Biden defends US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan l WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden responded to criticism on Tuesday and defended his self-imposed deadline to withdraw the U.S. military from Afghanistan and effectively ending a two-decade long war.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Afghanistan #JoeBiden


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “Biden defends US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan l WNT”
  1. Let's Go Brandon ! ENGLISH

    Andiamo Brandon! ITALIAN

    ¡Vamos, Brandon! SPANISH

    Eamus Brandonus! LATIN

    Πάμε Μπράντον! GREEK

    Auf geht's Brandon! GERMAN

    Allons Brandon ! FRENCH

    La oss gå Brandon! NORWEGIAN

    가자 브랜든! KOREAN

    Eime Brandon! LITHUANIAN

    בואו נלך ברנדון! HEBREW

    Chodźmy Brandon! POLISH

    چلیں برینڈن! URDU

    Laten we gaan Brandon! DUTCH

  2. So after all this time, money (80B) and training that went into the ANA/Security Force , they didn't see this coming ?? How can they be humbled by the fact that they left the Afghanistan government / people zero time to beef up their (ability) or if it makes more sense force multipliers to be able to hold off the Taliban and remain in power !!?? How can anyone who was involved in the mess be satisfied with how the takeover by the Taliban was a good thing as life in Afghanistan is returning to pre US/Allied force -occupation ??

  3. The flags are back to full staff and the murder of 13 American lives is back page news.
    Thank you for your sacrifice … on to the Infrastructure Bill.

  4. White House now taking the position, all Biden phone calls are private, are we now in some type of dictatorship governennt? Time for these clowns to go, Public servants like joe biden, don’t have private conversations, with world leaders on the phone, this is why, the phone calls are on recorder and listen in on, by white house security etc, so are the white house logs, which Biden also likes to hide from our public view. Guess also those many conversations over in China, where he and Hunter cut that billion and half dollar deal while on the tax payors dime.Time for any traitors to pay for their crimes against America. Biden has sold our Country down the drain, Where does their loyalty end, Bidens, foreign interest? it’s more then obivious joe biden is making decisions against our American people, this is what happens, when money is exhanged for loyality, the bidens have accepted enormous amounts of money from Russia China as he held the VP office, What did they do, promise to get that money? We are at a point it’s time, for the Biden’s to explain their actions and motives. He will be impeached for his actions an forced to explain his role in aiding China and Russia, the decisions he makes on their behalf. Biden’s Plans are National Security risk, under the left’s thinking in our Country, it should not seem unreasonable to exchange, joe biden for any hostages left behind, all things considered, it should be OK, we left fellow Americans our allies behind, in a war zone right? on a battlefield, that was OK . We left 80 billion dollars plus of hard earned tax payor equipment behind, for no good reason, guess what, that was OK too. The only problem is that the Taliban probably wants him less then we do, there happy exactly where biden is at, as you can easily see their was no justification to why biden, his generals or his cabinet heads, to make the unAmerican decisions they did, leave Allies, Americans, Equiptment to the established declared enemy’s of the United States.

  5. Столько американских солдат погибло в Афганистане , а президент США просто на плевал на всё это и прошел мимо , очень печально, что Байден не чтит памать солдатов , которые погибали ради своей страны.

  6. The future historians would look back and almost certainly give a lot of credit to the old wise man for showing political courage to pull out American troops from Afghanistan. Understandably, the blood-thirsty warmongers, who are usually also self-proclaimed "pro-life" extremists, are disappointed that Biden brought an end to their favorite "forever exit" from "forever war" in Afghanistan before even promising them a gift of brand-new war against another country. The $300M/day that the US would now save amounts to a loss of revenue for the military industrial complex, which, in turn, jeopardizes their political donations in the upcoming election cycles.

    I salute our President for his pragmatic and responsible actions on Afghanistan even when there was a devastating setback at the eleventh hour during evacuation in one of the most dangerous places on Earth! Biden has saved lives of so many Americans, allies and innocent Afghan civilians that would have possibly been otherwise lost, had he played a "safe political game" to continue our longest unwinnable quagmire in Afghanistan. It is by virtue of his courage and wisdom that thousands of brave men and women, who were deployed in Afghanistan, would spend Christmas this year with their families.

    I am not religious, but if I were, it is your God that I would look up to, Mr. President!

  7. What I find funny is the USA is looking all over for rare earth metals and you telling me there's none on the moon aka Afghanistan. Oh that's probably why China is in there like a dirty shirt lol fkn tards

  8. Attension of America citizen ….Mr joke Biden left $85 billion worth of Arms for Taliban, this is American citizen money , stop paying tax until terrorist Democrats party has replaced this funds to US treasury .

  9. Check out biden’s phone call with the afghan president. Biden intentionally misled the nation. We need a special counsel investigation immediately.

  10. A leaked international phone call between President Biden and former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani, first revealed by Reuters this Wednesday, features Biden pushing a fake narrative about the power of the Taliban. Worse, he requested that Ghani lie for him.
    “The men spoke for around 14 minutes on July 23. On Aug. 15, Ghani left the presidential palace, and the Taliban went to Kabul. After this, tens of thousands of panicked Afghans have quickly escaped and 13 United States troops and scores of Afghan allies were killed by a suicide bombing at the airport during a fast U.S. military evacuation.”
    “In this call, Biden offered help if Ghani could publicly say he had a plan to deal with the spiraling situation in the country. “We will continue to give close air support, if we understand what the plan is,” Biden said. Days before this call, the United States conducted air strikes to help Afghan security forces, a move that the Taliban said broke the Doha peace agreement.”
    “In much of this call, President Biden focused on what he said was the Afghan government’s “perception” issue. “I need not inform you the perception worldwide and in many parts of Afghanistan, is that the fight against Taliban forces is not going well,” Biden said. “And there is a need, regardless of it is true or not, there is a need to push a different picture.”

  11. Pathetic that the Dems enabled this man to serve as President.. to have put him on their ticket… Dems have a tremendous amount of blood on their hands, collectively

  12. 13 American soldiers are dead – most of them between the ages of 20-23 because they were put in harms way chaotically in the line of fire of a suicide bomber. Disappointed and disgusted Biden says "this couldn't have been done in a more orderly manner".

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