Republican county official blasts Arizona election audit – Car Mod Pros Portal

Maricopa county recorder: “There is no legitimate reason that would have prompted this audit.”

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By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Republican county official blasts Arizona election audit”
  1. Trump:
    The "billionaire" who hides his tax returns.
    The "genius" who hides his grades.
    The "businessman" who bankrupted 5 casinos and lost over $1B in ten years.
    The "playboy" who pays for sex.
    The "Christian" who doesn't go to church or read the bible.
    The "philanthropist" who defrauds charities; like the trdump foundation.
    The "patriot" who dodged the draft five times and received five deferments.
    The "innocent man" who refuses to testify and blocked witnesses from testifying/ ignored subpoenas from lawmakers.
    The "married family man" who is divorced twice and had affairs behind the backs of all three wives including the first lady with a porn star Stormy Daniels.
    The "hard working and minimal golfer" who not only has golfed more than other Presidents has made the american people pay his resorts to feed and house secret service
    The"elected official" who has done nothing but try and get himself reelected by staging rallies all over the country and sticking us with the bills
    The "leader" who accepts no responsibility.
    The "doctor" who knows more than the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for the last 35 years.
    The racist who doesn't understand or more likely care that words matter.
    The "scientist" who suggests injecting disinfectant to clean out the inside.
    The "psychic" who predicts the virus will disappear.

  2. In this interview Stephan Richer Maricopa County recorded elected in 2020 is omitting the fact that the database in question WAS DELETED after the MCBoS was served with the subpoena. It was archived and he had it but did not turn it over as instructed in the subpoena to the audit team. The line he draws is like line the line he walks and talks CROOKED

  3. What's disappointing is thinking we believe JOE BIDEN who makes Gotti look like a choir boy exactly why it took weeks to conjour up enough votes special delivery 430am Detroit I could go on BUT EVERYONE KNOWS

  4. A audit is not a recount!

    With a recount you start with 30 green apples 🍏, after recounting them you still have 30’green apples 🍏.
    However when you audit the 30 green apples you may find some were actually red apples 🍎 painted green, some may be oranges 🍊 painted like green apples 🍏, and you may even discover that some were fake wax, and plastic apples . In fact while doing the audit you also discover where the fake apples came from, and who sold them to you.

    Do you know how momma knows what child is guilty? It’s the child running to the cookie jar to hold the lid down so momma cannot count the missing cookies 🍪.

    Dominion,the DNC , and their hundreds of lawyers are those guilty children. And they are scared to death you are going to discover the fake votes, and who sold them to you .
    Dominion machines systems set up for fraud. The Arizona Secretary of state Katie Hobbs Just said since the Arizona audit was done in their state the local county government will not be allowed to use the machines again in a future election, and they will have to pay for new election equipment?
    Wait, what? Did these fools just admit that the machines they claimed were impervious to fraud, could be set up for fraud? These fools just keep showing us just how corrupt they truly are ! Meanwhile the audit team court ordered the information from Dominion that is necessary to see who logged in on the nov3 election. The Secretary of State said they gave them everything they had. Translation: the employees at Dominion not only didn’t give the Secretary of State what was needed to certify the election under these allegations, but the Dominion company is refusing to give the required court ordered access. So the man Eric Coomer( security for Dominon ) who was the Antifa member on his profile saying “don’t worry about Trump being elected he has already taken care of it” is the very head of security who refuses to release the court order information.

    I thought the dominion machines were impervious to fraud? 😂 you really cannot make this stuff up! Not to mention that CNN did a report saying that Dominion machines stole the Venezuela election in 04🤷🏻‍♂️

    Now ask yourself why would they not have used existing banking technology that is safe and secure instead of machines that experts say are designed for fraud ? That was a rhetorical question.
    We have had secure banking technology for decades.
    Our voting systems should be built with the same technology. So why weren’t they?

    With a system a citizen must show ID , and citizenship to set up a account.
    The death certificate automatically sent in to the system from the mortuary like it is with the social security system .

    Each citizen sets their personal code just like banking.
    They can call in anytime to check their votes for accuracy .
    Also every citizen can check the overall balance throughout the night for anomalies.
    Makes everyone a vote watcher.

    This with severe charges of Treason for anyone caught in systematic fraud.
    With individual vote fraud carrying the punishment of fines jail time, and loss of voter rights.
    Why would this existing technology, and common sense solution not be applied?
    Yeah, I’m light of the 2020 election that was a rhetorical question.
    These fools just keep showing us how corrupt they truly are !

    Post script: The book burning 🔥 going on Today has not been seen since Hitlers 1938 Germany , only now it’s way more efficient. The same types of technology used to cheat on the election is used daily to block conservatives content. These abuses of power are exactly what you would expect from a modern Hitler/ Marxist regime. If people don’t stand against this it will create the environment seen in China with the same horrors of death camps, just like in Hitlers 1938 Germany only now in our time.
    Go to my timeline harvest anything permission granted. Learn what the CIA mockingbird mafia media is hiding !

    ~ simplestone ~
    David used a simple stone to defeat Goliath. Be like David use the simple stone of truth ,with fearless faith in God !

  5. Anyone that says election fraud didn’t happen in 2020 isn’t worth arguing with at this point. YouTube has already silenced accounts that expose these conspirators. If you value truth go to another platform. If you value freedom, go now

  6. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” ― Joseph Stalin.

  7. Hook line and sinker 😂 it showed exactly what it needed to show haha 😂 the news thinking to be wise but soon become fools in the spectators eyes …to be continued…….

  8. Ask yourself these questions: How can accurate results be published without the logs and machines being forensically audited? Why are the logs and machines being kept from auditors? Defying ordered subpoenas, an attempt to run out the clock? Be honest. Even now that the logs and machines have been scheduled for release, can they be trusted not to have been "altered"?

  9. You can’t make this up. First it was CNN and now this OLD video from MSM shows up in my recommended videos on the same day that the AZ audit is reported to the senate. Hahahaha Panic in DC.

  10. Can’t wait for the arrests . What you don’t know they went door to door directly to the pole . Wait, you won’t get away with this at all. Including ABC . Rhinos going down too. Tic toc

  11. It is not that we are just sore losers. If Trump was defeated by a cognizant worthy opponent we would throw our hands up and say “we lost this one”…. but being Joe Biden and his completely impressively unimpressive career history… it is just unbelievable that even democrats think he is worthy and capable of the office of president. Are democrats listening to Biden mumble through whatever speech he decides to give and think “yes… this man represents the values of this country”

    The man said “it’s time we realize that We the People are the government”. That statement right there should have gotten him physically removed. The fact that he thinks the no amendment to the constitution is absolute is appalling. He thinks the 2nd amendment tells us who can own a gun and what kind of gun we can own.

    “We hold these truths to be self evident that men and…. you,…. you know the thing…”

    COME ON, MAN!!!

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