Biden tours storm damage on the East Coast | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden toured the disaster zones of New Jersey and New York following Hurricane Ida. He said the damage is “an opportunity” to rebuild sustainably.




#WorldNewsTonight #HurricaneIda #PresidentBiden


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Biden tours storm damage on the East Coast | WNT”
  1. Biden sucks 🤬🤬🤮🤮

  2. God bless president Joe Biden and God bless America 🇺🇸.

  3. Odd. EVERY Biden video on YouTube seems to have HUGE dislike ratios. It's almost like people don't believe Adolf Biden?

  4. +++ 21:05 Current data situation in Germany: 14,700 new cases reported +++
    The number of reported coronavirus infections in Germany has risen to 4,049,991. As can be seen from the information from the state authorities evaluated by, 14,700 new cases were added. The number of deaths related to infection rose 50 to 92,498. Around 159,493 people are currently infected.

    The infection rate (7-day R-value) is given by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as 1.02 (previous day: 0.97). According to the Divi Register, 1,395 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in intensive care in Germany, 733 of whom are ventilated. Around 3,930 intensive care beds are currently still available in the German clinics.

    09.09.2021 00:00
    Coronavirus live ticker
    +++ 23:21 Almost 31,000 corona diseases despite vaccination +++

    So far, almost 31,000 people in Germany have contracted Covid-19 despite complete vaccination protection. This emerges from the latest management report from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Since February 1, 30,880 so-called vaccination breakthroughs – i.e. symptomatic corona infections at least two weeks after a full vaccination – have been registered.

    +++ 20:46 At least 26 vaccinated and recovered people infected after a party in Münster +++
    At a party night with "2G" access restrictions in a club in Münster last week at least 26 people were infected with corona, mainly in their mid-twenties. According to previous knowledge, these are vaccination breakthroughs and infections from those who have already recovered, reported the city of Münster. 20 infected people lived in Münster. An employee of the club had also tested positive. The city expects that more infections will become known. The follow-up by the health department is in full swing. Numerous contacts would now have to submit a PCR test. "The exact number of close contacts is still unclear," it said. The entry to the party on September 3rd was made in stricter 2G regulation: "All guests were vaccinated or recovered according to their own information," according to the city. Those affected became aware of the infection because of mild symptoms or through a message from their Corona warning app on their smartphones.

    +++ 20:06 The percentage of positive tests last so high in mid-May +++
    Almost all pandemic parameters are increasing steadily. This also applies to the proportion of people who tested positive. The value is now 8.7 percent. Last week, the share was 8.4 percent. Most recently, the proportion of people who tested positive in mid-May was as high as 8.21 percent.

    +++ 19:48 RKI: Incidence in 10 to 14 year olds in over 200 +++
    While the incidence in children is 131, older children ages 10-14 have the highest incidence. According to the RKI, the 7-day incidence in these children is now 223.

    +++ 19:31 RKI: Highest incidence among 15- to 34-year-olds ++
    More and more corona cases are being found in the younger age groups. According to the weekly evaluation by the RKI, the incidence is currently highest in the 15- to 34-year-old age group. In this age group, the 7-day incidence is 134.7. The incidence is also increasing in younger people. The value for children is now 131.5.

    Portugal at 86.27 / 78.45% vaccination rate incidence 110.4

    New variants of the coronavirus will appear again and again in the future. Most mutations are harmless. According to the European Medicines Agency, the My variant from Colombia could also have effects on vaccinated people.

    The coronavirus variant My, which appeared for the first time in Colombia, is being observed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as "potentially worrying". The EMA mainly focuses on the highly contagious Delta variant, but is also investigating other variants such as the My variant, said the head of vaccine strategy, Marco Cavaleri. My may have immune-evasive characteristics, so that vaccinated or convalescent people could not be protected from this variant.

    "I have to say, however, that we don't yet have any data showing whether the My variant is spreading heavily and whether it has any chance of overtaking the Delta variant as the predominant strain of the virus," said Cavaleri. However, the EMA will consult with the vaccine developers about the effectiveness of the available corona vaccines against the My variant. A few days ago the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the My variant as a "variant of interest" and warned of possible vaccine resistance.

