CDC panel to decide on Johnson & Johnson vaccine | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory panel is expected to decide Friday if the Johnson & Johnson vaccine should be administered after six women developed blood clots.




#WorldNewsTonight #CDC #JohnsonandJohnson


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “CDC panel to decide on Johnson & Johnson vaccine | WNT”
  1. Sure they will they have nothing to lose unlike a family who lose a love one and a loss of income. If you lose Dr funci income it would be a different story.

  2. Love how they open for 16 yes old but they forgot to adjust the time for appointments, kids are in school doing finals, parents are at work, how about open later and more weekends options.

  3. Has anyone considered that they are really just trying to kill people? I mean once you get that shot, there is no going back, your life span has become that of a 4 pack a day smoker

    Watch these and educate
    So you mean to tell me that if I talk about electrical magnetic signals I go on a watch list? so you mean to tell me that the Mexican drug cartels can talk about electrical magnetic signals and get a watch list sent anywhere they want only to be met by semi-automatic weapons? lol, so three National Security units could be called today, 3 National Security units could be sent, and when the unit drives around with their cars, they will be met by semi-automatic weapons and gunned down in the street, they could continue  to send your National Security watch list, and then execute your watchlist when it arrives, three times a day, three military units gunned down, just like pulling fire alarms, they can control your whole army, just like the beaches of Normandy, you prove it bro…. lol for pretend OBVIOUSLY…….

  5. I know a lot of people that had Covid ad they were 40's to late 50's and 60's and they fine..Never had vaccine and they won't get it..

    This is an unprecedented moment, a time when, due to the spread of COVID-19, countries have taken measures such as movement control orders or even total isolation to contain the virus, and people are concerned about the unexpected future .
    That is precisely why you can now start helping our project by providing relief for COVID-19 so that you, as part of a community, can provide help to people who are concerned or even feel isolated because of their condition. health and financial.
    For the time being, there are still countless people in need of medical and financial help.
    Our Brazil has reached the top of the proliferation among many countries, lagging behind only some countries like USA, UK and Portugal.
    You can also send funds to provide help.
    Not only yourself, but also people around you like your family, neighbors and friends who also care about others.
    Even if the future looks uncertain, we can be part of the hand that leads to a better future. We will fight for that future together.
    Contact us by e-mail,netoonunes 083@ gmail. com

    And do your part as a human being.
    No matter the amount of your donation, more so that you can.
    Please my Friends 😪

  7. 🙄 they keep trying too give this mess too people your going too get a blood clot silly stop forcing media it's good to take smh

  8. Covid deaths US 584,226 Mexico 214,095 UK 127,345 Canada 23,811 China 4,636 Australia 910 NZ 26 Taiwan 11.

    The educational gap caused by pandemic mismanagement are Trump's legacy affecting the US for years to come.

    There are 18 variants, 11 from the US, 2 from the UK and India and 1 each from South Africa, Brazil, China and France.

    Anti-maskers, Anti-vaxers, MAGATs and QANON are killing Americans. When was America great?

  9. US J&J has had blood clotting issues and accidentally ruined 15M vaccines and is as stupid as a cop mistaking a gun for a taser..

    US Vaccine passports will help the world stay safe against US Covid mismanagement. What country would take the risk?

    China has exported vaccines to 69 countries, arranged exports to 43 others including vaccines for Tokyo and Beijing Olympians.

    US has kept all their vaccines for themselves. When was America great?

  10. !!!~American virus /American AIDS /American flu
    covid-19 originated in the United States. Two virus leaks occurred in the Fort Detrick Biolab in the U.S. in 2019, and the United States virus infected the world.Americans are trying to hide the truth
    Influenza comes from the United States, AIDS comes from the United States,covid-19 come from the United States.

  11. So basically u get infected with a milder version of the flu because co.f. Is a rebranding of the flu… Oh… kind of exactly like what would happen if you took the flu vaxxxx. What a coincidence

  12. The governmet lukslazi ithastubegoebmnrtm who made canm onli the government’s acne issue a vaccine

  13. Politicians are the most envious people on the planet. Too ugly to be movie stars but still prostitutes like Hollywood nonetheless. They are meant to be our servants but they sell themselves to the highest bidder.

    Reporters/anchors weren’t talented/good-looking enough to be actors so they became script readers. Same with politicians. Since time immemorial actors/singers have been on the level of prostitutes. They aren’t authorities on ethics, science, etc. Neither does running around with a ball make one an authority on anything.

    When was the last time you asked a prostitute for advice?

    Remember those Chinese videos of people dying in the streets from Covid? What happened to that? Ever personally see that where you live? All communist kabuki theater. Chinese are so envious of America; Hate us cuz they ain’t us.

    Pandemics naturally come and go—or else we’d still be dying from the Spanish flu. Only 25% of people were vaccinated for H1N1, yet it disappeared.

    You have a 2% chance of adverse vaccine reaction but a .1% chance of dying—even if sick—from covid. You’re taking 20 times the risk with the vaccine! They only speak of risks and percentages with the vaccine—not covid.

    Moderna is 44 times more deadly than all other vaccines we’ve ever seen before. More people died from these covid vaccines in less than a year than all the vaccines from the last ten years.

    Just wait a few months-years. We will find out from the test animals what the vaccines will do.

    It doesn’t matter how many cases there are. This is how you know this is pseudoscientific nonsense. Then again Pfizer and these big pharma companies are low-class thug murderers.

