CDC director: COVID-19 spreading among unvaccinated – Car Mod Pros Portal

Health officials in areas of the country with relatively low vaccination rates are warning the public about an influx of unvaccinated patients who are becoming severely ill.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “CDC director: COVID-19 spreading among unvaccinated”
  1. People are willing to gargle with iodine, ingest hydrogen peroxide, and contaminate themselves with an animal dewormer, but still refuse a vaccine that is proven to protect them from serious illness and death. Now, read that again and answer this simple question: What kind of sense does that make?

    What this country needs to do in the very near future is take a good long look at our education system. Seems to me that a portion of our population is seriously lacking in common sense and wise judgement.

  2. Notice:::::::::TERRORIST PROPAGANDA They NEVER show a vaccinated BREAKTHROUGH case patient and let us hear from them. WHY? They don't want you to know THE TRUTH! Fear mongering only works if you only tell HALF THE STORY. This is DOMESTIC TERRORISM at its finest. STOP EXPLOITING THE DYING AND DEAD! Have SOME DECENCY and RESPECT!

  3. All of you so called journalists should be ashamed of yourselves. You are blatantly lying. You have no integrity, no credibility, your families are surely embarrassed by you. In the end you will be found complicit in the biggest crime against humanity in history. What a legacy to leave.

  4. Do you hear yourselves talk?? Your talking about unvaccinated spreading virus. Vaccinated people are catching it and spreading it just the same. 74% of cases in Massachusetts outbreak were of fully vaccinated people. You make no sense what so ever.

  5. Congrats guys!!! We’ve made it about 1/3 through the pandemic. Only 4 more years to go!! 🥳🥳🥳

  6. If it's now so permissible for the CDC to make rent laws, why not laws that stop illegals from invading our Country with the virus? Government over reach or just plain tossing the constitution out the window? Did you hear about the CDC using a study from INDIA which was REJECTED from peer review to reinstate mask mandates? What about Joe Biden threatening to send federal employees door-to-door to try and force you to get the COVID jab? Sure, they might SAY they wouldn't use force to get their vaccine in your arm, but what about the pressure they've already put on employers, your favorite restaurants, or even your kids schools to require vaccines? Many places are so eager to force you into wearing a mask and will use any means necessary to coerce you to conform to the Biden's tyrannical demands. WHAT'S FALSE AND WHAT'S TRUE?  Time for Impeachment, Guess what folks, joe Biden's CDC faces another law suit, for over stepping it's authority. National Association of Realtors issued that statement. Biden has militarized every branch of the government as an active arm of the democrat party. This is all against the laws of our Country, These are impeachable offenses, just as most of his executive orders are, this has become the administration of lawsuits, we have no leadership in the White House only a fool, bought paid for through corruption. If joe is trying to divide the Country, cause a revolution, he is doing a great job. CDC does make laws, only congress can do that not the White House or it's branches. When joe leaves for the old man's home to escape impeachment, those hiding behind the curtains will then face their crimes. The administration of countless law suites continues, soom 2022 backlash will begin for the lawless democrats.

  7. I take it seriously that’s why I don’t party travel pile up at events vaccinated or not you can spread it

  8. I’m startled at the number of ‘dislikes’ this video received. What’s not to like? The fact that the information is scary? If so, then you need a reality check.

  9. Spreading maybe. There is a huge difference between testing positive and having flu like symptoms and actually dying from Covid. The fear mongering needs to end.The death rate is probably closer to .1%. It’s utter nonsense.

  10. CDC needs to release the Covid data to the medical community. The Federal Government is not telling the whole story about Gain of Function Covid 19 and NIH/Eco Health Alliance Covid project at Wuhan Lab. CDC tell the truth to the people We know you Know !

  11. DATME:








    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  12. DATME:








    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  13. On the Flip Side This Week, 5.2 Million Americans finally decided to go get Vaccinated 👍🏽👏🏽

  14. Using their number, 193,868,892 KNOWN cases that 80% of needed no special medical attention that would be 155,095,113.6 of the KNOWN cases that needed no special medical attention.
    98% of those same 193,868,892 of KNOWN cases that recovered is 189,991,514.16 recovered from it.

    What is so hard about telling people the actual numbers instead of scaring the crap out of them with words like "soaring" "sky rocketing" and "rampant"?

    Oh, wait, sensationalism gets the views for the ad revenue not to mention the diaper sales going up.

    Just the facts ma'am, just the facts.

  15. There trying not to test vaccinated people for COVID who have symptoms because they don’t want them show up in the numbers . These people are something else

  16. DATME:








    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  17. Masks stop the spread…. unvaccinated people keep your mask on… Vaccinated people take your masks off. Covid is spreading.. hmmm I wonder whose spreading it.. people think!!!!! Read this out loud!! Y'all are so stupid!!!

  18. Literally why can’t world peace just happen China needs to cooperate and come forward with their covid 19 origins and or if it is a BIOWEAPON they created. This needs to end like seriously cmon now. I know for a fact that if it is a BIOWEAPON then that means that there is something else that they have created so that covid can be completely wiped out of earth I know for a fact that China has created another weapon aka a “cure” if that makes sense. If you think about it very clearly how come the 3 other variants were all found nearly at the same time but in different countries. That’s the thing China must of created the new variants and sprayed it down all over other countries to make everyone believe the virus mutated and that it came from that certain country. I know this sounds insane but if you put it together with the BIOWEAPON theory it sort of makes sense you know.

  19. Hospitals and dr offices should have the right to refuse care to the unvaccinted people who made the descision to not get vaccinated and got Covid. Let these people take care of themselves at home. Natures way of getting rid of the ignorant and stupid people.

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