Opening statements set to begin in Elizabeth Holmes trial – Car Mod Pros Portal

The former billionaire and Theranos founder is set to appear in court today, accused of fraud.

#theranos #elizabethholmes #fraudtrial


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Opening statements set to begin in Elizabeth Holmes trial”
  1. Elizabeth Holmes' blood test technology wasn't a big deal. That still depends on who you ask. If you ask those stupid designer, Adam RosendorffSurekhaGangakhedkar, Justin Maxwell, Ana Arriola, Adam Vollmer, Mike Bauerly, Michael Craig, Erika Chang and Dave Plilippides. The answer is never ever make it. If you ask me, I can finish the job in one year. This could save Theranos and Holmes.

  2. I'm sure she got abused and manipulated but what does that have to do with committing fraud or knowingly lying to the public just because someone gets abused or manipulated doesn't make them except from breaking the law. She's really trying to run her last scam as a damsel in distress which is difficult when your last role was a powerful self made independent woman. Lesson of the story never trust a person that looks and acts more like an AI then an actual human just look at her eyes and facial expression there's no emotion or soul behind them.

  3. The fact is stil a fact and that is she did NOT have the knowledge or skills to pull this off.So when she started down this road it was all based on guesswork.So she was telling people lies and taking millions from people and her BF had ZERO part in the start of this game she was playing.

  4. I wonder if the prosecution will lean on all of her live solo appearances to prove she was not coerced and that she was making statements on the fly and many of them and for lengthy encounters.You can't practice or setup multiple hours of speeches and not knowing the questions coming in you are going to have to respond quickly and with non rehearsed answers.There is no BF to lean on when making those speeches.
    I seriously doubt anyone believes her story at al but a lot might depend on the juries ability to THINK even just a bit.The defense is going to try hard over and over to plant a shred of doubt in the juries minds to the point that even if one idea is considered to not have enough proof she might get off.Plus as mentioned prior by many experts a female jury might be lenient because she is pregnant or has a newborn.
    I do not like evasive tactics,the law is the law and yo ushould not be able to scapegoat by blaming others.She is an adult,she felt responsible enough to drop out of school and start a giant business,definitely not the type that needed any coercive tactics used on her by said BF.

  5. She reminds me of our prime minister in the 🇬🇧 when we had him and his scientists giving the country updates on covid they just filled out heads with science talk and figures ect it sounded good but I could not callange what they were saying was true or not as they could have been telling me the moon was square she did the same thing the people who believed her knew nothing about the subject and she would just fill their heads with so called science than was not true. She had balls to do this on such a big scale clever or evil that's the question?

  6. She said in reference to herself that "Every time you see a glass ceiling there’s an ‘iron woman’."

    She also then launched the hashtag IronSisters to encourage other women to be strong and independent like her.

    So, she wasn't an iron woman, she was manipulated and pushed in to creating her own billion dollar company by some man? Some man staged all of this?

  7. Just listened to Rebecca Jarvis' latest episode in her podcast. The defense is now resorting to try to paint Liz here as a "human being", WITH A CHILD (yes, that baby did come in handy…surprise suprrise). Oh cry me river. The very first witness is already poking holes in Holmes' narrative of her not knowing, or was told, or whatever she can fling against the wall.

  8. Hamlet:
    O most pernicious woman!
    O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
    My tables—meet it is I set it down
    That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—
    At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark.

  9. There is such a transparent effort here to make her look different: more innocent, quieter, very little makeup and hair that is all one length. She has had a baby purposely to get jury sympathy, and they have set up a "quiet room" for her to breastfeed it. Her Mom comes to court every single day to make sure Lizzie is OK.

  10. Omg is it just me or does anyone else see the crazy in her eyes in every video/picture like bad crazy, she’s definitely the bad crazy

  11. She's rich and white. She'll get a slap on the wrist, that's all. She's the worst kind of fraud, preying on peoples medical needs!

  12. Democrats Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and VP Joe Biden all sat down
    with her, and took it all in, hook, line, and sinker. So did Main
    Stream Media. Invited to the White House. Now Biden is now is President
    and America is failing. Never give up your guns, Look how the country of
    Australia is in SEP 2021 is dealing with that choice, they are at the
    mercy of their government. Today is trial day for Elizabeth Holmes.

  13. Look closely at how her lawyers want her to look in front of the jury. You notice the shaggy messy hair and the open shirt. A look of a rape victim. It's all designed to look vulnerable and someone who would be prayed on.
    Every outfit and hair style is designed.

  14. Since she cheated wealthy investors, she'll go to prison. Had she merely cheated the poor and middle-class people by vastly overpricing medication, forcing many to forgo needed treatment leading to worsened health and even deaths, she'd be applauded as a "smart and savvy businessperson" and eventually have streets named after her.

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