1st vaccinations of children as young as 12 in Georgia | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

As many as 17 million adolescents will be formally cleared to get the vaccine after a CDC panel recommends the Pfizer vaccine Wednesday. Some parents are still skeptical.




#WorldNewsTonight #Pfizer #Vaccinations


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “1st vaccinations of children as young as 12 in Georgia | WNT”
  1. Vaccines takes years (fastest one ever is 14 years) to successfully perfected, funny how every month we’ve been hearing there’s a new company testing their own vaccines and successfully perfected it and is safe. Seems like everyone wants to bank on this. Lol

  2. Be alert next pandamic wave is closer. as per scientist virus is making very poisons day by day how Virus is growing up within a one year from virus born virus shake and blast world system. when virus will 2 year old 3 year old 4.. 5.. 6.. 10 year old how poisons Virus will so I request all world break the chain otherwise future is very worst. even virus creator China will not control becouse Virus is dangours and out of control day by day to making itself most poisonous. stay safe.

  3. With less then a year of testing when there have already been recalls this is already questionable.
    Using the kids as a trial population when they are not at risk is irresponsible.
    A normal vaccine goes thru testing typically for like 10 YEARS which makes it safe there is a reason why its that long.
    Better watch that rand paul faucci vid from the other day (watch the full cspan one).

  4. While most countries are struggling to get their elders vaccinated, the US is vaccinating 12 year olds who are practically immune to this virus, what a selfish inhumane act.

  5. If GA govt really gave a damn about people's lives, they would eliminate the SoL on any crimes that were inflicted on children no matter how long ago it happened, justice needs to prevail. When will GAs children and GAs adults that were victimized as a child be given Equal Rights as FLs victims? Or any other state that has eliminated the SoL.

  6. i already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because i have try many treatment none of them work out for me i have go to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr Ojiefo in the net from a lady called Angela i contacted her and she reassured me with his herbal medicine which i took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. I doubted at first because i have been to a whole lot of reputable doctors, tried a lot of medicines but none was able to cure me. so i decided to listen to him and he commenced treatment, and under two weeks i was totally free from # Herpes. i want to say a very big thank you to DR Ojiefo for what he has done in my life. feel free to leave him a message on email Drojiefoakhanolu@gmail.com and also Whats-app him +2349055497048 he also cure all this 1.HIV 2.AIDS HPV 3 .ALS 4. BED WETTING

  7. Parents, before making a decision, do your due diligence. Only ONE study has been done with the Pfizer vaccine on ages 12 and up. Approximately 3,000 children were enrolled in it. This is not enough information to justify injecting children en masse. This decision has been rushed and could come with unforeseen consequences. Ethically, the adult clinical trials should be completed first. Please understand there is NO long-term safety or efficacy data at this point. For the sake of the children, take the time to read and understand the informed consent on these vaccines – Physicians for Informed Consent: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/covid-19-vaccines/

  8. USA covid serging again. China created this Virus as bio weapons. it will destroy world slowly slowly. world will see and know after 10 years. this virus dangour function. Virus will kill billions people one day. China will safe for this bio weapon. virus will more dangour day by day in comming days, vaccine will not work, also China can not control this virus even they made this virus but world will not servive. be safe everyone. stay safe stay home. World should punish China. China will never aacept this but truth is that virus came in Wuhan. Wuhan virus was very very normal but now virus is 2 year old when virus will 10 year then imagine how Virus will kill people. be safe everyone and try to break the chain from all world this is only solution but no one is trying to break the chain every one praise themselve falsely don't do that focus on break the chain. comming days will worst for humanity and human being. be safe everyone.

  9. The US is finally stepping up to help India? US J&J has had blood clotting issues and accidentally ruined 15M vaccines.

    China has exported vaccines to 69 countries, arranged exports to 43 others including vaccines for Tokyo Olympians.

    US has kept all their vaccines for themselves. US 596,925 UK 127,629 India 254,225 NZ 26 When was America great?

    Not wearing masks are why US Covid deaths is 596,925 while New Zealand is 26 with the last fatality in August last year.

  10. Covid deaths US 596,925 Mexico 219,089 UK 127,629 Canada 24,710 China 4,636 Australia 910 NZ 26 Taiwan 12.

    The educational gap caused by pandemic mismanagement are Trump's legacy affecting the US for years to come.

    There are 18 variants, 11 from the US, 2 from the UK and India and 1 each from South Africa, Brazil, China and France.

    Anti-maskers, Anti-vaxers, MAGATs and QANON are killing Americans. When was America great?

  11. Americans are arguing over mask mandates meanwhile other countries aren't even allowed to be outside of their homes for non-essential outings. Y'all have it VERY EASY with restrictions

  12. Not even the kids faults it you wacko humans who believe in this demonic BS when they flip the switch ill have no problem laying anyone down . . may GOD be with you

  13. 😱😨😳😯😦😵😧😫

  14. These parents think they own the bodies of their children smh 🤦‍♂️ This is the kind of attitude that justifies the worst kinds of mutilation and subsequent humiliation.

  15. A vaccine for a demographic that has over a 99.9% chance of beating no less than a common cold? Might as well start making those kids wear lightning protective hats.

  16. For they did not repent for their sorceries:

    Let The LORD JESUS CHRIST Be TRUTH, and every man a Liar. May The LORD YAHOVAH Expose the deceivableness, and Give His Swift JUDGEMENT/JUSTICE.

  17. the cdc does not keep records of those infected with influenza… only the deaths from it. so why do we need to keep posting the number of infected people with covid? its sinister how the corporate handlers and lifer politicians keep pushing this narrative. what is their motivation?

  18. As an RN I say this is LUDICROUS! We have NO FREAKING IDEA what this will do to children long term. Our kids have been in school here in Ohio since last October and having NO PROBLEM! USE YOUR BRAINS PEOPLE!

  19. Is wearing a mask really that big of a deal? My 14 year old has been wearing his to school for over a year and it’s not really making things that bad.

  20. 99% of human history life was very difficult. We live in a modern world where life is exponentially easier than in the past. Yes it sucks wearing a mask but it's just a piece of material over your mouth and it's temporary. Why do they turn science into politics.

  21. Oh these poor kids. Please Lord help them. 🇺🇸🙏🏻💕

  22. My problem with this vaccine is that it is using Nanotechnology, which is microscopic AI being introduced into human DNA. This is the first time this technology has been used in a vaccine before. I know there has been very few complications reported so far, and many health officials have spoken out against this vaccine, riscking their curries and being censored when they show their concerns. WHY are they being silenced like this? That's what I want to know.

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