    While 39 percent of corona infections in Colombia are now due to the My variant, according to WHO information, the worldwide spread of the variant has so far been less than 0.1 percent. It is normal for viruses to mutate. Most mutations are harmless and do not change the properties of pathogens. Against the background of increasing numbers of infections worldwide, experts fear the emergence of a new virus variant in the case of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, which could have an impact on the effectiveness of the available corona vaccines.

    The WHO currently classifies four corona variants as "worrying", including the alpha variant represented in 193 countries and the delta variant represented in 170 countries, which is particularly contagious and is now also prevalent in Germany. Five variants, including My, are observed as "variants of interest".

  5. Still not seeing the damage that makes me want to go help there. Green on trees, no water, power are usually signs of nothing more than rain. Rain is wet
    Who knew?

  6. Where's the part of the video where the bystanders are all heckling the idiot over his malfeasance with Afghanistan? MSM is absolutely Fake News. They lie and deceive to push they Socialist agenda.

  7. “Climate change isn’t real” – Idiots

  8. Misled as usual by the media…. Talk talk talk…. Leave the office Joe….dishonest on all accounts – guilty …. You should be in jail for 13 murders … the blood is on your hands !

  9. "F JOE BIDEN!"
    "F JOE BIDEN!"
    "F JOE BIDEN!"
    "F JOE BIDEN!"

  10. Cruel callous biden and his imbecilic political slogan about ending ‘the forever wars’ is expaning the war making jihadist thugs stronger, afghan women and men suffering.. usa an untrusted ally..

  11. "No one will be left behind"Really Joe, what about the Americans you left behind in Afghanistan to murdered ?
    But of course the corrupt fake MSM will never confront this dangerous clown.

  12. All I can say is biden better not ever come to California because we here in El Dorado County with the fires that we got! we don’t need him!!
    thankfully we’ve been running ourselves without a president and a useless governor for a long time & quite comfortable being our own keepers! Soon we will have a new governor and then we can tell you & Gavin Newsom to take your damn masks and your damn vaccines and shove them up your butt! And we already know Harris is going to be a no-show because she’s guilty of treason, she conspired with you on this and we will have you both executed for treason! We will make it a party celebration leaving you both in the streets to rot!
    Don’t forget biden,
    We will run biden out of the state of California so whoever is Bidens planning person is? know this!! WE IN California do NOT want you coming here looking at the disasters because you are the number one disaster that we have right now! no fire is greater than your disasters that you have created for this country!! do not come to California do not come to California we will boo your ass right back on that fucking plane that is so detrimental to your stupid save the planet bullshit! By the way where are the 27 students from San Juan school district that are stuck and being held hostage in Afghanistan you POS??? California was red California is going to be red and we are taking back this country piece by piece Biden you have lost control of the people and the people are taking back the nation Pelosi she doesn’t even have an armed grab ! she’s useless and we are going to win you loose sucker!

  13. Earth's climate is always changing. The planet started warming again before the end of the last ice age. What company today would have a 90 yearold CEO and yet we have just that heading our nation.

  14. What a refreshing change from the Orange Moron who thought showing compassion was throwing rolls of paper towels at the survivors. Nice to have a "real" President instead of a Traitorous Clown.

  15. Biden talks about climate change but he doesn't say much about all the lives lost during the hurricane apparently it's all about Optics that's all he gives a damn about! Biden is nothing but a sorry piece of crap! 😡

  16. Biden does not give a damn about the people in Louisiana or anywhere else, he's only going there for Optics! He doesn't care about anybody's lives only about destroying America! Biden and his whole Administration are evil and out to destroy America! 😡

  17. It’s been reported that Joe Biden had a phone call with the Afghan president 4 WEEKS before Kabul collapsed, where he pressured him to change the ‘perception’ of the Taliban’s progress.

    I remember when President Trump got ‘in trouble’ for a phone call – which by the way was a innocent phone call. Unfortunately for Biden, his leaked phone call was not so perfect. In fact, some are saying it is grounds for IMPEACHMENT.

  18. I can't fathom the level of incompetence that we are seeing from our
    U.S. DEMOCRAT 👈 leaders.
    It's absolutely disgusting.

  19. On Tuesday Joe Biden: ‘By 2020 We’re Going to Make Sure All Our Electricity is Zero Emissions, Biden thinks he's still in the 80s

  20. 🤮The White House doesn’t like the word hostages? 🤮

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