2 days in jail for teen who shoved friend off bridge – Car Mod Pros Portal

The grandmother of Tay’Lor Smith, who was sentenced to two days in jail, told ABC News the sentencing hearing “made my granddaughter look like a monster.”

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “2 days in jail for teen who shoved friend off bridge”
  1. She a teen because she was a minor and she is an adult
    An adult should never injured a minor they should know that
    She couldn't died because I'm don't think Jordan gonna be friends with Taylor forever there friendship is over Jordan say Taylor I'm accepted your apologized and I love you but I'm sorry we're not friends anymore it over the judge will put a restraining order
    Which means she won't be allowed to see her if she disobey the order she will go to jail.

  2. It's only 2 days, it's nothing. She should be glad it wasn't a heavier charge like attempted murder. Don't play stupid games and maybe you wont win stupid prizes.

  3. Holgerson should be behind bars fir the number of days that Jordan had spent in the hospital and to get well. Then, she should be made to pay all of Jordan’s medical expenses, plus other punitive damages.

  4. The Judge is corrupt,
    I would lock the brainless careless ….. for 10 years, from that hight she could have killed her if physically fragile or make her paraplegic for the rest of her life

  5. But they say she a monster but if she a monster then what she did was on the same level as a guy who murder family’s on family’s and laughs about it

  6. The whole idea of standing on a ledge five stories high is crazy. Young kids today see so much of jokes and pranks that to think twice about pushing her friend never entered her head.

  7. If I had done something what Taylor did, I would want to spend the rest of my life behind bars. I would send gifts of remorse and apologies. If my friend who I almost killed hated me now, I wouldn't blame her or him at all. I wouldn't even stand myself.

  8. A heart of gold would not have pushed this teen off a Bridge but a heart of gold also doesn’t hold unforgiveness

    Matthew 6:14-15: For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: (15) But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

    Truth be told none of them have a heart of gold because none of them have obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ and received the Holy Ghost.

    In 1Corinthians 6:2-3, Paul is speaking to the Corinthian Church

    “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?” (3) Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life

  9. Jesus Christ identifies as the Father (John 14:9) the Son (John 10:36) The Holy Ghost (John 14:17-18)

    No Trinity (division of God)

    God (Father, Son, Holy Ghost 1,197 other titles) is one (Jesus Christ)

    Galatians 3:20: Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one

  10. Acts 2:38: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost

    The sign of the Holy Ghost is tongues

    Mark 16:17, Acts 2:4, Acts 10:43-48, Acts 19:4-6,

  11. Guys , guys .. yes it was stupid on her part but there was no intention on her end to hurt her. 2 days or 2 years her life is ruined by criminal record.

  12. I think she got the appropriate punishment and the judge was fair…She pleaded guilty for a sentence to be carried at home of 60 days, and the judge reversed that to 2 days in jail so she can think about her actions, plus community hours. This was not an act of intentionally trying to harm her friend. Was Taylor right in what she done 'ABSOLUTELY NOT', but kids act before thinking. She is only 15 years old and is not yet an adult. Did Taylor know her friend would go on her belly first? People jump from this bridge, and my view on this is she probably thought her friend would go feet first and be okay like everyone else. If she deliberately tried to harm her friend, I'd say lock her up..In this case, this was not so…Jordon was on the ledge like she wanted to jump. It's not like Taylor forced it and threw her over. …It was a stupid thing she done to her friend without thinking it could hurt her, but it was in no intention to harm her deliberately. Guaranteed, she will think about her actions before acting after spending 2 days in jail knowing next time it could be longer

  13. Hitting water from a 60 feet fall is like hitting a brick wall as her broken ribs and punctured lung show. Unless of course you hit the water feet first which she would have done if she wasn’t pushed .

  14. 2 days in jail ???? What a joke !!! She Fell 60 feet !!! She's Lucky to be ALIVE and NOT Paralyzed For the Rest of her life. God bless you ❤️ Jordan I Hope the Best for you I Pray you heal from Everything and The HORRIBLE Trauma You Suffer…

  15. This should have been a lot more than 2 days. That was reckless and Taylor could have died. When she was reading her plea for leniency I couldn't help an eye roll. Then asking to have her jail sentence suspended? Like… this isn't a homework assignment or a nail appointment, you deal with the consequences right then and there, spoiled brat.

  16. They catch a black teen with 2 joints in their pockets (not hurting anyone) and they're sent to prison for months and now this girl… 2 days? Seriously?

  17. Lady she deserved more then two days its assault period .get real your granddaughter made herself look like a monster because she feels no remorse as her words and actions caused her .

  18. If this was just a pool I will believe the “heart of gold” but a bridge? Just watching this almost gave me a heart attack.

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