Congress pushes Trump insiders to testify before January 6 commission – Car Mod Pros Portal

Steve Bannon and others are claiming executive privilege, vowing to fight in court.



#WorldNewsTonight #Politics #DonaldTrump #Congress #January6thCommission


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “Congress pushes Trump insiders to testify before January 6 commission”
  1. You know it is so ludicrous that they go after people this sham committee wants to frame that refuse to answer there questions (Bannon) and before you say it, I am not saying he is innocent or not!!! however when they question Garland on what he is aware of about FBI and other authorities present and possibly inciting this mob on 6 Jan he said he preferred not to answer that question and that answer was accepted without any further question or demanding that Garland answer the question . Really??? Not a double standard there? If we were serious about looking into this incident they would demand for all questions to be answered by all questioned not pick and choose. Furthermore Where is the same level of concern for 9 months worth of burning buildings, rioting and killings and looting but no investigation panel into this arresting people who perpetrated these crimes like the 6 Jan incident then on top of all this, the same Administration is now going after parents that stand up and speak their minds were it concerns their children and what is being taught to those children ie. CRT, sexual acts and positions and gender cancellation etc. as “Domestic Terrorist” ???? GTFOH with that B@!!$%#%. 1 set of rules for the left and 1 set of harsher rules for the right which is not correct in either case and the law should be blind to the left and right and uphold law as the laws stand ( hence why you see the blindfolded statue associated with the justice department with the weight scales displayed) when you stray from that fact things have the possibility of getting horribly worse and can lead to huge uprising were the population will eventually take things into their own hands to up hold the law and no longer be pushed over or mistreated and the Constitution and Bill of Rights being ignored will put the majority of people on a course we are on track with now as a country, which is a very dangerous path. May god help us all!!!!

  2. I can not believe y’all are still talking about this when our country is in the shitter. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  3. So glad to see Mr.Bannon ignore this fake investigation of the mostly peaceful protestors at our Capitol on Jan. 6th.

    Sorry Congressional Democrats , , , Mr. Bannon was not at the Jan. 6th protest and those protesters were and are patriots

    for taking a stand against our rigged Presidential vote the led to a mentally compromised Joe Biden infesting our White House.

    ~ Mr. Biden, the Jan. 6th Commission & Democratic Congressmen are incompetent fools.


    Myself and most Americans already hold severe contempt for Congress & the entire failed Biden mess.

  4. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison 1787. . I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.1 Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." – Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, January 30, 1787

  5. あなた方がヒラリーとの関わりが有ったとしたら、立場として不味く成りますか❓️🤔

  6. Their neighbor said: " you never know whose next door. If they minorities white folks would have preconceived suspicions. White privilege & the preconceptions of it are deadly.

  7. The "normal" white suburban couple committing espionage get bail? Bet they are republicans. IT'S CALLED TREASON. PUNISHABLE BY DEATH SO SAYS THE CONSTITUTION. ANOTHER SLAP ON THE WRIST?

  8. Columbus set sail from Spain in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. On August 3, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus started his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. With a crew of 90 men and three ships—the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria—he left from Palos de la Frontera, Spain.

  9. Proclamation 554Columbus Day 1986
    the President
    A Proclamation
    Each year, we are privileged to honor Christopher Columbus, whose epic voyages of discovery shaped the development of the Western Hemisphere. This great explorer won a place in history and in the hearts of all Americans because he challenged the unknown and thereby found a New Worl

  10. So let's's been over 500 years since Columbus landed here. Columbus Day has been celebrated for about 500 years. So your telling me this generation is the first to get it right. And The others for 500 years got it wrong. Go back to your woke book

  11. So let's's been over 500 years since Columbus landed here. Columbus Day has been celebrated for about 500 years. So your telling me this generation is the first to get it right. And The others for 500 years got it wrong. Go back to your woke book

