‘We are failing’ to contain delta variant surge: NIH director | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

George Stephanopoulos interviews Dr. Francis Collins, National Institutes of Health director, on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #NIHDirector #DeltaVariant #COVID19


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “‘We are failing’ to contain delta variant surge: NIH director | ABC News”
  1. Covid is a cover-up here's what's going on the the United States Corporation company is bankrupt now they want to make the people sick and kill them off and those that are among the hybrid alien Albion Europeans who people love calling white people they're not white they're hybrid Europeans the hybrids want to kill off the Moors the Moors are Aboriginal to America so wherever you're talkin about North South and Central America the copper colored people melanated people who was found in here by the Europeans are Moors not a brand system that the hybrid put on us Moors

  2. If yall that worried about a fucking virus why open the fucking boarder but everyone needs to get vaccine for others safety miss me with that bs

  3. Francis Boyle has accused Francis Collins and several others of murder and crimes against humanity. This can be seen on the Alex Jones show (Banned.video) on 22 Aug 2021.

  4. This old man needs to resign & retire. Fauci & CDC director too. We definitely do not need politically biased & financial motived/compromised bureaucrats forcing mandates, lockdowns while demonizing non vaccinated citizens by selling $400 a jab vaccines for Big Pharma while withholding approvals of effective low side effect legacy drugs like Ivermectin & HCQ. This NIH Director is political! They are withholding less evasive protocol therapies at every stage of Covid!! It's been over 18 months!! I want to make my own medical decisions for myself & my children. I don't want my kids masked up. Its dehumanizing. Non N95 Masks do not stop viruses there is no science backing up masks! There is also no long term research of reported side effects! Get Ivermectin & HCQ approved ASAP or shut up about forced vaccines!

  5. Dr. Collins says he is not political and a scientist. I have been unable to find his stance on those which natural immunity. It is either vaccine or no vaccine. I have been trying to find the numbers on those with natural immunity. I did hear it could be over 100million Americans. Given that, scientifically, those who have had it are over 2 x’s more likely to suffer adverse reactions if they get vaccinated, and the Cleveland study showed 51,000 people who had had it then got the vaccine didn’t benefit from it, and if those vaccinated can pass it…where is the scientific basis that it is solely the unvaccinated who are “causing a problem”? Is the information available on those currently dying of Delta if they have neither had the vaccine OR had the virus? We hear a lot about how many or most are unvaccinated. I have heard from scientists who say those currently dying have neither had the virus or the vaccine…when do we hear the science and studies on these issues before just getting vaccinated is the push alone? How are we supposed to believe a narrative that leaves out possibly 1/3 of Americans?

  6. He speaks of children dying and gives no factual numbers. In fact there are more than 14 million children suffering malnutrition here in the United States, that's a real fact! More money for the pharmaceutical industry than for children, so sad 😥.

  7. Hey, Mr. Director, there wouldn't be a surge if Biden had a brain. If he doesn't stop opening the border to everybody in the world who floods into this country carrying God knows what kind of diseases, there will be a surge of not only Covid, but diseases we got rid of years ago. We're going to wind up just another third world country at the hands of the left and Biden is too stupid to know or care.

  8. 'Bridgegate' Christie is hardly the appropriate spokesman to talk about Biden
    given his own sordid record. His repeated baseless disparaging of Biden is just straight up hypocrisy!

  9. Obama party was a super spreader. Over 2 dozen people caught covid at his maskless party. Now always saying Trump rally are super spreaders then obamas birthday was otherwise you're a hypocrite

  10. There is no good that comes from creating a virus that can jump from an animal to humans. This is on you and evil Fauci! He’s a proven liar

  11. We're not getting vaccinated its our choice stop saying it's just unvaccinated ones getting sick the vaccinated ones are too and are carriers of the variant we have a choice we choose not to take that poison why aren't you wearing your mask while telling us to wear one🤷

  12. If vaccinated people can still become infected
    And still pass the infection on to others
    In what way would more people being vaccinated reduce the spread of new variants?
    In fact Would the virus not have to mutate to enable it to by pass the vaccines
    then when vaccinated people become infected they would be more likely to be infected with the new variant that can now by pass the vaccines?
    Plus if masks work why do we still have similar numbers of infections
    in places with mask mandates and places that don't?

  13. I love reading comments.. it's a proper gauge to see how well the propaganda has been received. People regurgitating talking points they themselves are ignorant to. Then deem themselves the high authority of TRUTH and fact. You sheep are hilarious.

  14. We know they are lying.
    They know they are lying.
    They know that we know they are lying.
    We know that they know we know they are lying.
    And still they continue to lie.
    — Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  15. If you don't take the vaccine. You only have to worry about possibly getting sick to some degree. Or in very rare cases dying. If you add the vaccine to that. Now you have another avenue of getting sick or dying. And if you take the jab. You could pass it off to someone else through "shedding".
    If this whole covid thing doesn't make you feel a little skeptical. Then you need to spend more time away from the TV. Use your own mind and do some critical thinking.

  16. Since the plague quarantine is the #1 way of preventing infection disease yet 100% of Delta and all the other variants have come across wide open borders. 100% Biden CDC fault. SEAL US Borders including flights!!!!

  17. A damn shame. You can’t mandate people to get the vaccines. People have existing medical issues and are allergic to the ingredients in the vaccines. Start giving people other options. Give people therapeutics and start using drugs that has been shown to work. This vaccine isn’t one size fits all. Praying for everyone to remain safe. Just some sad uncertain times

  18. So what happened to bravo and Charlie?
    Sounds like a propaganda buzzword.
    DELTA. "Omg it's DELTA!!!"
    You must use ALL CAPS.

    I'm convinced this virus is designed, and being used as a tool for an authoritarian takeover..

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