Advocates fight for trans athletes as more states consider school sports bans | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

A Missouri State Rep. Doug Richey defends the state’s proposed ban. Transgender advocates say the bans are aimed at a problem that doesn’t exist. A father fights for his trans daughter.



#Nightline #Transgender #TransAthletes #SportsBan #DougRichey #NCAA #Tennis #TrackAndField #LGBTQ #EqualRights


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Advocates fight for trans athletes as more states consider school sports bans | Nightline”
  1. Dude you are a horrible person, you are taking places that these girls have worked hard to get! You couldn’t make it in the man’s sport so you figured you cheat and take something that isn’t yours! You know and everyone who has a brain knows that you are stronger and you run faster! And to top it off the hurdles you jump are lower then the men’s!!! You’re a cheater and a liar! Just bc some counselors say there is not two genders doesn’t make it true! My best friend is a doctor and she told me this is so bad that ppl are lying to these ppl! I pray that you’re sidelined. I don’t want to wish anyone harm but if you cracked your knee it wouldn’t hurt my feelings’

  2. I just can’t believe how selfish these men are, I will never call a man a woman and Vice a versa I know God made man and woman they try to say that there was a mistake that happened and that is bullshit

  3. Transgender women shall not compete against women who are biologically born female. It is unjust and unfair. The male body and muscle is naturally boosted with testosterone over 20 30 odd years on top the athletic training. No amount of hard training for biological women can match up to that of the transgender women who are athletically trained and only changed their gender in their later lives.
    This woke culture is disgustingly hypocritical. So forgiving for their mistake and privileges yet so harsh and demanding for others! I am politically democratic but this is such BS.

  4. 3:44 “I just want ppl to go and do their research”. Bro you literally going off of emotion and not facts or a proven hypothesis.

  5. Funnily enough girls are humans too, and they don't like their hopes and dreams being taken away by someone with an unfair advantage. Trans women don't have a monopoly on struggle and suffering such that their rights supercede the rights of girls.

  6. I haven’t played basketball seriously in about 10 years but if I identify as a woman right now I’d be a top prospect for the WNBA and I could possibly be the GOAT lol

  7. Why don’t they get there own league….I mean got damn wtf💯💯💯

  8. This is an issue that will go away. The vast majority of Americans do not want boys in girl sports. That’s just reality.

  9. Is there many women that are now transgender men competing as men in the same sport and are they at a disadvantage because of their bone structure and lack of muscle mass.

  10. Where are the trans-men in sports? Are they competing in NCAAM, NCAAF, the NBA, MLB, UFC, MLS, CFL, etc.??
    No? Well it's because girls can't compete with the top male athletes on that level.

  11. I get the father of the trans girl, but you have to take responsibility for your choices. She chooses to trans and you can not have everything you wish for. Even any human being knows that, we make choices and most of the time we have to sacrifice something even someone. Create your own category and that way everyone will be happier and most important FAIR.

  12. Totally liberal minded bullshit. These real women are being pushed out of their own sport to please the guys that can't compete with their own kind. No matter what you feel you are doesn't mean you should be able to compete with the weaker sex.

  13. You cannot put transgender women on women's sports teams. You just can't. They are male as birth and are physiologically stronger and more powerful than biological female athletes. They should either compete on the men's teams or in transgender teams of their own.

  14. So because you don't feel comfortable using all the boys stuff let's inconvenience the real girls and make them uncomfortable by you being in there locker room and bathroom not with my kids

  15. So playing with dolls and wearing dresses is what makes you a female? None of these people can ever explain what means to feel like another sex. Now, if they said when they look at themselves they want to look like the other sex, I would understand that. Looking like something doesn't actually make you that thing.

  16. I actually feel bad for Andraya. They were just a child caught up in this controversy. This trans athlete clearly has gone through male puberty and look and perform like a boy. I just hope the girls in the lawsuit can help save women’s sports.
    They are framing it has a conservative, right issue when it’s should be non partisan scientific/biological issue.

  17. Nice to see good men standing up against this bullshit. Play fair, always. Don’t support losers who beat up women. It’s the only way they can win, absolute bullies. They going to identify as children next and play in the kids race? Or disabled? Enough insanity.

  18. Its crazy the only people who want trans to compete with girls never played sports in their lives. This isn't misogynist to say, but even the top girls/women won't beat me in a sporting event. I'm no olympian but I train regularly. Even the most strong women have trouble pulling 4 plates on the deadlift, literally will take them years to hit those numbers and I did it after 1 year of lifting. Men/boys are physically stronger, our hands are bigger, we have stronger grips, and our bones are denser.

  19. There are other ways to learn leadership skills and other "great skills," other than putting your child in a position to dominate over biological girls in school sports. Sign your kid up for Future Farmers of America or something.

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