‘We are in a moment of crisis’ in Afghanistan: Former Ambassador Ryan Crocker | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Amb. Ryan Crocker and Janis Shinwari join George Stephanopoulos to discuss Afghanistan on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Afghanistan #USTroopWithdrawal


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “‘We are in a moment of crisis’ in Afghanistan: Former Ambassador Ryan Crocker | ABC News”
  1. Remember a few months back Jen psaki said when they bring the last of our troops back they dont deserve thanks and to be celebrated because we didnt win…are u really suprised by this biden admin and their stupidity?

  2. Americans join the military to fight and possibly die. But now the the Afghanistanis who sided with America are forsaken😓

  3. President Biden must be old and senile telling the Afghanistan government to fight the Taliban when his “ mighty” US army +NATO+ Australian forces have to flee after 20 years of fighting. Kabul will fall to Taliban in no time. Shame on all these “invincible” Western forces.

  4. If this is how the United Stated and it’s United forces leaves the country of Afghanistan all the lives of the fallen soldiers and wounded one where for nothing.! They gave the ultimate sacrifice and for what .??? Leaving the country was and is the most stupid decision Joe Biden and his political friends made.!

  5. America made a big mistake to invade Afghanistan. Biden save America from big disaster by quick Withrow its Troops from Afghanistan. Arshaf Ghani is responsible for the present situation. Pakistan PM Imran Khan again and again said that there is no Military solution of Afghan conflict because it was history of Afghanistan. America must force Ashraf Ghani to resign only then there could be political solution.

  6. I thought we never negotiate with terrorists and now that has changed too right we went to get Osama and we got him or at least they said so we should have left but the government decided that we should stay there to help train the army and now that we left there army is loosing so wtf where we doing over there

  7. With great respect to whole NATO members countries, you guys give a new live for Afghans since 2001 and change lots of thing here, from human right, freedom speech, women right etc, but unfortunately in last you all leave us alone with terrorist's, Afghans fight side by side with you against global treat terrorists', such as ISIS , AL Qaida, Taliban , now again Afghanistan will become home of torrorists it will effect all over the world not just only Afghanistan,

  8. What shocks me is the way so many commentators, diplomats and generals are so surprised at the collapse of the Afghan security forces. I have known at least a dozen US, UK and Australians who have acted as mentors to Afghan forces, directly attached, in the fight them. These guys were at the Staff Sergeant to Major level. All, literally all, expressed the view these forces would collapse swiftly once Coalition forces left. Perhaps people need to read Neil Sheehan’s ‘A Bright Shining Lie’ to see where this has happened before.

  9. Everyone blamed american I don't know why 20 years american trained afghani army so now their responsibility to war with taliban american don the job .

  10. The Afghan story is a sad one, a very sad one. For 20 years the western allies put their feet on the ground, without truly delivering a longtime solution. It’s therefore no surprise when the western boots leave the country, the former warlords retake their position of absolute power.
    What surprises me, is that after all the political chitchat there isn’t the slightest comprehension or compassion in those (political) circles, especially for what western politicians are directly responsible for. As an example, the netherlands, which still hasn’t got a policy to ‘rescue’ the former translators and their families, the dutch conscripts used, during their time in the Kunduz area.
    On this very day, inside the dutch parliament the issue debated is the fact that the very same politicians responsible for this very mess, still put themselves on the stand point that asylum seekers from Afghanistan, who won’t be granted asylum by the dutch state, remain eligible to be deported back to their native country, or that what remains of it.
    Apparently, for dutch politicians, that’s more important than taking true responsibility for all of this entire mess, which cost too much in human lives, injuries and suffering, as assets and credibility. If all of this teaches us one thing, it is that western politics has lost any sliver of the very likelyhood.

  11. How can anyone help Afghanistan if most of it’s people and government side with the Taliban?

  12. can't wait till there going to be a some new terrorist flying into the Pentagon, thanks Americans to kill us all 👍 leave your allies behind 👍

  13. isi malesha army taliban terror factory killing innocent Afghan people. The world still watching what they done and how they killing Afghan woman's children .please stop Pakistan's isi terror factory

  14. Afghanistan need indian army to interfere and fight off taliban in the battlefield 😂
    Come on indians, show us your potential 😂😂😂

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