Biden fighting to keep his agenda moving – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden’s agenda is on the line as he tries to rally support against the latest legislation that peels back voting rights as well as the latest on the Jan. 6 investigation.

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By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Biden fighting to keep his agenda moving”
  1. Biden is Not in Charge. Biden agreed to be a PUPPET. He knew THAT from the start. He knew THAT when he agreed to be the Democrats' candidate. He knew that he would NOT be the one making the Decisions. The Decisions would actually be made by Ex President OBAMA, but would take into account the views of a small group of Big Tech billionaires, together with a group of senior Democrats who worked for/with Obama during his Presidency. In effect Obama IS RUNNING THE SHOW as his 3rd Presidency. It is a crazy situation where the "elected" US President is clearly a PUPPET and the decisions are NOT HIS; hence Biden does not want to be "Questioned" about them as he is NOT familiar with all the details that Obama has in his mind . It's a MESS ! and it will lead to many many UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES .

  2. Democratic party knew that this was going to happen first of all that everybody was getting together to go stand because they knew it was water fraud they seen it right with their own eyes and the Democratic party in White House took advantage of that Put other entities in place because the Democratic party knew they all knew and the White House down that people were marching to the capital so Hillary's stupid brain and pelosi's ignorant brain put this little plan together thought it was a great opportunity for the Democratic party they've already convicted everybody that was there already judged him that's why pelosi said that she wants a 9-11 investigation which we all know to be fact to be true the government within the United States created that crime with the illegal said they had brought over they needed a mass destruction of people in United States that was China's code to let them know that they will take control of their people United States 9/11 was done for China China wanted to see how serious the Democratic party Obama Bush Hillary pelosi Kamala kamala's husband and Biden was how serious they was to hand over the key for United States to China the big delusion was, it wasn't Taliban or isis that was the delusion because they(White House and Democratic party) knew the United States people would believe in the terrorist of the taliban's and isis that's why the United States people and around the world accepted this delusion but it was an inside job from the White House and China and that's when everything started changing rapidly from our food to our children to everyday living and breathing that's when our lives change is when they put in motion the 9/11 (it doesn't matter if you believe me or not that 9/11 was a lot of souls going to heaven all at once that was a mass destruction

  3. How many recent media reports have you seen that detail what's in the infrastructure plan?

    Perhaps if the media reported about what's in the infrastructure plan and how all US citizens would benefit from the funds, instead of spending so much time on what Trump is doing, things could be different. But they don't. We need to let everyone know what's in the package (what's left, at least) and how it will benefit them. Otherwise, republicans will continue to simply accept the target that Trump gives them constantly: Biden and democrats. Of course republicans hate Biden, they're not being given any reason to find the package personally beneficial.

    We all know that's what matters to them: how they'll have more money in their pockets. It doesn't matter that Trump didn't do anything for them or get them any money – unless you are rich, that is – they just accept the lies he tells them and look no further. So give them reason to: focus on what Biden's plans will do for THEM and stop providing the ammunition that Trump hands them.

  4. Just wait, if his build back better gets passed, we will see an historic low Presidential approval rating ‼️ Let's go Brandon 👏👏👏👏👏

  5. joe callous pinocchio biden and his imbecilic political slogan about ending ‘the forever wars’ is expaning the war making jihadist thugs stronger, afghan women.. usa an untrusted ally..

  6. bidens ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of the USA and the FAKE MSM are part of the NARRATIVE/AGENDA…. 🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔🤥🥔

  7. This President is a bloodline to the Illuminati CULT. All Presidents are selected by their DNA in their illuminati bloodlines. His was more stronger than Trumps bloodline. Biden and his bloodline CULT, stole the election on purpose because they have to keep the bloodline installed. He keeps hiring nefarious people to DHHS a transgender baphomet, Levine, without a public hearing or vote. Then he tries to hire David Anderson, a.k.a., Chip Anderson ATF agent involved in the ritual sacrifice, mass murders of innocent people he did not even know in Ruby Ridge and WACO Siege ritual sacrifice, mass murders of innocent people he did not know on a personal level. He was just following immoral orders don't you know. He, David Anderson, was about to be hired without a public hearing, or a public vote. All of these events that Anderson was involved in was on the satanic calendar timeline. Continuing-Biden pattern of conduct in the installation of nefarious, evil, diabolicals are on purpose by design. Biden is a fraud, fake, and phony. He knows that the corona virus is a hoax/scam, wants to everyone locked down in permanent imprisonment and he keeps on perpetuating the lies of the corona virus fraud. Biden is extremely incompetent, makes very poor decisions, and very, very poor judgements. He continuously hires the wrong people without a public hearing or vote and is extremely, extremely untrustworthy. His pattern of continued conduct/behavior has already set off major warning signs. Time to impeach him from the oval office and FIRE the Levine, satanic alien, transgender baphomet, mentally disturbed mental patient as Secretary of DHHS-IT'S FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE, THE PEOPLE, DEMAND A MULTIPLE PATHOGICAL TEST GIVEN TO BIDEN THAT IS DATE, TIME, STAMPED VIDEO EVIDENCE FROM RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY SOURCES THAT HAVE PROVEN TRACK RECORDS IN TRUST AND ACCURACY, WE DEMAND A RIGOROUS, VIGOROUS, INVESTIGATIVE BACKGROUND CHECK ON BIDEN, WE DEMAND MULTIPLE BRAIN SCANS ON BIDEN, AND FORENSIC, MULTIPLE, PSYCH EVALUATIONS TO INCLUDE POLYGRAPH TEST EVERY WEEK released as open source UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT. NO MORE RELYING ON NEWSPAPERS, T.V., AS TRUTH ORACLES AND NO MORE DIEBOLD/DOMINION VOTING MACHINES THAT ARE RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS THE STANDARD IN SELECTING THE MORAL PEOPLE TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE PLANET AND NOT A ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE OF IMMORAL PRESIDENTS BEHIND THE SCENES TO DESTROY EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET IN INCREMENTS!!!!!!!GET THE PICTURE?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE ONTO THIS ACTING SHOW OF FRAUD AND FAKERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T WANT TO COOPERATE? GUESS YOU'LL BE IMPEACHED IN SHORT ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE, DEMAND 22,000.00 U.S.D. PER MONTH TAX AND INTEREST FREE(FOR LIFE) FOR THE COVID, SARS-2 GENOCIDE THAT YOU, BIDEN, HELPED TO PARTICIPATE IN AND PERPETRATE!!!!!!!!!!! TO INCLUDE DESTRUCTION OF THE ECONOMY ON PURPOSE BY DESIGN BY YOUR NEFARIOUS, CULT MEMBERS. THE PITTANCE OFFERED IS NOT GOING TO CUT IT!!!!!!!

  8. Let's Go Brandon ! ENGLISH

    Andiamo Brandon! ITALIAN

    ¡Vamos, Brandon! SPANISH

    Eamus Brandonus! LATIN

    Πάμε Μπράντον! GREEK

    Auf geht's Brandon! GERMAN

    Allons Brandon ! FRENCH

    La oss gå Brandon! NORWEGIAN

    가자 브랜든! KOREAN

    Eime Brandon! LITHUANIAN

    בואו נלך ברנדון! HEBREW

    Chodźmy Brandon! POLISH

    چلیں برینڈن! URDU

    Laten we gaan Brandon! DUTCH

  9. On the 29 trillion budget.

    Gorge Sorrows want all his money back from paying off the politicians – generals – top cops

    – governors – mayors – doctors – universities – NEWS MEDIA antifa – blm — etc.etc.etc.

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