Bundy 20/20 Pt 3: Witnesses recall a man named ‘Ted’ at lake where women were abducted by Bundy – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Witnesses described a man named Ted who drove a Volkswagen to Lake Sammamish where Denise Naslund and Janice Ott disappeared on the same day.

READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2S0vsgD
How notorious serial killer Ted Bundy was able to escape from custody not just once, but twice

During the 1970s, the notorious serial killer had murdered dozens of women on a rampage that took him across the Pacific Northwest and eventually to Florida.

#Bundy #Documentary #TedBundy #TrueCrime #ABCNews #2020 #ABC2020


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Bundy 20/20 Pt 3: Witnesses recall a man named ‘Ted’ at lake where women were abducted by Bundy”
  1. Around that time I was hitchhiking like so many others and going to weekend concerts. I was just a few years younger, but it could have been me! Scary!

  2. In this first mug shot, I feel like he purposely clenched his jaw to not look like himself. He widened his face. His girlfriend said she noticed the composite cause it was something with the jaw. And in video of him his face is much more slender. He looks different in every photo tho

  3. I wonder if he wouldn’t have been caught without having giving his name and being so obvious . And I wonder why he went after 2 in the same day. He did that before but because the first didn’t work out and he still had a hankering to kill

  4. Where were the people with these two, Friends
    Boyfriend Etc
    It was well known a killer was loose
    No way I’m letting her go anywhere alone

  5. He was getting complacent I’m not sure he wanted to hide he even said when doing the talking jn the first person ‘this is a man who does not want to get caught’ once he was caught did he soak up the attention? Of course but he got much more thrills being the guy everyone was looking for and still getting his rocks off in disgusting ways

  6. LONG YEARS he denied his guilt and then confessed, without the promise of a life sentence?? I do not believe,he was not so stupid….I think his execution( his posthumous photos etc)was only pretended for the world,exchanged for a promise of life imprisonment

  7. I interviewed Ted Bundy in prison. Psychopathic criminals? Buy my books FACES OF TED BUNDY; MANSON FAMILY MANUAL; CULT GIRLS; JODI ARIAS: PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS; JFK JR MURDERED by Dr. Paul Dawson (Amazon books).

  8. Why would a man ask a girl to help him load up a sailboat into his car when there were lots of guys around? I would ask that immediately if approached.

  9. Ted bundy 02 had a scene where it recreated Janice ott and denice perfectly denice got chased in the forest and was murdered and Janice was all bloody and handcuffed to a metal burning board powereless she was crying and saying please again and again to god and she was getting burned as well so it was even worse go to the movie and skip to the scene 42:25 its fucking terrifying and realistic my god

  10. Ted Bundys thoughts- Better try to stay wide awake or you might be found dead by the lake
    Soon as you lay me down to sleep bitch your soul I'm a try to take
    Pray for light today right away why do they try to fight today
    I must make them pay twice as much might as well put the knife away……. Shady

  11. I was born and raised here in Seattle Washington, in the U District by the University of Washington. These videos of Bundy really bring back fear that gripped that neighborhood in the 70s. I used to walk my mother and my sister home from the bus stop at night because that neighborhood was so terrorized. Also, one of the detectives mentioned the bar Dante's Inferno which was basically two blocks away from my house. We used to go there all the time as it was really a jumping place. It seems fitting that Bundy frequented a place called Dante's Inferno. I hope that all the people that were collateral damage of this animal have found peace in their lives, but I kind of doubt it. When you're taken away by a violent act that changes everything, I know that first-hand as a dear friend of mine was shot and killed during a robbery many years later, also in the U District.

  12. Two things I can’t figure…why did he use his own name at Lake Sammamich, and why did he keep using VW Beetles (like the one he stole in Pensacola)?

  13. I think this is a great representation of what psychopaths are like; they need more stimulation and hurt people for the fun of it;to know that they had that kind of power over them, that they managed to do it, gives them joy. They are literally the scum of the earth.

  14. That one guy and his buddy who said he actually saw him standing near the women's restroom ( within just a few feet of him at the time ) is kind of creepy. He said he was thinking about harassing him just for kicks. Maybe that could have led to a different outcome that day.. Of course that was after the first abduction.

  15. Really upsetting these women are mostly unknown, just another face, hardly a back story, not truly seen as a living, breathing person, forever lost to the grip of one sick man’s decisions based on subordination, and yet we’ve immortalized Ted Buddy’s name and fixated with why he was the way he was. This is important to know for mental health reasons, but it’s also important to realize individuals such as these also want to be known and admired, and we should learn of the ramifications of indirectly rewarding this kind of behavior: there is only more pain and loss.

  16. Lock up folks. Lock every window, garage, & door to your house. Don't leave windows open in the summer either. Be safer than that. The 70's were very laid back & they left their windows & doors unlocked all of the time. Make sure the windows in your house are good and locked. Crime is not going away. Don't be a victim to anything & listen to your gut.

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