The push for stronger gun safety laws to protect kids from accidental injuries, death | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

Ethan Song, 15, died while playing with a handgun at his friend’s house. His parents are among a group of people advocating for gun storage laws in hopes that other kids won’t have the same fate.



#Nightline #EthanSong #GunSafetyLaws #GunControl #Politics


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “The push for stronger gun safety laws to protect kids from accidental injuries, death | Nightline”
  1. This is tragic beyond belief. As a European military veteran, the American obsession with the liberal availability of lethal firearms seems to me to require some arcane knowledge which I do not possess in order to understand and unfortunately, never will. I have a hefty dose of respectful fear for what weapons can do. To have them freely accessible in a society is absolutely shocking.

  2. As a total gun advocate, the one thing I will agree with is LOCK UP YOUR DAMN FIREARMS PEOPLE!!! It's not like you need to spend 2k on a freakin safe. $300 safe would have worked.

  3. Nope, guns aren't the problem, dumb parents are.

    Protection from tyrrany for the entire country is more important than your child and I'm not sorry about that.

    Grow up.

    If you're the type of person who says "you can't defeat the government" when told guns are to protect from tyrrany you're just admitting the government would be tyrannical rather than saying it wouldn't happen you just say that we stand no chance so OBEY.

    Go F yourselves, move to places with strict gun control and see what it's like, you're f1lth so you might as well live in f1lth like Chicago and California

  4. Why not educate children when they are young? Keeping them blind and afraid of guns is detrimental if one day they find one and don’t know how to properly handle it.

  5. Second Amendment to the United States Constitution – "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Fundamentally what created our country was our ability as a people to rise against the government as they become tyrannical in nature.

    The Second Amendment IS the voice of the people, with no Second Amendment there is no First. Without even considering the empirical data, and self defense arguments which have merit of their own, it allows the people the option of non-compliance to Government which without, is forfeit. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and imagine that Hong Kong's protests don't favor the protestors having to fight back against THEIR tyrannical government with archery equipment. If you disagree with Government or Politics, the 2nd Amendment is the right of the PEOPLE. I may have been born in Korea, but I was raised American, Protect the FREE PEOPLE

    Nevada is America's last line of defense for freedom. California's gun control is spreading faster than COVID-19, Look into Nevada's 2nd Amendment groups, God Speed

  6. Criminals commit crimes. Guns don't just "go off". Laws are only followed by law abiding people. Parents need to raise responsible humans, not perpetual children.

    Freedom is everything.

  7. 4:11 Wtf.
    4:51 You can't go wrong with treating a gun like it's always loaded, that there's a laser emitting from the barrel, to not sweep the laser over anything you do not want to shoot, finger off the trigger till you want to shoot, and environment awareness.
    5:34 Accidental shootings are deadly, including to the owner. About 6yo ago, a mother at an Idaho Wal-Mart was accidentally and fatally shot by her 2yo who found her gun in her purse.
    9:34 No parent should have to bury their child.

  8. Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

  9. You people are so in love with your guns you don't give a s*** about your children or anybody else's children shame on you shame on you St Peter turns you away from the the Pearly Gates I help I hope you remember the children that were killed by guns because of people like you

  10. The lead story is hardly "accidental" or "unintentional" but hey the liberal crowd rarely relies on facts.
    The majority of "children" killed each year are violent male gang member under the age of twenty. The remainder are in single digits each year.

  11. Teach your kids not to play with guns I’ve been around them my whole life and always knew not to touch

  12. Meanwhile 3 neighbor kids playing with a pellet gun ran out of ammo shooting at my white doves and each other . They resorted to playing cops and robber where they kneeled on the robber and shot him in the head. Playing murder. Dad wasn't upset. 9,11,14 yo.

  13. Journalists are trash feeding on the emotions of the stupid. My Civil liberties don't get erased because some people and children are stupid. We should go back to having shooting clubs in school like we used to. Like our fore father's expected us to do. It doesn't say in the constitution shall not infringe unless someone kids get shot. #2aforever

  14. If they just wanted to look at the gun they could of left the gun lock on but no they went into the closet took the gun and then went and found the key to take the lock off the gun and then had to physically load it. (As it says the gun was stored unloaded) What was the point of loading the gun if they weren't going to shoot it?

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