  12. ABC news is a POS news outlet. Lies lies lies. Trump never once told the rioters to attack the capital. And do you really believe those people are going to stop if he told them too. Lmao the media today is own by the Demorats. They don't report they try and sway you. They live in fear that he will run again. Biden has broken this country up along with obamass. Where is that computer, hunter, whistleblower. Why has the FBI been so hush hush. Why is the Democraps so quiet about Biden and Harris. Corruption that's why. Where is Harris, this guy has know clue what he is doing. The death rate for covid is almost as much as trump and he inherited the vaccine. Trump didn't have it right away. 9 months in office and he has a high death rate. Lmao yeah he's bringing us together all right.

  13. "Congress pushes Trump insiders to testify before January 6 commission" thereby reminding us, yet again, that #Jan621 Insurrectionist #HangryDJT is "utterly incompetent" as per the words of both his own Federal Judge elder-sister Maryanne Trump Barry and his own Clinical Psychologist niece Dr. Mary Trump. May #Imp2POTUS45 always hear "You're fired" via the unwavering reality of election results that reject him who is the cause of #MourningInAmerica.

  14. Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower, still hasn’t come clean about the fact that she buried the Hunter Biden laptop and kept it from being broadly distributed via her corner of social media. She is a direct contributor to the January 6th insurrection happening in the first place. Yet she’s calling for even more censorship than before.

  15. 😂😂😂, their like children on the playground crying to the PE teacher that Bobby isn't letting me bully him

  16. The Presidents of Africa, Asia, and Europe, must insist on phone records going back 5 years of, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Clinton and Fauci. You cannot give the world Corvid 19, murder 5 million people and get away with this. Either all of the said mentioned was part of this mass murder, or just half of them. This is a world problem, go into their phone records, and did and dig. The FBI must do their job !! Nobody hated Trump more than these FIVE. Are they so driven by hate, that they can plan this massacre ? YES , these people are not normal !! Where is the AU, Arab and Asian countries on this. 191 nations to scared to challenge Mighty America on this issue ? This is not a Democrat / Republican issue. All the leaders of the world talk in whispers, STOP THIS !! We people outside America have been watching America for 5 years. Our leaders must demand answers from America. The FBI must work with the Japanese, Thai, Indian, Arab and African Police forces. The FBI on its own is to corrupt to act on its own. A united league of Nations must work with the CIA and FBI on this matter. Enough is Enough !!

  17. More of Biden’s communist propaganda from the bias ABC communist network..Russia…Russia…Russia…you people will do anything to try and cancel a great president.years of lies only to find out it was actually about the lap top or Quidprojoes Ukrainian buyout..don’t subscribe..boycott abc.

  18. Who believes Steve Bannon is afraid of going to jail for contempt of Congress?
    For years, all he has had IS contempt FOR Congress!
    The attempted coup d'etat on the 6th of January  by 'domestic  terrorists' was a direct result of years of gross and deliberate neglect of the American people.
    Unfortunately, these fed-up  Americans chose the wrong  cause, as well as the wrong person to lead them.
    The rich are the problem, and will never give us a solution. 

    It  actually doesn't matter whether we elect a Republican or Democrat. The result for America and Americans is the same!
    We are poorer; the elite are wealthier.
    The right to free speech has all  but disappeared,.
    Our elections ARE suspect.
    The shameful truth is that  the  USA has been dropped from the world's top 20 democracies  …and rightly so !
    Steve Bannon held a position in the White House which gave him access to the highest classified material.
    As a result he is
    perfectly aware of what our Congresspersons are agreeing to have done to innocent everyday Americans.
    Few in the world are aware of   the  little known  atrocities  committed  by the US government  upon its own citizens.
    I will  support this above allegation  using a banal but very telling example.

    Please recall the ominous threat which Ms. Susan Rice  (the former National Security  Advisor under President  Barrack Hussein Obama,   and presently an appointee within the Biden  administration) made to the artist   Snoop Dogg.

