Families search for survivors, scramble for safety amid Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. is facing pressure to de-escalate the violence, which has led to hundreds of civilian deaths. On Israel’s border, some Lebanese and Jordanian protesters support Palestine.


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#Nightline #Israel #Palestine #Border #Lebanese #JordanianProtesters #International


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Families search for survivors, scramble for safety amid Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Nightline”
  1. How can we explain that before the Six Day War in 1967 there was no serious movement to demand Palestinian independence?

    “Before 1967? You will say to me, "the Israelis did not occupy the West Bank and the old city of Jerusalem" It is true. But during the Six-Day War, it was not from the hands of the Palestinians, or Yasser Arafat, that Israel conquered Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem.

    These territories were in fact occupied by King Hussein of Jordan since 1948. Was the Hashemite ruler ever asked to return these territories to the Palestinians? Has a single UN resolution emerged on this issue? No and no.

    Don't you ask yourself then why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won this war?

    The truth is, Palestine is a Myth!

    The name Palestine is first used in AD 135 by Emperor Roman Hadrian, who not content with eradicating the Jewish presence in Judea (a presence that had lasted for over 1000 years! ), not content with having destroyed their Temple in Jerusalem, not content with having forbidden access to the country to the last Jews, persuaded himself that it was necessary to annihilate all traces of Jewish civilization in the country by renaming it for the benefit of a name derived from the Philistines.

    The Philistines being that people to which Goliath belonged and whom the Hebrews had succeeded in conquering centuries earlier. This baptism was for the Romans a way of adding insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to "Alea Capitolina", but this did not meet with the same success. Palestine as an autonomous entity has never existed in history. Never !

    The country was dominated successively by the Romans, by the Christian crusaders, by the Muslims (who by the way never made Jerusalem a capital while they occupied the country), by the Ottomans and, briefly, by the British in the aftermath of the First World War. As early as 1917, with the Balfour Declaration, the British were in favor of ceding at least part of the territory to the Jewish people in order to establish a sovereign state there.

    There is no such thing as a proper Palestinian language. Not even a specifically Palestinian culture. There has never been a Palestinian ruled by Palestinians. The latter are Arabs, and are inseparable from the Jordanians (Jordan is also a recent invention, created from scratch in 1922 by the British).

    Realize that the Arab world controls 99.9% of the land in the Middle East. Israel represents only 0.1% of the regional surface! But this is still too much for the Arabs. They want EVERYTHING. And that is precisely where the crux of the conflict between them and Israel lies.

    Greed. Pride. Jealousy. Lust. All the concessions Israel might make will not be enough.

    What about the holy places of Islam? There are simply none in Jerusalem. Does that shock you? You can be. I am sure you will never hear this brutal truth from any international media. This is politically incorrect. I know you will tell me: Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent the third holiest site in Islam "after Mecca and Medina.

    Well, know that is wrong! In fact, the Qur'an makes no mention of Jerusalem. Mecca is cited hundreds of times. Medina is mentioned countless times. But Jerusalem never (conversely, Jerusalem is cited 669 times in the Torah!). There is no historical evidence that the Prophet Mohammad visited Jerusalem.

    So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site in Islam? Muslims today refer to a vague passage from the Qur'an, the 17th Sura, entitled "The Night Journey" (1). It describes a dream of Muhammad who was transported at night "from the sacred temple to the most distant temple whose precincts we have blessed."

    In the seventh century, Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as Mecca and Jerusalem. This is the reason for the close connection between Islam and Jerusalem – a connection made up of dreams, imagination, interpretations and myth. At the same time, the Jewish people see their roots in Jerusalem going back to the time of Patriarch Abraham.

    The latest wave of violence in Israel was said to have originated with the visit of Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount, where the foundations of the Temple built by Solomon are located. It is the holiest site in Judaism. Sharon and his entourage were greeted there with throwing stones and insults. I know what it looks like. I was there. Can you imagine how the Jews feel when they are threatened, stoned and kept away from the holiest place in Judaism?

    So, you will say to me, what is the solution to bring peace in this Middle East? Frankly, I don't think any man today can claim to have a lasting solution. But if there is, it must begin by restoring the Truth. The pursuit of lies will only bring more chaos. Continuing to disregard a 5,000-year-old legitimate right to Jews, further reinforced by glaring historical and archaeological evidence, confronting them with bogus claims, can only give this lying diplomacy a bad reputation.

    (1) Muslims rely on the Quran to claim Jerusalem, yet Jerusalem is not mentioned there once. The 17th Sura contains a fuzzy allusion to a "furthest Mosque". "Praised be he who led his servant from the inviolable mosque to the furthest mosque during the night." But is there a solid basis that would prove that the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is mentioned here? The answer is no !.
    During the time of Muhammad, who died in 632 AD, Jerusalem was a Christian city in the Byzantine kingdom. It was not conquered until six years later by Caliph Omar. During this period there were only churches in the city and on the Temple Mount was the Byzantine Church of St. Mary. Around the year 711, or 80 years after Muhammad's death, the church was transformed into a mosque and called al-Aqsa in order to give substance to the incomprehensible Sura 17 of the Koran. Muhammad could not therefore think of this mosque when he wrote the Quran, since it only existed three generations after his death. Besides, Muhammad had no particular sympathy for Jerusalem. He allowed these devotees to pray facing Jerusalem for a few months, hoping to convince the Jews to turn to Islam. The attempt having failed, he pronounced on February 12, 624, the prohibition to pray towards Jerusalem.
    This city was never a holy place for Muslims

  2. Indonesia will always be there to help Palestine, because the Indonesian people have experienced the cruelty of colonialism. 🇮🇩❤️🇵🇸

    David, the shepherd, a tender of sheep
    Would pray to his God before he would sleep.
    One day he awoke to the roar of beasts
    A bear and a lion in search of a feast.

