Lori Vallow’s attorneys say she’s unfit to stand trial – Car Mod Pros Portal

Vallow’s legal team is raising concerns about her mental competency after she was charged with killing her two children.


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Lori Vallow’s attorneys say she’s unfit to stand trial”
  1. Nothing but a con which she's BS of her needing mental health—BS! In court walking like she's so more important then anyone else, smiling/rolling her eyes……….Put her back in court, she's conning everyone.

  2. To go off and play happy families with her new husband whilst those poor babies were cold in the ground is evil.
    All those dead people and the manner of the children’s murders justice must be served she could have just given those children to the grandparents if she didn’t want them 😭 I’ve just watched the full story on netflicks she’s beyond evil

  3. Total legal bullshit. Her lawyers claim that her obsession with God and the after life makes her mentally unfit to defend herself for murdering her two kids. If that is the case, any bible thumping God worshipping freak is mentally unstable.

  4. Yes Lorie is a great manipulator .She knows exsackley what she is doing .just like when they was looking for the kids she new Not to tell them where they was because. To say oh i kill my kids and put them in the ground ciz they was zombies she new dam well they would put her away.where she is.now.This woman is very dangerous.SHE understand you very well and she playing everyone around her..

  5. Nice try! The woman committed at least 4 murders, smoothly lied to family, friends, and the authorities, and now she thinks she will get off on a technicality. The thing about competency is the charges NEVER go away and the perpetrator sits in jail or the nut house until they ARE competent!

  6. Commenters don't seem to understand the difference between an insanity plea, and a request to delay the trial while the defendant is being treated with medication until she is well enough to stand trial. This is NOT an insanity plea.

  7. I find it strange her attorney is wearing a light blue vest along with Lori wearing light blue as he reaches for her hand to hold it as if he's comforting her for getting caught.

  8. I'm wondering if her continuing to claim to be someone who is god-like with powers is why she is getting declared incompetent. She is crazy like a fox.

  9. Not mentally competent? My ass. Nice try, Lori. Look at her court history w family court thru the years, she just drags it on & on. Its called cold & extremely calculating.

  10. Unfit for a trial ??? More unfit to live maybe !!! A murderous family in all their glory !!! All from the famous US …..unfortunately….

  11. Now she is playing the unfit game she was ok when she murdered her poor children hope the government sees right though the bitch she did the crime let her pay the time

  12. Oh, she's crazy alright. But not unfit for trial.. she's proven she's extremely clever, an expert at manipulating and making people disappear. She's smart, probably along the lines of a high functioning sociopath… which IS crazy, but certainly not undeserving of having justice brought down on them. Let her burn 🔥

  13. She took the time to do her hair all nicely…………….bs she is not unfit. The prosecutors will get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. And that fist one should lose his license for being dishonest.

  14. Psychic Readings on this case accurately predicted all aspects. Much more detail in these readings than has been released to the public.

    Tylee Ryan Most Important – 1st read – January 31, 2020 – https://youtu.be/DjgNMj_jt-U

    Psychic Overview – Feb 14, 2020 – https://youtu.be/Zoktd25iquE

    Joe Ryan Relative Reading – March 1, 2020 – https://youtu.be/c_w8Tw4iHSM

    Charles Vallow Relative reading- March 8, 2020 — https://youtu.be/935YqaQDq98

    Yellowstone Trip Reading – March 28, 2020 – https://youtu.be/sEARugPmAfE

    Bad Chad Daybell Reading – April 2nd, 2020 — https://youtu.be/81cljvWAMNU

    Cop Questions Answered Reading – April 24, 2020 — https://youtu.be/81cljvWAMNU

    Tylee Ryan Victory Reading – June 29, 2020 – https://youtu.be/y9lN5HfqHm0

    Murder of Charles Vallow – June 24, 2020 — https://youtu.be/rwD_v0BOaI0

    Human Sacrifice Occult Calender – February 22 2020 — https://youtu.be/zQA5QcT_xD0

    Tylee Ryan – JJ Vallow Psychic Investigation – https://youtu.be/uue4SfBVPDs

    Séance 5 psychics Asking for Tylee Ryan – Feb 1, 2020 – https://youtu.be/Fti7wPhmoNM

    Séance 5 psychics Asking for Charles Vallow – https://youtu.be/HqT47ArIVVI

    Pendulum Feb 2, 2020 – https://youtu.be/rcgcmgFEyug

    The Only Living Witness – https://youtu.be/LlwmvwYsjvg

  15. First and formost, lori is not a Mom in any sense of the word…but she is, a thief, lier and a manipulating cunning predator who murdered her children for money, and they murdered Tammy for money and Charles for the money she thought she would get in life insurance. She is more than competent to stand before a Judge and have her crimes read back to her……

  16. To me that FAT CHAD looks like he is a little boy inside a man's body as he follows his lawyer into court. Lori is going to use everything con in the book to avoid facing up to her guilt in court, i wouldn't be surprised if she shouted out "Fake News"

  17. Just imagine to be so empty and cold inside…so without empathy or remorse.
    To kill your children. Bury them in the backyard. Go to Hawaii and party, enjoy the beaches and sunshine while two innocents were sentenced to the dark.
    Monster…not a Mom in any sense of the word. Oh and here’s one more word.

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