Chicago police chief speaks out on Jussie Smollett case – Car Mod Pros Portal

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson speaks out live on “GMA” after accusing Smollett of filing a false police report about an alleged hate crime in Chicago.

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28 thoughts on “Chicago police chief speaks out on Jussie Smollett case”
  1. " if it doesn't fit you must acquit"
    Remember that BS ???
    I think I'm going to do the same s*** to get a raise….. anybody know a couple of Nigerians out there LOL


  3. Smallet juicy could have killed a lot of people ,he should be in prison a big fake actor 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. 🆘 Shame on fake news and
    Jesse Smollett – is nothing but a black racist President Trump Hater that belongs in jail for lying and perpetrating a hate crime costing the city of Chicago several hundred $thousand$ dollars that he fails to pay back. Another Hollywood bankrupt elitist that thinks he’s above the law.

  5. Verrry much so! Jussie was charged with a nonviolent crime, which the DA's office decided that jail time was not warranted! The support he received should have been as loud and steadfast as those of the people that were screaming, fainting, having convulsions and nervous breakdowns!

  6. So much respect for Eddie Johnson. Someone had to stand up for Chicago, CPD, and explain how this was damaging. Later it would be tabulated just how many actual victims of crime were not served because resources were being expended on Smellit's case instead.

  7. Eddie Johnson gave a spiel about Internal Affairs—Good Lord—for the nightmarish reality of Infernal Affairs, read Jamie Kalven’s Code of Silence—and despair.
    Internal Affairs needs to carry a warning to the public much more dire than the Surgeon General’s warning on cigarettes.

  8. Did you see the size of the brothers? Do you see the size of Jussie? First, he punched them back? Really? One slap from one of those brothers would have demolished him. Second, he walked away with a scratch, barely, after they attacked him? Seriously? He may want to rethink this whole farce.

  9. They're all actors, not just Jussie. Remember when the Police Chief Eddie Johnson said, "Let's turn the page." ? He wanted us to forget the entire thing and move on. Now we discover he knew all along Jussie's charges were going to be dropped because Kim Foxx told him in advance. He pretended he knew nothing about it…. that it was a surprise to him. He lied. Betcha the former mayor Emmanuel, knew, as well. They just wanted to put on a show for the people. Everyone knew Jussie was guilty! Why would they want us to think they didn't think so? I wonder??? Which leaders in Chicago are NOT crooked??? So glad I don't live there!!! Betcha the new mayor is, or had planned to be, in on this too Betcha she planned to let Jussie go free. With all that's being exposed, she may stay out of it and not close the case now. I sure hope so! Justice needs to be served.

  10. For the nightmarish truth about Chicago cops and Internal Affairs, simply read Jamie Kalven’s Code of Silence.
    Chicago cops need to carry a warning to the public like the Surgeon General’s warning on cigarette packages.
    Please watch my videos.
    Thank you.

  11. The FBI will get down to the bottom of this. But then again. The FBI hates Trump and are very biased. And obviously this whole thing was to smear Trumps name for the upcoming re-election. The question I am asking myself is, who put Jussie up to this? Soros? Nancy? Chuck? Someone put this together and they are not going to have Jussie snitch on them and blow their cover. So they made sure he is getting off. Now does Jussie end up dead in a ditch now? That’s the question.

  12. Poor man and I feel so sorry for him “ how stupid is he “
    he lost everything:
    1- respect
    5- dignity
    He can not find job even Mc Donald’s😮

  13. There is no excuse for Smollett and anyone that defends him is despicable. The black citizens in Chicago knew it was a lie. Thank God they didn't because there could have been many innocent killed or injured.