    David slew both with his knife and his hand
    Though still just a boy and not yet a man.
    The Lord's love for David was proven once again
    When he challenged the champion of the Philistine men.

    Goliath’s beastly fingers and hideous toes
    Made David more selective with the stones that he chose.
    One for the giant, he knew he would slay
    Four more for his brothers who were laughing that day.

    The giant told David, "I'll tear you apart
    The birds and the animals shall feast on your heart."
    David yelled back, "I’ll soon see you dead
    And when I’m through I’ll cut off your head!"

    The worst of all men, drew high with his arm
    Came forth to David to do him great harm.
    The youth jumped ahead just as quick as a lynx
    A stone from his sling popped the giant where he thinks.

    Blood and bone spewed forth as that devil fell down
    A thousand pound soldier lie dead on the ground.
    With Goliath’s own sword David chopped off his head
    Then took it to Jerusalem to prove he was dead.

    The time has come for the people of Earth
    To band together to restrain the horde.
    Standing firm against tyranny where it exists
    Putting the mad dogs of man to the sword.

    By Tom Zart
    Google = Most Published Poet
    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
    Google = George Bush Tom Zart
    Google = Most Published Poet YouTube
    Google = Love War And More

  4. Israel ❌❌❌🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡😠😠😠❌😠😠😡😡🤬🤬😡😠😠😠😠😠😠❌❌❌😠😠😡😡🤬

  5. Stop Israel 🇮🇱 please stop ✋ disturbing my family palastein stop ✋ stop ✋

  6. people who value their own freedom , no matter what faith they belong to , or where they live , should raise their voice against the forced expulsions and expropriation of Palestinians from their properties, the apartheid imposed on them and the genocide that they daily face at the hands of the occupying forces .

  7. Yes I feel so bad for isreal,but although isreal does not know what they have done to Palestine,children killed,can’t see their family again because of this violence. Isreal IS A BAD COUNTRY WITH,BAD PEOPLE,DISCUSTING WARS AND OVER THE TOP BOMBS THAT SONT NEED TO BE USED,KILLED OVER 1000 CHILDREN IN 3 WEEKS BECAUSE IF ISREAL. Isreal you should THINK before you torture other HUMAN BEINGS.

  8. It is incredibly hard to believe that people like this exist . You can’t call yourself humans. The only thing that I can describe you with is Hitler. Inhuman, racist, and disgusting. Are you heartless people proud to be called that.

  9. ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️🔥🔥🔥🔥👹👹👹

  10. Free free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸😍🇵🇸🇩🇿❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. How can a high-rise be a house? It makes no sense. Were the almost 70 children #IsraeliNazis murdered Hamas? Remember, before Israel, Hamas didn't exist. Israel created Hamas as an outcome of their deviation from morality.

  12. As Israel continues to give. 3 million dollars to Hamas, TO make you think. IT IS going to bring IN THE MESSIAH. Russia is playing along. People THIS is False!!!Netanyahu and Lieberman ARE IN ON IT!

  13. Pelestine boleh 🕌🕋😘

    Dari saya 🇲🇾

  14. I am a Hispanic American Christian man,
    And I can tell ya'll, Israel will win against ANY nation that stands against it.
    Why? It is the nation of God.
    The home of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    No matter how bad it looks, Israel is the apple of the eye of God.
    May the Angelic Forces of the Lord God Almighty protect his native people.
    Anyone who speaks against the nation of God is in grave danger of the wrath of the Lord.

  15. What is wrong why are they doing this to these incent people what is happening in the world I have so many questions may Allah save all of us 😡😤😣😣so my heart is broken 💔💔😥😢

  16. Israel attacked and killed US troops on the USS Liberty in 67. They wanted to sink the ship and blame Egypt so the US would declare war on that country. When they realized a Russian sub was nearby witnessing the whole thing they stopped attacking saying it was an accident. When the USS Liberty reached US port with 34 dead and 171 wounded, the US government silenced all media to protect their “ally’s” reputation among the American people. America gives Israel billions of dollars each year in free tax payer money.

  17. Israel attacked and killed US troops on the USS Liberty in 67. They wanted to sink the ship and blame Egypt so the US would declare war on that country. When they realized a Russian sub was nearby witnessing the whole thing they stopped attacking saying it was an accident. When the USS Liberty reached US port with 34 dead and 171 wounded, the US government silenced all media to protect their “ally’s” reputation among the American people. America gives Israel billions of dollars each year in free tax payer money.

  18. Brothers and sisters please donate to the people in need of help to those who have lost everything. Help our brothers and sisters in Palestine Yemen Syria Iraq Pakistan and all over the world. These people are in need of urgent help. Donate what ever you can even a dollar counts. If you feel that there’s nothing you can do that’s a lie even praying for them counts. Allah will question us on the day of judgment and will ask us what did you do to help the needy. We will be accountable for what we witnessed in our lives. So please brothers and sisters do or give whatever you can there are many legit campaigns that are available for us to donate to look them up ask your local mosque. There are many adds on YouTube that pop up just click on them and give whatever you can. Allah said in the holy Quran Who is it that will lend to Allah a good loan which Allah will multiply ˹many times over˺ for them, and they will have an honourable reward? And the prophet pbuh said Whoever relieves a believer's distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter. Please brothers and sisters make a change and may Allah the most generous reward you. I am doing whatever I can to spread this message whoever can help spend it with me he will be rewarded by Allah swt and will accumulate all the deeds of everyone who does this deed inshallah please share this message. May Allah bless you.

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