ABC News Live: Texas hospital turns to overflow tents amid delta variant surge – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, fallout after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns and a look at the new documentary series, “Superstar.”

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “ABC News Live: Texas hospital turns to overflow tents amid delta variant surge”
  1. Okay you talk about yourself you talk about the unvaccinated how about the / 4,100 fully vaccinated people that have died from the covid-19 and the Delta virus you don't talk about that do you know only report what type of news you want people to follow you y'all want come out and tell the truth talk about how many people that are fully vaccinated that have died from covid-19 or the Delta virus don't talk percentage the actual numbers let's hear that

  2. Shame on so called Superpower America. America can not be trusted any more. America is responsible for fall in Kabul and aggressions by Taliban! God save Afganistan people. This is the most critical American President mistake. America became an enemy of Afganistan Democracy, Afganistan people.

  3. sad my pregnant wife just caught it and she needing ventalator or needs a oxygen machine and going to the hospital is useless unless you have insurance of some sort i had to call the ambulance for her and a hour and half later she txt that they released her i went to go pick her up for they dont allow visitors and they told me she was released and left and so i msg her back to find out where she was and she replied she was in bathroom and she couldnt walk it took them two hours to find her then another hour to get a wheel chair finally i had got her and they only gave her a iv and swabbed her nose and that was it well yesterday i had to rush her to another hospital and she kept pulling her mask down because she couldnt breathe cant walk hardly talk just gasping for air and for her doing that in awaiting room fir 2 hours of me telling her she needs to keep her mask on and a lady told me to sign a paper and that we need to leave because she not cooperating they would help me get her down and they wouldnt help me walk her or wait for me to bring the car closer so as everyone watched us walk away i feel so helpless ,,my point is without insurance of some sort its useless going because they will not help you i dont care how bad you are there are no beds no rooms ,lack of staff ,and very rude these hospitals are a joke and they dont care if you die or not … past 3 nights have been the worst ever ,,sitting here watching her gasp for air ,,,,i never thought we would get it but i was wrong ,,really sad down here in south Tx….i promise you that you wont get any kind of help without any kind of insurance or a credit card ,sad and cannot wait for karma to come for the crooked the help fund create this virus that attacks your respritory track system…..oh forgot to mention the hospital that sent us out due to she could keep mask on and couldnt help me get her out or back to car they called me about 30 minutes after for billing information when they didnt do anything but waste our time and put her through hell waiting for help ,,,but really alice tx. karma coming for the crooked….ide wear masks when you can not only for others but for yourself its not fun watching your loved ones gasp for air right in front of her ,,,,i should be the one gasping when im a smoker and she is not,,ide give anything to trade her place ,,,,,please Lord take it away ,i love you so much and im am so sorry God Bless you dear.,……81521

  4. They steal trillions from us and don’t build hospitals. Now you want to blame people who can do math on the .03% CFR and don’t want a drug

  5. So the government shouldn’t force vaccines and or masks. And ppl should use them anyways. I agree that both masks and the vaccine suck and cloth masks are dumb. I get it is your body, your life, and they are only approved through emergency use. But, I do have a best friend who almost died from the delta variant. He is under 40. It was awful to watch and I don’t want to see you go through that. I hope you don’t have to go through it. Shaming you isn’t going to change your mind. If anything I think it’s making it worse.

  6. Let’s not make it a republican problem because we know that the grand democratic state like California is being hit harder

  7. Why those peoples keeps voting for a Republicans who’s clearly doesn’t cares if their constituents lived or dies? That’s what you get for voting for Republicans.

  8. Bull. They never used the tents or the hospital ships sent in by the government last year.
    And suddenly under a less lethal contagion they are using tents? Sounds like a rediculess proposition considering the recent failures to fill these so called emergency hospital rooms.

  9. What an amazing doctor his a good clear speaker and so much common sense. 👏👍

  10. Maybe we should be building more hospitals instead of Prisons. We have had a health care issue for a longtime way before covid ever even came around. How about building some new schools? They'll keep building prisons though

  11. 🐑 Baaaa, get in line, Sheep! We always tell the truth, years of research on Covid has proven this shot effective, no 2nd dose necessary and you don’t need to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated.🐑 3rd jab is waiting for you.🐑

  12. The hospitals being full are a bunch of BS! More people are winning covid! Vaccines are a bunch of crap!Stop the fearmongering! Your putting people out of jobs with your vaccine mandates!

  13. This is what everyone, with at least half a brain, said was going to happen when DiSantis and Abbot started making laws that make it impossible to protect people, people's kids. Their spiteful and small minded knee jerk, in blocking mandates that are put in place by people far more educated than disantis or abbott. Ron has deemed the value of the human lives within Florida, to be without value. Which is why his words and choices are from the mindset of 'How can i use this moment to make a clasaic maga style soundbyte'.

  14. Both Texas and Florida can thank their dumbass hillbilly Governor who banned masks. They’re responsible for prolonging this pandemic furthermore as well as putting everyone else’s life in danger. The GOP need to be held accountable for spreading lies and leading so blatantly reckless. A party of nitwits and brainless thinkers. Smh

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