ABC News Prime: High stakes on Capitol Hill; Possible COVID treatment?; Childcare crisis – Car Mod Pros Portal

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22 thoughts on “ABC News Prime: High stakes on Capitol Hill; Possible COVID treatment?; Childcare crisis”
  1. What is the difference between the rabies vaccination which is given to a person two and a half files and another 5 and 0.5 all in a matter of weeks apart from each other what is the difference between protecting yourself from a possible rabies bite of a dog like a pitbull dog bite and a person's home that was trying to kill and it attacks you and even if the dog wasn't didn't have rabies it still attacked and you have puncture wounds but it's swimming in the water so then the blue algae isn't that correct the blue algae and the water of the St Johns River in Florida or the water the blue algae from our sewage and from our spouts that need to be cleaned all the time by either the homeowner or ourselves because cleanliness is the most important thing so it's the red and that would be the other significant difference between a dog bite of a puncture wound and the actual airborne variant of the Delta and whether it's covid-19 or whether it's covid all the way to 24 so as it mutates it's going up one stage that's the that it's creating a new type of virus for the strength of it the mutation of it I understand that so blue algae is one thing the blue and the other do we need to take the blue algae form of which or does the provinar 13 cover that all within itself previnar 13 is for pneumonia but it's also used so the flu shot every year is different I was told we're supposed to take the flu shot too which has it's a I'm not going to explain the where it came from but it's so the name that how they named it from a European country that they are blaming people over there that are United States citizens that have that heritage of Spaniard so that's the point is that it's not it's very much understood how the cultural can the cultural differences and the cultural segregation can be reflected as being it's being noticed completely affecting our government our nation as a whole and globally too I was reading that it is affecting it up to 80% 84% and climate change just the the differences in the weather which is global warming so from what I hear every is it not true that every vaccination for different things malaria and things like that according to location and what environment you are working in or living in needs to be addressed to it needs to be adhered to and understood so that they can keep documentation of it which keeps us safe and I'm glad that I'm fully vaccinated and I have my my card and we're not supposed to show it online and we do I have it handy I also know that I keep track of all my vaccinations that I've gotten and I still want my compensation for things I haven't had my 3 months my 6 months my whatever it is that I I deserve my vacation you know some time off and I'll be giving it to myself or my government when they actually hire me can be giving it to me not just through school and education but with credit cards government official credit cards that's the point there's a limit that they tell me to use and I'll use that accordingly in the future as of today I'm living off of what I call being a responsible financial status of a woman that is single and I've read up about those statistics to the 400% more that we can be taken advantage of so I've been doing my research and I am a research agent for my business and I'm so glad that I'm keeping updated so to eat some and every one of the individuals that have any doubts it's it is an individual thing according to our body types and so that we don't and then how to address and keep healthy it's not a it doesn't keep us super human we can still get sick from the virus or we can feel under the weather because we're fighting something in the air because of the moisture because of the hurricanes the thunderstorms or just the wind if the wind brings the the variance from other places of the ocean or so I'm not going to speak no more about all the things that I've been researching because it's very interesting I keep myself safe and I'm following up through the safety measures with a few different organizations

  2. Covid vaccine has the structure of HIV same as C19 virus to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new C19 variant.

    Covid vaccine is a obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate

  3. In a sane world, vaccines protect the vaccinated.
    However,  on Clown Earth,  the unvaccinated must protect the vaccinated with the same vaccine that didn't protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated until they are vaccinated against the unvaccinated….

  4. Never heard an employer ask what Pre-K I went to. They want to know what job training or college education I have. I'd say AOC is out of touch, but that's not really true. She just doesn't care. With her it'll always be more performative useless crap.

  5. Teachers who fail the MANDATORY tuberculosis X ray are not now allowed to work anywhere. ALL kids in schools have a mandatory list of innoculations before they begin the first year….. joe

  6. Man you can tell she's so broken its hard to get her words out. Her voice is horse from crying you can hear the pain in her voice. Like im hurt and in tears this is horrible and deeply painful to watch. Seems like the pl

  7. So she said ppl of color and black ppl also. Im sorry but as a true brown girl…African American I dont see her as a brown girl. Yes a person of color but she's not a brown girl…her skin is as white as the anchor man. Im not being racist but even the side clip they showed straight up white skin ppl. Black are no longer brown and ppl of color? Those titles been taking by other race groups after all we fought for under those labels? Just like white women are minorities right…cuz they benefited more from our civil rights fight than we blacks did. Well i guess thats what happens when you dont know who you are and where ur from…ppl can just claim ur identity…or whatever identity the elite decides to give you. Just history repeating itself when it comes to Blacks ppl identities.

  8. UNVACCINATED is going to try to take the pill to replace the shot. I quess something is better than nothing. But still a lot won't even take the pills. Like they're doing it on purpose

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