Police detained a man who tried to breach airport security in Orlando

Police detained a man who tried to breach airport security in Orlando

Travelers waiting to go through security took off running when they feared he had a gun.

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24 thoughts on “Police detained a man who tried to breach airport security in Orlando

  1. Orlando Airport TSA is the worst airport I’ve been to out of 50 airports. Every time I go through them, the TSA spends more time flirting and touching each other than doing their job!

  2. For some reason only world star had the video of the beginning. He started pushing through the line at that point the TSA and people in line started to back up like WTF he kept advancing and pushed over the ropes trying to get into the checkpoint area at that point he reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. In the video it's hard to tell what it is. Some sort of metallic object i thought it was may a knife. At that point people freak out and start screaming things which causes a chain reaction.

  3. “He’s got a gun in his hand…. no wait, it’s a granade, in his pocket… now the Granade’s in his hand….. no, wait, it’s an MP5 full auto in his hand…. no actually it’s an RPG! In his hand!! No, wait, I think it’s an ICBM!! Everyone runt! Panic!! Oh….. no….. wait…… the guy’s unarmed.”
    The Us in stupyingly incompetent and hysterical with these things…….

  4. Another shocking example how how frail our society has become. The smallest event sends the many into a panic. Perfect example of media and politics today. 'Man reaches on pocket' the world "he's got a grenade!!!" Smh

  5. What nobody in the aftermath of these situations brings up every person who missed their flight that was paying for a hotel or cruise never gets refunded or reimbursed from days missed because of airline complications… My mother and grandmother wasted $4,000 on a trip that refused to refund the money or schedule another future cruise because they missed the cruise because flight delays

  6. Bunch of punk ass bitches all those cops around and they're fucking running are you shiting me what you fucking cowards send your fucking ground stand your fucking ground you can tell they ain't from Texas

  7. That shit was nuts. Thanks to the guy yelling gun. I’m the dude hiding in the chic fil a btw. 😂😂😂

  8. That national emergency in this country is mental illness and it’s not being addressed! That’s the REAL issue, not this stupid wall that won’t stop anything! Trump is just afraid if they address mental illness, he will be the first one in loony Ben!

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