Outrage after no charges in Stephon Clark shooting – Car Mod Pros Portal

After it was decided that the officers who fatally shot Clark won’t face criminal charges, Clark’s family is asking the state’s attorney general to take action.


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Outrage after no charges in Stephon Clark shooting”
  1. This is why the US law enforcement and judicial system is seriously flawed. It works like this: every two bit Barney Fife and Andy Griffith town, county, city etc has its own independent police department; someone has to pay their salaries. Then there is the cosy relationship between cops and the DA and worse still, the wink wink, nudge nudge, cosy relationships with judges in these various jurisdictions. So, cops seek to revenue raise rather than serve, DA's seek to advance themselves in power, money and/or ego and judges feel they have to demonstrate how tough they are after all, they frequently need to be re elected….and they all know each other and are often paid from the same money bag. Then, just to make matters even worse still, internal investigation units is simply cops investigating cops, while the local police union is breathing down their backs. All of this leads to bigotry, racism, ignorance, lack of consistency from town to town and all in all the creation of a poorly trained, trigger happy, explosively violent system where winning depends on what suburb you live in, the colour of your skin, the company you keep and the lawyer you can afford. Here's the truth, a chopper was over head. If these cops were sooooo worried all they had to do was wait. Simple.

  2. …I would have more sympathy for the Stone family and their mega million law suit…but, perhaps, this father of two should have considered the consequences of of prowling in the night, breaking windows of cars….and whatever

  3. What they didn't say in this report is that the DA chose to do this press release on a Saturday and law enforcement was on high alert because they feared rioting similar to the LA Riots. They don't even trust their own citizens to protest peacefully and they knew it was an unjust outcome. I work downtown and they were warning businesses to close, well, white businesses at least. They knew what they were going to release and wanted as few white people in the area as possible. A lot of this info came through the grapevine and through doublespeak, so take it with a grain of salt.

  4. Stephon beat his wife mercilessly before the shooting. Then according to the report he looked up many ways on how to commit suicide. This was suicide by cop. He takes a handful of xans, then breaks windows around his neighborhood.

  5. So the guy was smashing car windows and running from the police. The poor, sweet, innocent little angel and those big bad evil Nazi police =p

  6. I dont know bout yall, sounds like a real stand-up guy;

    Salena M. reported that she and Clark were arguing and that Clark struck her four to five times

    on the face. Salena M. said Clark punched her with a closed fist and slapped her. Clark then

    threw Salena M.’s head against a wall and choked her with both hands. Salena M. went into a

    closet, sat down, and cried for 10-15 minutes by herself. Clark entered the closet, picked her up,

    and took her to the bed. When she would not respond to him, he started hitting her again and

    called her derogatory names. When Clark went back to the closet to get some clothes, she ran

    out the door of their residence and contacted the neighbor who called the police.

    Officers observed a 3” diameter hole in the wall where Salena M. stated Clark had hit her head.

    The impact had enough force to crack the drywall around the hole. Long brown strands of hair

    were stuck on the wall around the hole.

  7. So cops get away with murder by saying " I THOUGHT he had a gun". I guess the lesson is never carry anything in your hands and never put your hands in your pockets because thatis justification for murder.

  8. A Thug creeping with drugs in his system trying to steal good peoples belongings a shame. School, a job, setting an example for his two young sons, being responsible for ones self? The mayor, the protesters are wrong!!

  9. Who the hell turns on officers as they’re being pursued and decides to advance on them while pointing a phone at them as if it’s a gun?

  10. An American justice system preoccupied with keeping commercial prisons full are willing to cede the power of the death penalty to underpaid personnel trained to "shoot-to-kill". Then mixed-raced protestors enter an elite neighborhood after sundown. Maybe SunDown Town rules were in effect without warning signs posted.

  11. This is fucking dumb. The cops should be executed for killing a BLACK man that may or may not have been running from said cops, then breaking and entering, then pulling what may look like a gun and assuming a gun stance. Pssh. I tell you what. This just shows you how privileged whites are. If it was a white man, he'd be getting arrested. It just shows that there is some sort of inherent racism that triggers in these African-hating officers. Might as well be wearing the KKK hat.

  12. If execution is the punishment for breaking windows then what is the punishment for an actual serious crime? Twenty shots with many in the back implies more than "self defence". The victim is black so no charges. When a black policeman shoots and kills a white person, like officer Noor did, then murder charges are laid. I am not excusing Noor as he obviously had prior personal issues in dealing with the public and was too willing to draw his weapon.

  13. You get what you give. Stephon didn't give a fuck about black folks and enjoyed undermining their safety by his anti-black rhetoric and his CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Don't fret over his rights and safety.)

  14. HEY Black America. Why dont you get off your LAZY ASSES and VOTE!!!!!!??? ALL the Outrage about "JUSTICE" and you sit on your Hands when your ONLY POWER as a People comes around. Mayor/ District Attorneys/ Police Chief etc…….. Are ALL PUBLIC offices you CAN VOTE good people IN to.. Stop Whining about being Victims! and organize and VOTE for your LIFE!

    Change only comes when people stop being lazy and ACT!

  15. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with police wanting to shoot people and people not voting for there small government. The people of this area should vote for there small government. Vote for a mayor who will do what he can to reform police. Vote for your local sheriff that will do right by you. Vote for your local judges and DA where able. Presidents have nothing to do with this and can not do anything about this. This is on the people. The people need to start voting for there local government

  16. I’m all for gun rights, I’m conservative on pretty much anything. I’m pro life. I’m also pro life in this situation. Those police shot and killed a unarmed person. You don’t get a get out of free jail card because your job. Those police need to be charged that’s murder. I’m not saying he was shot because he was black, I’m saying he was shot because those cops wanted to shoot someone.

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