American Justice: The Acquittal of Lorena Bobbitt – Full Episode (S21) | A&E

American Justice: The Acquittal of Lorena Bobbitt  – Full Episode (S21) | A&E

Will the acquittal of Lorena Bobbitt lead to an “open season” on men? Did she have the right to respond with violence under the circumstances?

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48 thoughts on “American Justice: The Acquittal of Lorena Bobbitt – Full Episode (S21) | A&E

  1. Betty’s is the classic case of “battered woman syndrome”

  2. "JuSt LeAve iF iTs So BaD." Buddy, my guy, I watched my ex destroy a metal curtain rod, with his bare hands, because his mom wouldn't give him money to fix his car. If I break it off with him, he loses a roof over his head, and a meal ticket. How do you think he's going to react? (spoiler alert: it wasn't good but with the help and support of friends and family, I got out relatively safely)

  3. I’m so glad she’s free.

  4. For the second case of battered wife, right, the husband didn‘t deserve go die IF THE POLICE HAD NOT FAILED TO PROTECT HER!

  5. 40:53 "that they can't pick up the phone and call 911" 🙄 do you know how many women were murdered even after going to the police for help? Lol such an ignorant statement!!! I can show you thousands of cases of battered women going to the police and the police not doing anything and the women getting murdered by the abuser! 🤦🏽

  6. I hope the jury didn’t have to look at exhibits😉

  7. She got crafty….instead of the juggler, she went for something more tender😳

  8. I checked my “man area” every 5 seconds when I watched this. …..oh good, it’s still attached.

  9. I don't believe a word coming out of his mouth. I believe Lorena. I've never been rapped but I have had guys just end up on top of me trying to get it without my consent. Thankfully when I said get off they did. Her accounts of what happened are classic man abuse and disrespect for women. I just never understood why men hate women so much

  10. I was an abused woman and the psychological abuse that I endured was more traumatizing and damaging than anything that could ever have been done to me physically. When I had first gotten away and the trauma was still fresh I felt sad and heartbroken. As more time went by I felt humiliated and ashamed and angry and wanted revenge for being hurt that way for so long and being told no one cared about me enough to save me. I now have come to peace with my abuse but I still have nightmares. I don’t understand actually enacting the vengeance since I never did but fantasizing about for once having power and being able to hurt and destroy in your deepest loneliest moments of darkness and anger and pain does relate to me in a big way.

  11. If you feel you need to be physical violence with your spouse then it's time to move on 😒😒

  12. Self-defense is not violence. Violence begets self-defense. 🙄

  13. The Betty Broderick case was a case of prolonged psychological abuse, rather than physical violence. I think Dan Broderick devastatingly betrayed, and mentally abused Betty, as well as totally and utterly screwed her in the divorce, after she dedicated her life to him, and made him the success that he was. She was a little wacko, but by all accounts she was perfectly normal before all of this. I think she should have gone to the looney bin.

  14. Charles Smith literally looks like he’s threatening her in their wedding photo!

  15. The completion for protection🙄

  16. This isn't fair!!! She should have served time and paid his medical fees. She's not credible to me at all. She's a psychotic instigator. I hope you never find a decent man!
    You probably hated him too because he ruined your plans to become a citizen I'm sure …

  17. There’s certain circumstances that prohibit abused women from leaving… such as threats, stalking, financial pressures, etc… and to call them “children”, is soooo insulting and wrong. I hope that guys daughters never get abused or he probably wouldn’t believe them

  18. 15:30 that was the fakest crying I think I’ve ever seen

  19. If I cut my man stuff off I’m keeping it js

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