NBA wont pay unvaccinated players who miss games

NBA wont pay unvaccinated players who miss games

ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith discusses the NBA vaccination rate and the hesitancy of a few of its stars.

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28 thoughts on “NBA wont pay unvaccinated players who miss games

  1. Stephen,his name is Kyrie Irving. Not 'Irvin'.
    Just like Julius Erving is not Julius 'Ervin'.
    Also,Muhammad Ali would be strongly opposed to vax mandates anywhere in society.
    Or was Muhammad Ali just a chump in your opinion? Has no relevance today?
    It seems that you feel that way.
    Ali is still my hero.

  2. Smh,the take over of America is officially stamped, how can this be America but this is still happening,,
    This is not America, how can you say its America and you have rights but its consequences for having rights like this is America /nazi Germany like pick one,this is insane that yall agree to this ,no one is dying from that $hit like the beginning yall capn,yall using save lives angle, when folks is dying homeless, dying from obesity, dying from being a veteran broke and left to die,what about stuff like that if you really care stop trying to take our rights away saying you are trying to save us you could never save us,you could stop these fundings to these scientists and colleges that's making dat stuff ,have they even charged anyone for this or found out how it really got out??? I will give you a republic if you can keep it,smfh, God Bless the Real America and American people yo.👊🏿United we Stand, Divided we Fall 👍🏿👊🏿✌🏿

  3. Rev 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

  4. Rev 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

  5. Sports are opium for the naïve masses! Bought rigged doped up 💉

  6. 3:34 but 95 percent of the players are vaccinated? So contamination isn't a legitimate concern. As far as fans and employees go, you just said 6 billion have been vaccinated.

    It is a personal choice. You can't take that away from Kyrie unless you take his life. Which is now going to be affected because the NBA's new 'tyrant rules'. Lives and livelihoods go hand in hand.

    Unrelated but I love how there's always a race card pulled, like it means anything to be black or white. We assign to race, negative and positive values although we shouldn't because it will only marginalize.

  7. B Roll the footage of Black Americans getting the jab. Hey Steven A Smith your a clown…talking about privacy like you know what the health is of these players. Jonathan Isaac had covid he has natural immunity do you not understand how this works? Show me the science that vaccine is better then natural immunity. Debate me live on this for 1 hour, 10k donated to charity for special needs.

  8. Steven why pressure NBA players for not being vaccinated, when unvaccinated and fully vaccinated can still get covid wake up that's a fact I've brought to light hope you can see now and stop with your foolish arrogance.

  9. The NBA is not the best career anyway. It's probably the worst career in ever. 😆

  10. Fire these selfish crybabies. Poor little rich sports stars. They’re really suffering. Pinheads most of them

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