    You’re immune once you get it and 99.98% of people don’t even show symptoms so why only push experimental gene therapy (‘veccine’) when safe tested conventional treatments exist? People used to have chicken pox and measles parties to catch it and get immunity. Vaccines injected in the muscle don’t give immunity the way catching a virus or disease does.

    Pfizer set a record for the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind with $2.3 billion in 2009.
    Source: U.S. Department of Justice

    Pfizer | Company History, Products & Lawsuits, COVID-19 …

    CDC is a for-profit entity that has no place in American government as per the 9th and 10th amendment. They have the audacity to say everything is forbidden to you unless they say it’s ok, even though the 9-10th amendment says the exact opposite—namely people have the right to do as they please unless powers specifically mentioned there in say otherwise i.e. 9-10th amendments limit government.

    99.98% of people who get covid won’t even show symptoms but will be immune once they catch it, so why risk taking a dna experimental vaccine which has already harmed and killed thousands of people—highly unusual for any vaccine. Covid “vaccines” aren’t traditional vaccines at all. They are experimental gene therapy. In fact we don’t even know if it’s covid or the flu as they never properly technically isolated covid—and flu cases went to literal zero—at least that’s what they would have us believe.

    They will recall millions of gallons of ice cream or food if a handful of people die yet these injections for a disease 99.98% never show symptoms for (which means you’re immune and don’t need a ‘vaccine’) have killed so many people already and they have complete immunity. Fauci got immunity for big pharma in 1986.

    In other words 99.98% of people could skip the experimental gene therapy shot and still have antibodies.

    They tested mRNA injections (they are gene therapy not real vaccines) on animals for SARS and other diseases—All the animals died. They did no animal Experiments with this one (as barbaric as animal testing is). you are the animal tests. They showed us a bunch of people dying in the streets in China literally to scare everyone into unconditional lockdowns. Did anyone see people dying in the streets from covid?

    There are many safer alternative treatments to vaccines. They are being artificially pushed on the public. It takes decades to test these properly, especially new technology. We have no idea what will happen in five years from now. Many rushed vaccines and medicines have had catastrophic effects such as birth defects and sterility.

    Not worth playing Russian roulette for the flu basically where 99.9% of people never even show symptoms. It’s not a traditional vaccine. It basically is appending the instructions of the dna with outside instructions, coding mRNA to manufacture proteins and injecting that into cells for ribosomes to manufacture. The problem is human biochemistry is incredibly complex and there are tens of thousands of proteins that can easily be thrown off balance; primarily either destructive self-reinforcing feedback loops that either diminish necessary protein synthesis or cause runaway excessive protein synthesis.

    MRNA vaccines may be suitable to terminally ill patients, say with a cancer mortality rate of 80%, where the benefits outweigh the risks, but in healthy populations you likely may create more severe reactions and even deaths than would outweigh the benefits. They have many benefits to traditional vaccines but it takes sometimes a decade or more to test and develop these and the benefits are not worth the risks of an untested vaccine, including autoimmune disorders, blood clotting (stroke or serious cardiovascular events), and inflammation (leading to neurological damage, organ failure or cancer, etc) to name a few. We already have many studies showing covid vaccines causing adverse reactions not to mention all the botched rushed mass-vaccination programs like HPV.

    The presence of unintended RNA fragments causing Immune response interference aka translated into unintended proteins, can include molecular deficiencies that can result in hormonal/endocrine disorders, infertility, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and many more. Plus we need to consider what happens if the protein folding part of protein production goes wrong, or only snippets of mRNA are produced that represent actual essential proteins and enzymes in the body but trigger an auto-immune response. Your immune system won’t differentiate Newton the necessary proteins and foreign pathogens and will begin to attack the body’s own essential cells or molecules (autoimmune disorder).

    vaccine manufacturers or FDA regulators can’t foresee theoretical side effects of an mRNA vaccine until months or years after the initial injection. These adverse events are likely to be systemic, not acute, and would not become apparent in short-term clinical trials. It takes decades to truly know what will happen and mRNA therapies have a lot of promise, but they are a completely new technology and i would never risk it unless I was a terminally ill cancer patient (for which there are other alternatives, especially starving cancer thorough certain diets including raw fruits and veggies and strengthening the immune system

    In the words of Cambridge’s phg Foundation:

    There is still a lot of work to be done before mRNA vaccines can become standard treatments, in the meantime, we need a better understanding of their potential side effects, and more evidence of their long term efficacy.

    The possibility that mRNA fragments might enter the cell nucleus and alter the genome of the host through some unknown process is possible, despite the assurances of scientists. History is littered with such scientific proclamations that led to catastrophic effects.

    They tested mRNA injections (they are gene therapy not real vaccines) on animals for SARS and other diseases—All the animals died. They did no animal Experiments with this one (as barbaric as animal testing is). you are the animal tests.

    Larry King was set to be clear and free with a clean bill of health out of the hospital but they gave him the mRNA injection first and he does like so many nursing homes! Don’t be naive

    Emergency room visits in the USA actually have flattened and has gone down since March, contrary to what they would have us believe in the news.

    Where did the flu go? The Covid Which Ate The Flu

    Mask don’t work. Masks Britain

  14. "…Johnson & Johnson (Covid) vaccine…" motivates us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian, Californian, Texan (BV-1), & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

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