  14. This message is approved of by "The creator Aka Father God facts and figures that i acknowledged as"Victorious victory " And these writings are also accepted by the lord jesus christ known to me as "Sir Righteousness" and also it were welcomed by " earth" Known to me as "Highness "and the law of truth established meants and the law of righteousness foundation The past The present and the future fellowship member's and from the salvation absolution military and merchandise of The creator wills"…over 43 years ago…now before i start this message… i must mention this upfront that this message wont be brief nor will it fall short of accompishing its point…and if your expecting for this message to pacify wrongdoing. Or nurse wickedness its not going to happen inside of this message …So therefore ..if your the type that lacks tolerance while reading And gets angry easily when witnessing the truth and when being corrected… than clearly this article wont satisfy your taste bud..and also…if "the absolute truth" gets on your nerves ..please dont get bent out of shape… just carry on peacefully and do us a favor and utilize your self control and find something that meets your personal preferences…. And good luck ….and o2f your not trying to be righteous nor be truthful than this wont be what you want to hear….so again just bypass this message and hopefully you could find something that meets your standards..and good luck while searching….. Greetings living inner knowledge.spirits young and old….for a long duration its clear that most people have believed that the intial beginning was about a man and a women..but apparently that testimony wasnot stated accurately..and nor was it told about precisely to how it actually was…..when i was 3 …i sat out my entire childhood and watched how i becamed who i am…. At the initial beginnings….the spirit had needed a helpmate….and the body was created to be that companion for the living life that are ruling the body of a human being…i was inside looking outside…witnessing people being busy bodies …expressing their command to others….now heres the. Real situation….the body dont have the likewise talent as the inner knowledge has….the inner knowledge expresses instructions to the body and the body is under the command of that particular spirit thats withinside that body form to exercise the direction that the spirit therefore qithput me giving the body instructions the body was close enough to be considered dead or persevered…so the point is ..when i was a child i didnot volunteer to speak and i spent my entire duration of childhood sitting up on a sofa…the only time that i gotten up is when it was time to eat and when those kinfolks gave me instructions to do something or say something …and so forth..the point is that i witnessed what i am writing …and i know the truth .because i separated myself from everything and God was definitely with me everysingle therefore. I written over a 5000 page book that I am trying to release for free..but as of now…its on standby and i am testifying threw the internets resources…it was important that i be willing to share a bit i
    Of my background…if you stay completely put you will notice that…the body is unable to move towards performing without your assistance……. that the body itself is free of deceit..unlike the potentials of the inner living exsistance that is making the rules…..its obvious that the body itself cant go outside of its duties unless the one on the inside send forth a job to fulfill or intiate to proceed the journey of….the body is innocent all by itself and what makes the body innocent on its own is that …the body tells you when its time to eat…when its time to release urine …when its time to have a bowel movement…and when your health is declining….so in truth the body performance is absolutely mandatory essentially necessary…and that is what makes the body. Beyond just significant….. Listen we couldnot be here if the body wasnot available ….and we wouldn't have been able to experience this creation had not earth" been present…and had not earth produced all of our necessities…. everyday we watch earth being on time with everything that we need in order to survive….and not one time have anyone of us witnessed a serpant or a snake telling us to perform a deed….so with that said….earth is a co partner of the creator …just like jesus is a co partner of the creator and earth and certainly had it not been for "The creators ideals …and beliefs and ways and accomplished meants and being righteous and being truthful and being trustworthy to be more than just fair …..we wouldnot be possible…none of us….and its super sad and painful to see individuals act lime the truth dont matter….if it wasn't for the truth having life …we nevered would of been borned to begin with…and we wouldn't been able to experience this journey… just remember that whenever you decide to proceed a deed…make absolute certain that its something that "the creators" are happily pleased with…Because anything other than healthy expressions is not with the truth….so please show that you are willing to be law abiding faithfully and dont refuse to volunteer to show That You are respectful unfearly…Because you are the pilot and that body is like an aircraft….and its your responsibility to express goodways and good doings and carry a good attitude while visiting this place….and dont take that body for granted…and dont teach that body how to lie and dont teach that body how to misbehave nor mislead nobody because the results isnot going to be in your favor at the next place….after your time is up….. (*+*)…..the word god backwards spells dog….and thats why i chosen to call the creator "victorious victory " the word live backwards spells evil….so i just dont use that particular word.. And the word devil backwards is lived…so please be careful how you gather your word choices because its your duty to be dutiful and attentive and select good choices and arrange wholesome intentions.

  15. Not so good at acting, but pretty good with the crocodile tears though.
    He belongs I believe the LGBTQRSTIUVWXYZ community, and is he going to change into a girl, or just bend over for another shirt lifter?
    That supposed beating up he claims, and having seen a picture of his face, all he got was a smallish cut on his face, so not really battered then……:)

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