Biden commits to sending 20 million vaccine doses in addition to 60 million already promised.
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#ABCNL #TheBreakdown #PresidentBiden #SharingVaccine #COVID-19
The right thing to do would be admitting your fraud and resigning obiden
Let’s give the experimental vaccines to other countries because nobody left that wants them here.
biden and his new world order companions want to kill you. This is why they want you to willingly take poison for free. Water isn't free we need water and many don't have water or access to clean water but they care right. WRONG THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL THE SHEEPLE
My herpes virus completely gone with the use of Dr osaba herbal medicine, I use his medicine within 14days, you can as well reach out to dr osaba on YouTube for any kind of help..
Super Joe has the human touch!!!!
People don’t want the vaccine here. I don’t see the issue
"Biden (Says) Sharing (Covid) vaccines with the world is 'the right thing to do'" thereby motivating us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the B.1.1.7 lineage mutations and others like the P.1, B.1.135, B.1.351, B.1.429, B.1.525, & B.1.617.1-3 lineage mutations combining to render current COVID vaccines no longer effective.
⤠B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G
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!💖🖤â¤ï¸ÂÂ今後ã¯æ°â€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ÃƒÂ£Ã†â€™Ã‚©Ã£â€šÂ¤Ã£Æ’–é…ÂÂä¿¡ã®å†ÂÂç·¨ã‚りãÂÂ΋¨ã†ã§ã™ï¼ÂÂã“ã®æâ€â€Ã‚¥Ã£Â®ライブé…ÂÂä¿¡ã¯ã€ÂÂã‹ãªらりやã°ã‹ã£ãŸã§ã™ãÂÂÂÂï¼ÂÂ1万人を超ãˆる人ãÂŒ見ã¦ã„ãŸもん(笑)やã£ã±り人å‚最高ï¼ÂÂã¾ã•ã‹ã®カメラ切り忘れã§やら1ã‹ãÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã‚Ÿã®もドã‚ÂÂドã‚ÂÂã§ãÂÂâ€â€ÃƒÂ£Ã‚Ÿ,. 💖🖤在整個人類æ·å²上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人æ•食部è½,æ°ÂÂæâ€â€Ã‚Â,城鎮,城市和鄉æ‘ä¸ÂÂ的弱者,無`'守和貧窮æˆÂÂ員。然而,人類的çâ€ÂŸå˜æ„ÂÂ願迫使那些被拒絕,被å‰ÂÂ奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種çâ€ÂŸæ´»æ–¹å¼ÂÂ,並繼續將其DNAèžÂÂå…¥ä¸ÂÂ斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,ä¸ÂÂè¦ÂÂ以為那些被拒絕的人åªåƒ垃圾。相åÂÂÂÂ,他們å¸會了在被忽視的肉類和èâ€ÂÂÂœä¸ÂÂ尋找營養。他們å¸會了清æ½â€Â,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野èÂœ和肉類,在食å“ÂÂ市場上被忽略的部分家çâ€Â¨èâ€ÂÂœ和肉類,並ä¸â€Âå¸會了使çâ€Â¨èŠ³é¦™çš„木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科çÂÂξϬ 來調味g食物煮的時候d
So nice of him and for sure it has nothing to do with the 800.000.000 that the pharma industry gonna earn on it
Let's just take a dump in a box and send it to the white house.
We’re gonna have a lot of surplus anyway
Nobody wants your vaccine. We've already been vaccinated you tyrannical bigots.
If you are donating 80 million vaccine doses, that means your vaccination plan isn't going so well. Bet you didn't see that coming!! Hahahahahaha
The right thing to do is tell the country y'all fuckin stuffed the ballot boxes
Oh yeah. Sure. Ha ha. So virtuous. Never mind that everyone that wants it has it, and no one else wants it. Thats probably more likely.
So sad India can't do this for itself.
Finally after 4 years a truly Presidential move.
The people who delighted in telling Democrats to "get over" Hillary losing in 2016.
Are the same people who are re-counting Arizona's ballots in 2021.
Helping India were helping ourselves
If you share vaccines for free with the world, The world might be saved this, but next time, there would be no company work on developing a vaccine for new virus's coming to town.
The communists
of China shared food equally and freely with people in 1950-60s.
Free food without labor, people were getting lazier and lazier, one day, no one put an effort to grow anything.
It turns out, numerous people died for starvation.
History will repeat itself.
We live in a generation where teasing and laughing at Americans is the norm.
MAGATs, Anti-maskers and Anti-Vaxxers who never wear masks will now say that they're inoculated.
China exported vaccines to 69 countries, arranged exports to 43 others and the US kept all their vaccines for themselves.
Covid deaths US 600,465 India 278,751 Mexico 220,433 Canada 24,964 China 4,636 Australia 910 NZ 26 Taiwan 12.
Building Americas reputation again which will pay off for everyone in the US and worldwide.
As a Biden supporter I am sick and tired of the false claims of the election being rigged. I demand all 50 states perform an audit and prove that Trump's Deliriously Speaking. Who's with me shoving truth down MAGA throats? We have nothing to hide!!! I trust our Democrat observers.
62% of Americans say a 3rd Party is needed.
Source: Gallup
Biggest most beautiful shipment ever! HUGE!
They are approved in Other countries. Astrazenica is approved in India. India is facing shortage. Please send to India.  US has plenty of vaccines. They have 2 vaccines with 94-95% efficacy. There are nor enough vaccine takers.Also They are only donating less efficacy vaccines like Johnson and Johnson and Astrazenica. India will also pay for it
Please send to India. Astrazenica is approved in India. But we are facing production problems. Able to produce very less quantity. Not enough for 2 doses x 1.3 billion people
The people complaining about sharing vaccines with other countries are the same people who don't want to get vaccinated🤣
Imagine what the X has to spew,lol
Please send to Taiwan, Last year Taiwan Can Help, now Taiwan Needs Help !