الوللا يت المتحده المريكيه في ذالك العصر عصر التكنلوجيا الحديثه المره نعرض عليي قذفات الصواريخ من الرششات المحموله وتعلن انهوه لبد ان تكون رحلات للفضا للقمر لمن يريد الرحله اللا ان قارنت القمر من الاانسان وعلا الاانسان يعني قارنت القمر من الرايس صدام حسين في الجتماع معا خادم الحرمين الشريفين وابدت القمر عن عدم رضا اها بهاذه الرفاهيه وابيها تحت السيطره صحورن متحجره في القمر

  6. There's a certain thing about people in the public eye is that the image of them is preserved. Be it actors, singers and even politicians. The reason I bring this up is Clinton looks weird with brown hair and 70's hair at 1:09

  7. Clinton got accused of SO many absurd things. If they’d wanted to be wealthy, they certainly could have with their educations. Fact is that he wanted to be a leader that improved the lives of Americans and he was. Who cares if he was a womanizer? Then we have Trump who lies about everything and is a horrible leader and has so little respect for the office that he doesn’t even respect subpoenas. I’d take either one of the Clintons any day of the week.

  8. Bill is such a lewd and lascivious character. Ugh 🤮
    Bill is and was a tool used by Hillary to reach her goals. She is and was the master manipulator – the ‘genius’ that was attributed to Bill. We know this because only an idiot is led by physical desires. He owes every achievement in his life to Hillary – she was the brains of the business.

  9. Bill Clinton- "She called me , I never called her". Also Bill Clinton- " Hello Gennifer? I've been trying to call you !" Incredible, relentless lying until he best caught, then makes up a new lie to cover it.

  10. So he was caught 2 times + got caught on weisten plane? Huh! 🧐🤔

  11. I can’t believe anyone would care if someone was having extra marital affairs or not. It has nothing to do with your professional life.

  12. Hypocritical country, we are. ⭕️

  13. I’d still have Bill as president again if I could

  14. I do believe bill & hilary when they met were truly in love. They probably saw in eachother intelligence & both were very driven people. A nurse by the nane if juanita says he brutally raped her. She sounds & looks very credible. She did not press charges bc he was the attorney general at the time so she felt powerless bc he was the law. I've seen her interviewed a few different times & her story never changes & has too many details for it not to be true. He bit her lip so hard that it blew up & when bill was done he threw on his shades & told her " you better put ice on that " I felt so bad for her. The man is/was a sexual predator.

    Also even though the oral sex with Monica was consensual I see her as a victim. She was a 22 year old intern while he was the most powerful man in america & probably the world. He had all the power. She had a crush on him & its shameful he took advantage of that.

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