    'Snoop back the  * off. You come for  @ Gayle King,  you come against an army.  You will lose and it won't be pretty.'

    Miss  Rice was speaking literally and not figuratively. She was openly referring to the targeted individuals program.
    You must understand four things before I turn to Miss Rice's public, open,  and obvious threat.

    A.  The Pentagon is missing 21 ( TWENTY-ONE) TRILLION dollars from its massive budget.  (It is safe to say that a large portion of this missing money goes to fund this highly individualized Targeted Individuals Program.)
    B.   Vice  President Kamala Harris was a sitting member of the Homeland Security Committee,  The  Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as The Senate Select Committee on intelligence , as a result Harris was, in all probability, well aware of the  Crimes  Against  Humanity being perpetrated against everyday, innocent Americans.
    C.  It  is also of paramount importance to understand that the CIA / DOD habitually and deliberately insert elements into the Targeted  Individuals  Program which actually mimic a psychosis.  Adding these elements guarantees that the Target will not be believed.
    D.  Most of the chemical /biological weaponry  tested upon, and  which are used for torture upon, Targeted  Individuals were most likely produced by the CIA /DoD bio lab at Fort Detrick. ( Some videos concerning Fort Detrick's bio lab remain on YouTube, but most have been scrubbed by the government..)

    Let  us  now return to Miss  Rice and her threat against Snoop Dogg.
    The former National Security Advisor categorically stated that  Snoop would be coming against an army .

    The USA has well over 800 military bases. Over 500 of these bases are located outside of the USA  … even in Africa  …AFRICA!
    Everywhere these military bases are located reports arise of 5G electromagnetic torture. …Directed Energy attacks.
    From Japan to Thailand, from England to the USA,  the precise  same  reports  of EM torture.
    ( In case you're unaware that 5G electromagnetic weapons exist, search under  ADS (Active Denial  System), you will find an ancient government video which shows a tank which  shoots 5G electromagnetic radiation.
    If this  government siite has been scrubbed, you can still find videos of this equipment  on mainstream media  outlets.
    There is also information  on Direct Energy Weapons on Forces News on YouTube.  One video is  entitled,  "Britain's  Laser Weapons Move."   The Government official in this video states that the USA is already in possession of these directed  energy weapons. ")

    Please note that the official government video denies that handheld versions of this electromagnetic technology exist. Absolutely false!
    Handheld 5G  EM weaponry has existed for at least three decades.
    There is even a miniature version small enough to fit into a man's front trouser pocket and still leave room for his hand inside the same pocket. The power and range of this miniature gun can cause heart arrhythmia in the Target and consequently death is a possibility. This method is used to publicly execute a Target and have the death appear to be from medical causes rather than a CIA/DoD hit.
    Another rather ingenious assassination technique which has been developed by the CIA DOD is food  suffocation.
    The food or drink of the Target is contaminated using a biological /chemical agent. Upon consuming this agent the Target's throat immediately tightly swells up.  Food is trapped in the throat passage -way and he victim is unable to breathe.
    The offending biological/chemical agent disappears from the victim's system within minutes.
    Once again, we see a gendre of assassination which gives a false impression that the victim was not murdered,  but  rather died due to an unhappy set of circumstances.
    (As an aside the CIA/DoD scientists had  perfected by the 1960s an extremely  virulent cancer which is many times (but not solely) used to produce throat cancer in  its victims .)
    All chemical and biological assassination methods are perfected using none volunteer subjects .. Targeted  Individuals.  (After many practice killings, the CIA /DOD determined that the best assassins were 23 year old women who had not had children.
    (For more information on C I A/DoD covert EM weaponry read, " Project Soul Catcher " by scientist Robert Duncan who also wrote "How to Tame a Demon."  These books expose a tiny fraction of the CIA/DOD program of targeting and experimentation upon innocent subjects.
    CAUTION:  Mr.  Duncan worked  for the CIA for a period of time.  Consequently, it must be assumed that these books were  vetted by the CIA/DoD before publication.))

