Senate Republicans block Capitol riots commission – Car Mod Pros Portal

Republicans blocked the Senate from moving forward on a bill that would establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riots led by supporters of former President Donald Trump.



#WorldNewsTonight #Senate #Republicans #CapitolRiotsCommission #Trump


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Senate Republicans block Capitol riots commission”
  1. Release the political prisoners – this was a staged event within a legal protest. The only person shot was an unarmed citizen by an armed officer who broke the law. Ie george floyd scenerio. Release the political prisoners – this was an unarmed protest.

  2. Trump and them Republicans need to be sued for everything to happen emotionally to the police officers and let Trump get away with that and be sticking by his side and what he did for our country

  3. Same on you Republicans same on you miss McConnell same on you money is not going to save you it may help you but it's not going to save you I pray everyday that the truth comes out because that's what we deserve as Americans the whole truth

  4. Same on you Republicans your own house was broken into by a bunch of trumpers and you look the other way why why why money can't save you all the time the truth will come out maybe we need a recon on your vote because you've been cheating and lying this whole time for Trump and a lot of it's coming out little by little

  5. Great news. Plus all they'd find out was the majority that were arrested were actually antifa and blm disguised as Trump supporters. Almost all of them posted videos talking about how great they were at forcing their way in and how everyone bought it that they supported trump. Millie Weaver released a video a month before this. She had workers infiltrate AOCs sunrise movement and they have members holding govt jobs and they planned to wait at airports, train stations and harass republicans and stop them from going to their offices and they had maps and plans to infiltrate but orgs like this "news" company refused to report

  6. The GOP knows if there was a January 6th commission there Jack in the Box will release, the truth will come out with why the white house was slow to react by sending the military, who in congress might be involve and sending text to the insurrectionist on the day itself, the GOP can of worms will open if it was BLM stormed the Capital the GOP would of voted for a January 6th commission but because it's there crazy insurrectionist supporters they don't want a commission.

  7. GRUMPY OLD PARTY ON STEROIDS. We need a new conservative party that protects democracy. The GOP is a radicalized cult full of venomous stalkers and abusers like Laserbeam Marjorie Greene and Mutt Gaetz. A cult is not a democratic party. America is now down to one democratic party and that is not good for the future. January 6 was a wake-up call 📞 that a large number of folks want a Trumpet autocracy in power…scary days ahead. The GOP lawmakers in the Capitol behave like they are contestants on Survivor with lying, cheating and conniving driving 🚗 the game. The GOP is not a democratic, mainstream institution; it is a white power monster led by a billionaire Big Trumpet. I don't get how pay cheque to pay cheque folks can believe Donald Trump the money nan and grifter loves them. God bless America 🇺🇸.

  8. If the republicans want to waste 6 trillion dollars of American's money then the republicans need to do one better. Republicans meet tomorrow 7 trillion dollars and use it as money to make money putting it to good use

  9. where is Pence? the guy is gutless, he doesn't take a stand against the people who defiled everything they came across. they wanted to kill you .remember mike? should have scared the living daylights out of you. one would think you really are a blah – dude you may have been seconds away from a full on lynching. do you understand what that means?
    now he's out of the white house and what? selling cars?

  10. I dont believe this crap .. I believe the ones who didn't show up.are in working behind the scenes with the democrats..because the capital riots was set up by the democrats..there's something fishes here !!

  11. Sadly, as usual white privilege is enacted to protect evil behavior, this country has not learned after centuries that you reap what you sow. You can no longer tout that this country's evil behavior in the past was a sign of the times. America's constant behavior and protection of it is a clear reflection of who this country is :past, present and future. The bible' states what happens to nations that forget God. This country has no Godly behavior at all.

  12. How can so many people be so sick as to place party over the truth and how can Republicans be so blasphemous, as to choose Trumps wishes over Gods commandments????

  13. Ironically, neither the "Preamble to the US Constitution, nor the Articles, and their Amendments, actually mandate, that the electoral government of the United States shall be governed, by any political party-affiliated "Officers" of the US government.

  14. They are Neo Confederates themselves.. Biden and the dumbocrats need to stop kissing their behinds and call them what they are. How can they even be called law makers when they condone insurrection and mayhem. hypocrites.. Blue lives Matter only when, only when Black Lives Matter show up.

  15. 🤡👀PATHETIC PARTY!! They know they were involved!!👀

  16. Republicans need to go back to the basics🤔 remember we were told as kids don't put all your eggs in one basket🤯 they're putting all their eggs in that orange broken basket called Trump😡 they'll have nothing to fall back on when he's in prison🤫

  17. Republicans cannot get over Trump losing but when it come to an ACTUAL attack on the nation's Capitol it's. "meh, forget about it." Whatever happened to Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz's marching orders that if their was foul play involved, the American people has the right to know? GOP is nothing but a party of scoundrels

  18. Every one of these Republicans who voted against a committee to find the facts of the attack on our democracy and capital should be removed at once as traitors and inserection leaning cowards !!

  19. Republicans are a bunch of no good for nothing crooks, pimps, con artist, underhanded slime balls!
    ROTTEN always hiding things from the public!!

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  21. They want to investigate the so called plot about the election being stolen, but not investigate any potential plot of the riot, about the election being stolen. This even more shows how fake the right are.

  22. The GOP spent how many millions of taxpayers' money on the Benghazi investigation because they felt it was important to find out how the attack on the US Embassy on a foreign land happened but the January 6th attack which took place right in the heart of the American government is not their priority. Folks you can't get more anti-America than that!

  23. Talk about doxing people who don't want to push the bill. Either stop wasting taxpayer's money on something stupid like this or push a bill to investigate both sides like Democrats' BLM and Antifa's year long rioting and looting. Look also into Kamala's Minnesota Freedom Fund that bail out these rioters too.

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