    To go forward,  I must now go back a bit.
    Some of you may recall the disinformation apology by former  President  William Clinton for the CIA/DoD developed,  Project MK-Ultra .
    (This apology can  still be found on YouTube.)
    In this CIA/DiD writen speech , President Clinton greatly diminished the level of the human rights abuses, the intensity and horror of the torture, as well as the fact that these practices  are actual  Crimes  Against Humanity.
    I must emphasize that the CIA/DoD ROUTINELY commits  Crimes Against Humanity both  through MK -Ultra as well as its renamed off -shoots.
    Nor did Clinton mention that systematic killing of MK -Ultra victims once they were deemed to be "unnecessary" ( around age thirty for women) was "normal ."

    The President also failed to mention that the CIA/DoD developed projects were heavily  reliant upon  SRA ( Satanic Ritual Abuse ) to achieve their trauma-based mind control objectives.  ( The YouTube channel of Fiona Barnett a SRA Survivor who , as a small child,  was sexually  farmed out to President Nixon and the Reverend Billy Graham (amongst many others).
    Fiona was, therefore, a child mind -control victim of the CIA/DoD  sex trafficking operation. (She now receives a pittance in compensation from the Australian government.
    Please take note that the Intelligence Agencies of Australia and the USA have been combined making Australia of vassal state of the USA.
    NATO aligned  Intelligence Services also cooperate in these CIA/DoD Criminal projects which includes:

    1.  Sex trafficking of young victims of both sexes, and children even toddlers of both sexes.
    2.  Organs trafficking .
    3.  Drugs trafficking .
    4.  Weapons trafficking
    Clinton  additionally neglected to mention that the above mentioned  sexual exploitation of and trafficking of women and children is an instrumental  part of these trauma-based mind control projects.  (See the book ,  "The  Trans   Formation  of America,"  by Cathy O'Brien.

    Miss O'Brien is an MK -Ultra Survivor, as is her child who was also sexually trafficked as a toddler (and , as a result of this repeated ,systematic trauma  this child is now permanently institutionalized.))

    President Clinton solemnly promised that project MK-Ultra would be terminated.
    He lied !
    Project MK-Ultra was, in fact,  renamed and expanded.
    One offshoot of this renaming and expansion is the Targeted Indiividuals Program.
    (For more information orn project MK-Ultra,  research, " The Black  Vault," which is the fruit of a crowd-funded  FOIA request.)

    Miss Susan Rice was therefore, in front of the world,  in plain sight, threatening Snoop Dogg with being placed in this Targeted Individuals  Program.

    Sixteen  of the  many  elements of the CIA/DoD Slow -kill  Targeted  Individuals  Program are:
    1. Being chipped like an animal .
    Miniature drones,  which were the size of bees in 2008 and which are much smaller now,  are many times used to fly over and  around a TI, most likely the flyover is to inject  AI ( Artificial Intelligence)nto the target.
    ( See the videos of Russell Brand on E. Musk's  implant experimentation on monkeys which can transfer information between a computer and the subject's mind,  and can even read minds.
    In  reality the CIA/DoD have been doing this dxxtechnology for years. 
    They  are now ready to collect money by  stepping  forward with an  ancient version of this technology using  E. Musk (and others) as their beard.)¹
    2.  Having your ears  bombarded with high frequencies which destroy the hearing and damage the brain.

  19. Chile is under attack from finance through a terrorist network from the United States through Prudential Financial with one of the main targets Arthur Ryan among several other entities, make me part of your Republic of Thieves and my goal would be to send the entire Chilean army to attack the United States both naval and air, if you do not believe in this good continue with or same

  20. This again 😂,sad, very sad. What the several treasonous coup attempts by Democrats like Schiff and the FBI? America is corrupt as fck.

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